Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 29 - Mysterious woman


It was gradually getting dark and the people had finished preparing their respective tents.

But now people don't just go straight into tents to rest. This is because the army is currently distributing food to the residents.

Even though it was only one day of doom, many residents who fled did not have time to bring food.

Therefore, when the army distributed food, people were happy.

They obediently waited for their turn to get food.

Actually the food that was distributed was just ordinary bread, but for those who ran away without bringing food, it was enough as long as they could sleep soundly tonight.

After all, tomorrow they will travel to Qingyuan.

While people like their bread, some people who bring food prefer to keep their bread rations and eat the food they bring.

Yang Chen's group for example, they not only ate instant noodles, they even had boiled eggs as a side dish.

Actually Yang Chen and Xinqi even had canned meat, but because they didn't want to be too conspicuous and made people who ate bread jealous, they could only issue instant noodles and eggs.

They also added some snacks as a flavor enhancer. And some cans of alcohol as drinks.

Even the Dongbei Hu group and Chen Feng group also had their own supplies.

"After eating everyone is required to enter the tent and rest. This is Commander Shen Xi's orders." When people are busy eating, a soldier's loud voice is heard.

The announcement was to tell people to get into their tents after eating and not wandering around.

Yang Chen's group didn't care too much about the army announcement because they themselves wanted to rest tonight.

After struggling all day, whether it was Yang Chen, Xinqi, or the Dongbei Hu group and Chen Feng group, they were both tired. They want to save energy for tomorrow's trip.

An hour later.

The atmosphere has become quiet, people are already sleeping in their tents. Xinqi slept with Yanyan and Gu Yue.

As for Yang Chen, he was alone in the tent.

Alone in the tent, Yang Chen could only daydream because he was not yet sleepy.

He could not help but remember the hot scene with Xinqi last night.

As Yang Chen continued to daydream, he felt like urinating.

Yang Chen then came out of his tent.

Outside there were only a few soldiers on patrol. Sometimes there are gunshots in the distance, obviously there are always zombies trying to approach the police station.

The soldier knew Yang Chen when he was still in the army.

A person like Yang Chen who even dared to touch the buŧŧ of the commander Shen Xi, was not someone who could be provoked by an ordinary soldier like him.

Yang Chen, who saw the soldier not approaching him after seeing his face, could not help but smile.

He was quite satisfied that his face could also frighten some soldiers.

Yang Chen then walked towards the army.

Seeing Yang Chen walk towards him, the soldier became a little nervous.

Seeing the soldiers who looked nervous, Yang Chen became even more satisfied.

"Hi bro, I just want to pee." Not wanting to complicate the soldier, Yang Chen said his aim was to go out at night.

Hearing that Yang Chen only wanted to urinate, the army heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother Yang, you can go there, there is a toilet there." The soldier immediately pointed towards Yang Chen.

"Thank you, bro." Looking in the direction pointed by the army, Yang Chen did not forget to thank him for telling him the location of the toilet. He then walked in the direction pointed by the soldier.

After walking for a while, Yang Chen looked at the toilet. He immediately went inside.

About a few minutes, Yang Chen came out with a relieved face.

He then walked back towards his tent.

But as he was about to head back to his tent, in a certain dark corner he saw someone slip away.

Seeing that, Yang Chen became suspicious, he thought who was the person who snuck out.

After a while of thinking, Yang Chen headed towards the person who slipped away. He wondered who it was and what that person was doing.

The man's running was pretty fast and in just a few minutes, he was already a few hundred meters from the police station.

Looking at that person's speed, Yang Chen knew that that person was an evolutionary. And looking at her body shape, he also knew that that person was a woman.

Yang Chen also kept his distance from that woman more than 100 meters. Even though it was quite a long distance, Yang Chen could still follow it because increasing the evolutionary level would also increase the senses.

The woman continued to run quickly and Yang Chen continued to follow from behind.

It was only when there were quite a few hordes of zombies that quite a number of women stopped.

The woman then issued a black spear, her body was then enveloped by lightning, she then headed straight towards the zombie mob and fought with the zombies.

Seeing the woman fighting, Yang Chen approached a little so he could clearly see who the woman was.

After looking closer at around 50 meters, Yang Chen could see a little more clearly the woman.

The woman is wearing a tank top and long jeans. She has long hair in a ponytail. She also wears glasses. Yang Chen guessed that it was night vision goggles.

The woman's body is also very sėxy. Even from afar, Yang Chen could still clearly see every protrusion from a woman's body. The bulge was very mȧturė and described maturity, Yang Chen thought the woman might be 30 years old or a little less.

It's just that Yang Chen's vision is not enough to clearly see her face so Yang Chen can't recognize him yet.

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