Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 43 - Progress

When Yang Chen's spear pierced the zombie's neck, the golden flame in the spear immediately blossomed and burned zombie flesh. Because of Yang Chen's golden flame, the hole produced by the spear became bigger so Yang Chen could enter into it.

Yang Chen who was still gliding flying naturally would not stop when the hole due to the spear thrust was big enough for him to enter.

Whousss ... Yang Chen immediately flew into the hole.

"Aoooo ..." Zombies could only scream helplessly when Yang Chen entered his neck.

He used his hands to look for the one that hurt his neck, but unfortunately he did not find anything because Yang Chen had entered his flesh.

"Burning ..." When inside the zombie's neck, Yang Chen immediately blew up all the golden flames that had blazed in his body.

Simultaneously, Shen Xi's lightning on her spear also immediately spread to zombie flesh.

Hisssss ... The sound of a sting can be heard from the zombie's neck.

The golden flames and lightning really raged inside the zombie's neck.

From the outside, the zombie's neck looks bumpy because of the raging fire and lightning inside its neck.

It looks like it can explode at any time.

Boom ... When a zombie's neck can no longer resist the raging fire and lightning from inside. The neck immediately exploded and separated the zombie's body and head.

"Aooooo." Zombie miserable screams can be heard when his neck explodes. But unfortunately that was his last scream.

Whousss ... When the zombie's last scream sounded, Yang Chen had already slid out past the zombie neck.

Just now Yang Chen came out of the zombie neck, an enormous white light suddenly came out from the zombie body.

The light was so large and bright that the area around Yang Chen's fight against elite zombies looked like daylight due to the light produced.

After the white light came out from the zombie body, it then split into two.

One of them went to Yang Chen and the other went to Shen Xi.

The one going towards Yang Chen looks bigger than the one going towards Shen Xi.

That's only natural. After all, Yang Chen's contribution was far more.

Three items can also be seen falling from zombies.

The spear is blue.

And a yellow box.

Whosss ... After being split in half, white light quickly entered Yang Chen and Shen Xi's bodies.

"Congratulations on reaching level 16.

You get 16 statistical points.

You also get 16 strength attribute points. "

"Congratulations on reaching level 17.

You get 17 statistical points.

You also get 17 strength attribute points. "

"Congratulations on reaching level 18.

You get 18 statistical points.

You also get 18 strength attribute points. "

Instantly three consecutive sounds could be heard in Yang Chen's ears. He immediately rose three levels to level 18.

Yang Chen even felt he wasn't far from level 19. If he killed just one level 20 monster, he would definitely level up.

With Yang Chen's current strength, he was very confident in killing level 20 monsters.

Yang Chen could feel his strength increasing a lot after gaining 51 attribute strength points.

"Add 17 spirits, 17 speed, 17 vitalities." Yang Chen immediately ordered to raise his other statistics.

If accumulated, Yang Chen's current statistics are.

[Strength: 205

Spirit: 81 + 47 = 128

Level 1 item.

Spatial Ring: 7 Spirits

Spirit Rings: 20 Spirits

Spirit necklace: 20 spirits

Speed: 77

Vitality: 80]

With the attribute of strength being the highest and reaching 205 points.

With the strength attribute reaching 205 points, Yang Chen felt very strong. He felt he could easily throw a truck, knock down buildings. Yang Chen even felt he could get the tank thrown with just his punch.

Yang Chen then walked towards the zombie body. There are still three items dropped by zombies.

Shen Xi also walked towards three items. She looked very curious about the blue spear.

"Level 2 item. Lightning spear ...

Suitable for lightning element users. "

As Yang Chen and Shen Xi looked at the blue spear, a system notification sound rang out.

Apparently it was a level 2 item and was very suitable for use by lightning element users.

"It looks like the system really knows what someone needs." Seeing the items that were very compatible with Shen Xi, Yang Chen had to admit that this system really knew what was needed.

"I will take this spear." Shen Xi didn't care whether Yang Chen agreed or not, she immediately took the lightning spear.

Of course Yang Chen also wouldn't object to Shen Xi taking the spear.

Shen Xi then started to try her lightning spear.

Yang Chen then walked towards the yellow box and picked it up.

"Open ..." Taking the yellow box, Yang Chen immediately opened the box.

Whosss ... Instantly the box opened and something came out of the inside.

Ring. What came out was a ring that looked normal. It looked like a toy ring sold by toy traders.

But when Yang Chen heard the system notification, he finally realized how great the ring was.

"Level 2 items.

Level 2 spatial ring.

Has 100 square meters of space.

The user will get 30 spirit points.

Using this item requires the user to remove another spatial ring. "

"Wohhh ..." Yang Chen was immediately amazed after hearing the use of the ring.

Even Shen Xi who was busy with her spear was also staring at the ring with glowing eyes.

"Hah." Shen Xi quickly turned his gaze again. He returned to playing with his new spear.

Because the yellow box was Yang Chen's ration, he immediately put on a new spatial ring and removed the old one.

Yang Chen then put his level 1 spatial ring into his level 2 spatial ring.

After the level 1 spatial ring enters the level 2 spatial ring, all items in the level 1 spatial ring go directly out of the ring.

Wearing a level 2 spatial ring, Yang Chen could feel the power of his spirit becoming very strong.

"Huh ..."

After that Yang Chen immediately sat down. He was very tired and his body was sweating quite a lot. Yang Chen then brought out his spirit apple to replenish his stamina.

When Yang Chen sat down, Shen Xi Yang had been playing with her new spear coming towards Yang Chen. She looked exhausted too, and her body was filled with sweat.

After sitting Shen Xi immediately took out a spirit apple and ate it to restore her stamina.

They are both exhausted.

But only after a few bites, Yang Chen couldn't help but keep his eyes from glancing towards Shen Xi.

Shen Xi currently has a messy appearance.

Her body was filled with sweat.

Her clothes were torn.

The pants were cut off so long legs could be seen.

But this messy appearance is what makes a woman who is almost 30 years old or maybe already 30 years old, look very sėxy.

Yang Chen felt his body become very hot just by staring at Shen Xi briefly.

His breathing became breathless.

"I'll give you what you want from me."

When Yang Chen thought about Shen Xi's words before, Yang Chen felt that all of his rationality was gone.

It is unknown what demon entered Yang Chen, but he suddenly stood up and walked to Shen Xi.

Yang Chen didn't even give Shen Xi a chance to be surprised, he immediately used his hand to hug Shen Xi's waist.

Yang Chen used all his strength while hugging Shen Xi's waist.

His hands even went straight into Shen Xi's tanktop to find Shen Xi's curvaceous ċhėst.

When he found it, Yang Chen immediately squeezed it roughly.

"Yang Chen what do you mean?" Shen Xi who finally regained consciousness spoke directly to Yang Chen.

"Sister Shen ..." With a panting breath, Yang Chen mentioned Shen Xi's name.

He continued his disgraceful actions towards Shen Xi's body.

Yang Chen even began to lick Shen Xi's neck which was filled with sweat.

Yang Chen did not feel disgusted at all with Shen Xi's sweat. He even considered it the purest water.

Shen Xi tried to rebel with her strength, but how could she fight Yang Chen's strength.

"Yang Chen what do you mean by this." Seeing Yang Chen who did not care about her and continued to do despicable actions on her body, Shen Xi looked increasingly angry.

Yang Chen also woke up a little after hearing Shen Xi.

He stopped ŀɨċkɨnġ Shen Xi's neck and looked into Shen Xi's face. But Yang Chen's hand still squeezed Shen Xi's ċhėst.

"Ooh ..." When Yang Chen squeezed it strongly, Shen Xi could not help but mȯȧn.

"Sister Shen, you promised this." Yang Chen answered Shen Xi bravely.

"And also do you think I don't know that you like me.

When in the military you always behaved better towards me than others.

Even when I harass you in front of many people, you only fire me.

You don't make things difficult for me at all.

Why? That's because you're not angry with what I'm doing. "Yang Chen excitedly said to Shen Xi.

"So, sister Shen, today I want you."

After saying that, Yang Chen didn't give Shen Xi another chance to answer. He hugged Shen Xi tighter.

He then immediately ran towards the luxury hotel where they first hunted zombies.

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