Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 73 - New Followers

It takes a lot of time to share all the booty for everyone.

Ordinary people waiting in the car could not help but want to curse. Unfortunately they can only keep the curse in their hearts.

Just to distribute the booty, this evolutionary group has delayed a lot of travel time.

The time needed to distribute the spoils was even longer than the time needed to kill the hordes of zombies before.

If they continued like that every time they met zombies, they might not get to the refugee camp in Qingyuan.

They are still human, not yet evolutionary. If they continue to roam in the middle of a big city with lots of zombies, they might also become zombies.

Of course, even though ordinary people complain, the distribution of booty is inevitable.  These people can feel how great it is to have the power of evolution, and they know the items dropped by dead zombies are things that can help increase their strength, how could they not want it.

To maintain order, Shen Xi prefers to delay time, so that he can distribute the booty fairly. If not, maybe there will be chaos, if these people fight over the spoils among themselves.

As for storing all of that yourself, and giving it to the state. Even Shen Xi didn't dare to do that. These people are a group of supermen, not ordinary people like before. If the state takes away their rights, they might create problems that cannot be overcome by the state.

After a long time passed, the distribution of booty was over.

"Since it's finished, you all should hurry back to your respective vehicles. We will leave soon." Shen Xi shouted again, after finishing distributing the booty.

Shen Xi herself felt displeased in her heart. After all, she wanted to escort these ordinary people to the refugee camp, but she had to postpone it because she had to distribute booty. She was worried that if they stayed too long in the place, they would not get to Qingyuan in time.

If they meet the zombie mob again, something like that might happen again, and they will be delayed even more.

After hearing Shen Xi's orders, the people who had gotten their rations quickly returned to their respective vehicles.

The vehicles belonging to the Chen Feng group and the Dongbei Hu group were inside Yang Chen's spatial ring, so, they walked towards Yang Chen.

"Looks like you all got quite a lot of harvests, not bad." Yang Chen said when he saw these two groups of people who were his subordinates.

Not only did they get a lot of systems coins and system weapons, they also got most of the remaining skill books.

That is to say, almost all the harvest was obtained by Yang Chen's group.

As for Shen Xi, even though she was not part of Yang Chen's group, but she was still Yang Chen's woman.

"But compared to brother Yang, even our combined results are nothing compared to those produced by brother Yang alone." Dongbei Hu said, in a tone of praise.

"Hehehe. Ouch." Yang Chen wanted to continue to say, but suddenly Yanyan pinched his hand.

"Brother Yang, stop bragging, we will leave soon." Yanyan said, which made Yang Chen feel ashamed of himself when his own guise was opened.

Despite wanting to laugh, Chen Feng's group and Dongbei Hu's group did not dare to laugh.

After seeing Yang Chen's strength as he killed many zombies alone, their respect for Yang Chen became higher. They were sure that following Yang Chen was the right choice.

"Big Brother, can we join you too."

Suddenly a group of people came towards Yang Chen's group, there were around ten of them.

The one who speaks is the person who leads these people. That person was a middle-aged man, he had a distended belly and fat body, and he also wore a business suit and a blue tie which looked disheveled. Even though it looks disheveled, people can still know that it is a fancy outfit.

Even though the person's eyes looked small because of his fat body, one could still see the sneaky rays from his eyes. Obviously this man was a very skilled businessman before the system and zombies appeared. He must be a big boss.

As for the people who followed behind him, they all looked like office employees judging by their appearance. They all might be employees of that fat man.

Previously, Yang Chen also saws this fat man kill many zombies. Even though his body is fatty, his strength is not small. He might be as strong as Dongbei Hu.

He fought with Mace. The way he fought reminded Yang Chen of the elite G1 zombie he had fought before.

He also got quite a lot of rations before. And he is one of the people who got the skill book.

Of course the most surprising thing is that person is an evolutionary.

One must know, most people do not dare with zombies, especially people who previously had a good life. But not only does this fatty not fear zombies, he even becomes an evolutionary who can be considered strong.

Yang Chen was immediately interested in this person.

"Fatty, what is your name." Yang Chen said, immediately calling him Fatty.

If before the apocalypse, Yang Chen would definitely not call such a big boss with the nickname Fatty. But now, he was not afraid at all. After all, Fatty also called him big brother before.

The people behind Fatty, who might have been Fatty's employees, couldn't help but twitch in their faces, when they saw their boss smiled after being called Fatty.

They did not know whether their boss would be angry if called Fatty. But with his status before the zombie apocalypse, no one ever dared to call him Fatty.

"Hehehehe, this brother's name is Li Laoshan. Big brother can call me Fatty Li." Fatty Li said, with a smile as he said his name.

"Eh ..." When Fatty Li mentioned his name, everyone in Chen Feng's group immediately showed a surprised face.

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