Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 9 - Mosquito Monster

After consuming the 'spirit apple', Yang Chen and Xinqi had restored their stamina.

"What we will do next." Zhou Xinqi suddenly asked.

"How about we look for some more level 8 zombies in order to move up to level 7." Yang Chen answered.

"Fine ..." Zhou Xinqi agreed immediately.

Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi then began to move towards the other street.

As they continued to move cautiously, about 40 meters away, they saw a horde of zombies consisting of three level 8 zombies, six level 7 zombies, and many other zombies consisting of level 6 and below.

But fortunately the zombies this time are just ordinary zombies, there are no K1 type zombies.

They then moved towards the hordes of zombies carefully.

Their first target was a level 8 zombie, so they moved carefully towards the hordes.

After they are near the horde. Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi each immediately used their accelerating skills.

With speeds reaching 50 / km per hour, they who are only a few meters away from level 8 zombies immediately appear next to zombies in an instant.

Hisss ... The sound of a cut neck directly was heard.

Ordinary zombies are different from K1 type zombies. The only ability of ordinary zombies is to bite. As for the level, it only serves to increase their immunity. But in front of Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi's attack, the zombie's neck was still cut off.

The zombie body then emitted two white lights, each of which entered the bodies of Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi. But just that white light wasn't enough to make Yang Chen level up.

The sudden attack had alerted the other zombies so they started walking towards Yang Chen and Xinqi.

Seeing that, Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi also started carrying out their attacks.

Yang Chen with the flame-coated sword carried out continuous attacks on the zombie hordes. Whenever he attacks there will be fire spurts that will burn zombies to death.

While Zhou Xinqi wasn't standing still either, her beautiful movements prevented zombies from approaching, wherever she appeared there would be zombies falling o the ground with severed heads.

After more than 20 minutes, Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi finally succeeded in killing all the zombie hordes, making a lot of white light fly towards them, Yang Chen even felt that he was not far from leveling up.

And many items also fell, such as coins, 'spirit apples', black swords, and also about 6 white boxes.

Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi immediately collected all the items that had fallen. They also immediately started eating 'spirit apples' to restore their energy.

Ngung ...

Just when the two of them were going to relax suddenly the sound of mosquitoes could be heard from above them.

Yang Chen and Xinqi immediately looked up and what they saw made their faces turn pale.

Above them is a horde of mosquitoes surrounding them. Their sizes varying, the smallest the size of a fist, some are as big as a chicken. But the most frightening is the one that is in the middle of the crowd. The mosquito had a crown on its head and was even slightly larger than the previous cat monster.

"Level 1 Mosquito Monster

Level 2 Mosquito Monster

Level 3 Mosquito Monster

Level 4

Level 5

Mosquito monsters can suck blood of their enemies dry. "

System sounds suddenly sounded. Apparently the mosquito consisted of level 1 to level 5, but the queen was a level 10 mosquito.

Hearing the sound of the system, Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi's faces grew paler. They had just wanted to rest, and even though they had already eaten the 'spirit apple', they were still not fully recovered.

If it's just one mosquito monster, even if it's level 10, they can still kill it quickly. But if it is a horde of mosquitoes it will be too difficult. Plus mosquitoes can fly. Even though their jumps get higher after leveling up, they can't do anything if the mosquitos are flying to high.

"Let's run ..." Looking at the mosquitoes, Yang Chen had no choice but to run.

Yang Chen and Zhou Xinqi began to run in the direction they came. But the mosquitoes continued to chase them.

"If we can kill the queen, the horde of mosquitoes might disperse." Zhou Xinqi suddenly said.

"Right, but how are we going to kill the queen. The mosquito queen is flying quite high." Yang Chen asked.

"How about this, I will distract them while you are hiding to ambush the Queen of mosquitoes with your sun's fire. Mosquitoes are usually susceptible to fire, it might kill them right away."

Hearing Xinqi's words, although Yang Chen didn't want to make Xinqi into bait, he had no other choice. If they can't kill the queen, they might really die.


Then Yang Chen began to turn in the other direction to hide while Xinqi tried to attract the attention of the mosquito monsters.

After the mosquito monster passed by, Yang Chen reappeared and followed the mosquito monster carefully from behind.

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