Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 95 - Injuring KINGKONG eyes

Whosss whosss whosss

Bam bam bam

Very quickly, after hearing the words of Xinqi, the evolutionary and military who had been still silent, went chasing in the direction of the two KINGKONGs.

Some people actually wanted to go to the KINGKONG that Yang Chen faced, but when they remembered how strong Yang Chen was, they immediately stopped their steps and chose to head for the other two KINGKONG.

No one wants to anger someone as strong as Yang Chen!

They might be able to escape from KINGKONG, but clearly they cannot escape from Yang Chen.

Because of the previous KINGKONG jump, the two KINGKONG were in different positions and far apart. This will make it easier for them in the battle against KINGKONG. After all, if the two KINGKONG are close together, they can work together which makes them stronger, and makes it harder for the Evolutionists and the military to defeat him.

Various military weapons such as tanks and IFV are also advancing towards KINGKONG. These weapons can help Evolutionists and the military in their battle against KINGKONG.

Bam boom boom

When all Evolutionists who are at level 15 and above approach KINGKONG, they don't hold back at all. They all immediately attacked KINGKONG with their strongest attack. Different types of skills with different types of colors directly color the battlefield.

Every one of the many types of skill has a very devastating strength. The entire area of ​​the battlefield immediately shook violently when various skills that had the power of destroying the earth landed simultaneously.

Even if it was compared to the collision between Yang Chen's fist and KINGKONG's fist, it was several times more awesome.

The most striking among the types of skills that attack KINGKONG, of course are the Qi sword skills and thunder skills, each of which attacks one of the two KINGKONG.

On one side there were countless Qi swords that rained KINGKONG with swords. While on the other side there were countless lightning bolts which also rained KINGKONG.

Of course the two skills belong to Xinqi and Shen Xi.

Coupled with gunfire from Tank cannons and various other types of weaponry. The two KINGKONG which were very arrogant at first, could not help but jump around to avoid the various attacks.


There are five Tanks and eight IFVs along with a variety of other smaller weapons that have arrived.

When the men carrying the weapons arrived at the battlefield, they could not help but be surprised when they saw how terrible the battlefield was before their eyes.

Some of the soldiers might have jumped into the real battlefield before the zombie apocalypse occurred, but when compared to the battlefield, the battlefield in front of their eyes is no different from a hell. That's too terrible and scary.

They all doubted whether they should go into it or not?

After all, if they enter, they might die at any time.

But when they heard the command that entered their ears, they all quickly hurried to run into the battlefield while carrying weapons.

On the other hand, when Yang Chen saw the military and Evolution level 15 and above start the battle, he also did not remain silent.

His fist which was previously blue due to colliding with KINGKONG's fist has also recovered.

Whoss ...


A golden flash was seen flying towards KINGKONG which was only about 50 meters ahead.

KINGKONG who saw Yang Chen had flown towards him also did not remain silent, he again punched his fist which was as big as a truck. His face seemed to challenge Yang Chen to once again make their two fists collide to find out whose fist was stronger.

Of course Yang Chen didn't have the intention to respond to the KINGKONG challenge. After all, the reason he responded to KINGKONG with his fist before was to find out the difference in their strength.

Now Yang Chen was clear how strong KINGKONG was. He already knew the difference in their strength. Of course he would no longer care about the difference in their strength. He only cares about how to kill KINGKONG. --- Yang Chen felt that if he could kill KINGKONG with his own strength, he could rise to level 20.


Yang Chen's flying speed is very fast. That's as fast as lightning speed.

In just the time it took to blink twice, he was only ten meters away from the KINGKONG fist that punched at him.

Nine meters


However, right when Yang Chen was only eight meters away from KINGKONG's fist, the KINGKONG fist suddenly tilted slightly to the right and it no longer headed towards Yang Chen.

And whosss

Because the KINGKONG fist tilted slightly to the side, it did not hit Yang Chen's body.


Yang Chen passed KINGKONG's fist and quickly flew towards him.

Only after Yang Chen had passed KINGKONG's fist, it was clear why KINGKONG's fist suddenly tilted to the side. That's because right now KINGKONG was in a daze as if something big had hit his head.

Of course it wasn't because something had hit KINGKONG's head, but it was because KINGKONG was attacked by Yang Chen's soul attack skills.

Right when he flew through the air, Yang Chen had already used his soul attack skills to attack KINGKONG. And when he was only about eight meters away from KINGKONG's fist, KINGKONG's soul had been hit by a soul attack that caused him to immediately daze.

An attack that can make a level 16 monster pass out, only making the elite monster a little daze.

Yang Chen did not know how long before KINGKONG regained consciousness. But even if it was only for three blinks, it was enough for him to hurt KINGKONG.


Yang Chen continued to fly gliding towards KINGKONG.

And Yang Chen's current flying destination was KINGKONG's eyes.


Yang Chen is currently planning to hurt KINGKONG's eyes.


With only half a wink since Yang Chen passed KINGKONG's fist, he had arrived before KINGKONG's eyes.

Only after being in front of KINGKONG's eyes, Yang Chen was finally able to clearly see what KINGKONG's eyes were like. That's actually not much different from the human eye besides there is a slight reddish color that makes it look scary. --- And even though KINGKONG's eyes can be considered small when compared to his very large bodies. But the original size is actually very large. It was not the slightest smaller than Yang Chen's body.


When Yang Chen was about three meters away from KINGKONG's eyes, the golden flames in his body became increasingly blazing causing the temperature on the battlefield to rise dramatically again. --- Yang Chen also directed his golden flame to envelop his blood dragon spear.

Yang Chen also did not forget to use his super boxing skills to further increase the strength of his fists and tighten his grip.

Even though the eye is usually a very weak part of the body, KINGKONG's eyes will definitely not be weak. --- Even though the blood dragon spear could definitely easily pierce it, Yang Chen wanted to pierce it with full force.

Yang Chen hoped, because of his full strength, the damage that would occur would spread to the area around KINGKONG's eyes.


When Yang Chen had arrived before KINGKONG's eyes, he shouted loudly before jabbing his spear into KINGKONG's eyes.


When he jabbed his spear, the golden flames that enveloped his body also flared into KINGKONG's eyes.

When Yang Chen jabbed his spear, perhaps because of the heat caused by Yang Chen, KINGKONG suddenly woke up from his daze.

But even if KINGKONG was awakened, it was too late. When he woke up, all he saw in front of him was a spear followed by a golden flame piercing into his eyes.

Half a meter

The blood dragon spear was only half a meter from KINGKONG.

When KINGKONG saw the spear would pierce his eyes, even he could not hide fear from his eyes.

But no matter how scared he was, there was nothing he could do.

Avoid? It is impossible. Yang Chen was already in front of his eyes

Get rid of Yang Chen? That's even more impossible.

Even he did not have time to blink his eyes, how could he get rid of Yang Chen.

The time needed for Yang Chen to prick his eyes, was only two percent of the time needed to blink his eyes. How could KINGKONG have the time to blink his eyes when the spear would arrive when his eyes were only two percent of closed.

KINGKONG can't do anything but fear.

40 cm

30 cm

10 cm

5 cm

Yang Chen's spear was only 5 cm away from KINGKONG's eyes.

And buzzzz.

Yang Chen's spear finally managed to pierce KINGKONG's eyes.


When Yang Chen's spear pierced KINGKONG's eyes, a breaking sound could be heard from KINGKONG's eyes.

The fire in the spear and Yang Chen's body also immediately exploded and burned KINGKONG's entire body.

It immediately covered area 50 around KINGKONG. --- And immediately increased the heat so it made everyone on the battlefield feel breathless.


After piercing KINGKONG's eyes, Yang Chen managed to land his feet on KINGKONG's face.


Not delaying the slightest amount of time, Yang Chen immediately used his shadow step skills and disappeared from the front of KINGKONG's face.


After Yang Chen's departure, there were only screams from the blazing golden fire.

The scream was so loud that it was clearly heard, to the place where ordinary people were.

People all over on the battlefield also couldn't help but turn their gaze to the origin of the screams.

But what they saw there was only a golden flame burning like a sun in the sky. --- While screams could be heard coming from within the golden flames.

People could not help but tremble in fear when they imagined what Yang Chen had done so the KINGKONG was crying in pain.

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