"Dear citizens of the Human Union Underground City No. 1183, according to the latest observations, the sun will explode with a helium flash in 30 minutes."

"Human civilization has entered the final 30-minute countdown."

"We... have failed."

In the underground city 500 meters below the earth's surface, a heavy female voice was played from the speakers everywhere.

Everyone who heard the broadcast felt an unspeakable sense of suffocation deep in their hearts.

Lv Yongchang sat expressionlessly in front of a holographic projection.

In the holographic image, a huge fireball burned quietly in the deep space of the universe.

This is the picture of the sun at this moment.

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand and waved a gesture in the air.

The scale of the holographic image suddenly shrank, showing the full picture of the solar system today.

Unlike the previous solar system, the solar system at this time has lost two planets.

Venus and Mercury have been swallowed by the sun!

And the sun has also become a crimson behemoth!

In astronomy, it has a special name.

Red giant!

"Yongchang... Are we, no, humans, going to perish just like this?"

A slightly helpless female voice came from the side.

Lv Yongchang turned his head and looked around.

A woman in a white coat sat on a chair, staring at the holographic projection in front of her with a dull look.

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly.

As the chief scientist of the Human Union Academy of Sciences, this woman named Su Yutong is his partner and his right-hand man.

"Yes, humanity is finished."

Lv Yongchang sighed softly and continued: "There are more than 20 minutes left. Do you want to go to the surface?"

Su Yutong's eyes moved slightly, and she took her eyes back from the holographic projection in front of her, and slowly stood up from the chair.

She reached out to untie her long black hair, facing Lu Yongchang, and showed a brilliant smile.

"Of course."


In the elevator of the underground city No. 1183, Lu Yongchang and Su Yutong were wearing heavy protective clothing and looked at each other in silence.

On the elevator screen, the number showing the current depth kept jumping.

A hint of regret flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

In 2045 AD, the sun, on which human beings depend for survival, was affected by unknown factors, ended its youth and entered aging ahead of time.

In just five years, the sun entered the red giant stage and swallowed two planets in the solar system one after another.

Humans, who were forced into a desperate situation, eliminated various barriers and established the Human Federation, referred to as the Human Federation.

And Lv Yongchang, relying on his status as a top student since childhood, successfully won the title of chief scientist of the Human Federation Academy of Sciences!

In his calculations, even if the sun enters the red giant stage ahead of time, it will still take hundreds of years for the helium flash to erupt.

Because the surface is no longer suitable for survival, under his call, the Human Federation built countless underground cities, and all human beings entered the underground cities for refuge, and began to build interstellar spacecraft at the same time.

But obviously, he calculated wrong.

In just five years, the sun has surpassed the life process of billions of years of other stars!

The helium flash is about to erupt!

As the planet currently closest to the sun, the earth will be melted into a magma ball without any surprise.

Human civilization has come to an end!


"Dear Chief Scientist, I wish you a complete success in your research mission on the surface."

A crisp reminder sound awakened Lv Yongchang from his contemplation.

He looked at the elevator screen.


This is the surface temperature outside.

The elevator door slowly opened, and a heat wave came with distorted air!

Looking at the huge red giant star above his head and the surface with surging heat waves, even with the existence of protective clothing, Lv Yongchang still felt a sense of heat!

"There is one minute left, and the helium flash will erupt."

Su Yutong's slightly cold voice came from the radio.

Lv Yongchang did not speak, but raised his head and looked at the sun through the mask with filtering ability.

As the only advanced civilization on Earth, he did not want to bow his head and die!

"Do you know how much effort I put in to become your assistant?"

"Do you know why I did that?"

Perhaps because it was the last moment, Su Yutong's voice was full of relief: "Because, I like you."

Lv Yongchang's pupils shrank suddenly.

The helium flash broke out!

The extremely strong white light sprinkled from the red giant star to the earth!

In just a moment, Lv Yongchang lost consciousness.


In front of him was a fluorescent green.

A white line slowly extended, drawing a tree diagram in the fluorescent green void background.

Lv Yongchang looked at everything in front of him in confusion.

This...what is this?

A faint flash lit up at the bottom of the tree diagram.

Subconsciously, he cast his eyes to the bottom of the tree diagram.

Nuclear energy control: controlled nuclear fission.

A line of highlighted white fonts appeared.

The next moment, the white area began to extend upward.

Nuclear energy control: controlled nuclear fusion.

As the line of originally dim words became brighter, countless words and symbols instantly overwhelmed Lv Yongchang's consciousness!

"Lv Yongchang! Lv Yongchang!"

"Professor Guan is calling you! Lv Yongchang!"

While he was dazed, a familiar low voice came from his ear.

The sight gradually came into focus.

What came into view was a classroom.

Looking at the old man on the podium who was frowning at him, Lv Yongchang's pupils shrank slightly.

Professor Guan Hualiang!

Didn't he...didn't he pass away five years ago? !

"Lv Yongchang! This is the first college physics class! If you don't like physics so much, why did you apply for the physics department?!"

There was some anger in Guan Hualiang's voice.

Lv Yongchang looked confused, subconsciously stood up, turned his head and looked around.

Familiar scene.

This is... his college classroom!

If I remember correctly, this is his first physics class in his sophomore year!

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the screen.

September 6, 2030!

Re... reborn? !

In an instant, countless complex emotions emerged in Lv Yongchang's mind.

Confusion, sadness, loss and a little hope!

Mandated by heaven, longevity and prosperity.

This is the origin of his name.

Facts have proved that the name was not wrong.

In his last life, he was at the top of the human race, but... due to his mistakes, human civilization was completely destroyed.

In this life, he wants to redeem everything!

But... how should he do it?

"Lv Yongchang! Did you hear me?"

Professor Guan Hualiang on the podium was furious.

In all his years of teaching at Sandaokou University, he had never seen such a disrespectful student!

Lv Yongchang looked up at Professor Guan Hualiang on the podium and the blackboard behind him, his eyes slightly moving.

Perhaps... he needs a chance to make a splash!

The next moment!

The countless formulas and words brought by the fluorescent green tree diagram swirled back and forth in his mind like a storm!

ps: The plot of the first few chapters may be a bit toxic, and this is the first time the author has written a novel.

As for the heroine, there is basically no role, so it can be said that there is no heroine.

Updated at 12 o'clock every night.

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