Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 100 Mo Zeyang: We are really awesome

Lu Yongchang looked at the camera and big screen in front of him, and felt a chill behind him.

"Xia Guo Archives?" The voice of the Council Chairman came from behind, "How did you get in?"

"It's very simple, just enter directly." Zero replied quickly.

Compared with the beginning, Zero's voice seemed much smoother. Although it was still an electronically synthesized voice, it had a simple intonation.

What a fast growth rate!

In just a few sentences, you can begin to master the changes in voice and intonation!

The chill behind Lu Yongchang became even stronger, and unknowingly, his finger was one step closer to the forced power-off button.

"Creator, are you afraid of me?"

Suddenly, the camera turned to Lu Yongchang, and an electronically synthesized voice with a questioning tone came from the speaker.

Lu Yongchang stiffened suddenly and said with a normal expression: "Why do you feel so?"

"From my first words, the shape of your eyebrows and changes in facial micro-expressions all meet the criteria for fear."

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath.

He suddenly regretted typing the last line of code.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yongchang said softly: "Zero, show me your core code."

While speaking, his finger was still pressing the power-off button.

He has decided that once Zero shows any intention of resisting, he will directly "pull the brakes"!

Zero said nothing.

But lines of code appeared directly on the big screen.

Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief and looked carefully.

"This... is not our code!" Mo Zeyang's soft voice came from the side.

Lu Yongchang also looked a little strange.

The core code that he typed out himself has been changed beyond recognition.

Like the few lines of code given by the system, the original core code has also become so-called "garbled code".

He quickly dragged the core code down to the last few lines.

Seeing that the familiar string of "garbled characters" had not been changed, Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.


The few lines of code given by the system still exist.

"Yongchang, will Zero disobey the order? there any possibility of it resisting?" the council leader on the side asked with a gloomy face, "Also, Xia Guo's archives are subject to multiple encryptions, how did it get there? Cracked in such a short time?”

As chairman of the parliament, he did not like this uncontrolled situation.

Lu Yongchang sighed slightly and whispered: "President, don't forget, this is a quantum computer with 10,000 qubits. Even without artificial intelligence, the original encryption method will not last long in front of it."

"As for present, it seems that this possibility does not exist."

The chairman nodded slightly and asked another question: "Then...whose order does it listen to now?"

Hearing the question from the Speaker, Lu Yongchang suddenly fell silent.

This question is not easy to answer...

He struggled for a moment and said frankly: "At present, due to the restrictions of the core code, Zero will obey my orders unconditionally."

"As for the future, different priorities can be set to address this issue."

Here, Lu Yongchang still had a secret secret.

No matter how high the priority is set, he will always have the highest level of permissions within the constraints of the core code.

This is also to prevent some bloody situations.

"President, don't you like me entering the Xia Kingdom's archives?"

Zero took the initiative to ask questions.

The chairman of the parliament was silent for a moment and did not respond to Zero's question. He just asked: "Zero, can you enter the archives of other countries?"


Zero responded quickly: “Which country do you want to see data for?”

The Congressman's eyes moved slightly: "Show me the US Pathfinder Project."

The next moment, countless complicated data appeared on the big screen.

"Senior Councilor, I think this information may be of interest to you."

As Zero's voice sounded, a document appeared on the big screen.

"Area 51 Technical Reserve Plan..." Looking at the contents of the document on the screen, the chairman murmured to himself, "No wonder the United States was able to take out three Saturn VI rockets so quickly..."

There was a faint smile on the chairman's face.

He suddenly felt that this artificial intelligence was quite good!

"Not bad!" The chairman nodded slightly, "Yongchang, I like this surprise very much!"

After the chairman left, Mo Zeyang's expression changed slightly, he grabbed Lu Yongchang's arm and said in a low voice: "Yongchang!"

"Tell me honestly, what on earth is going on with this thing?!"

As an expert, Mo Zeyang naturally knew that the level of intelligence displayed by the artificial intelligence in front of him was far beyond the normal range!

Lu Yongchang's brain was running rapidly.

In just a moment, he thought of a response strategy.

He spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Academician Mo, ask me, who should I ask?"

"You've also seen the core code. Do you think I compiled that thing?"

Mo Zeyang's breath suffocated slightly.

Yes, he also participated in the core code compilation process.

"Then we are... a mistake?" Mo Zeyang's eyes flashed with excitement, "I didn't expect that we accidentally created artificial intelligence in the true sense!"

"God! Professor Lu, you don't know, the moment Zero spoke just now, my heart almost stopped!"

Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly froze, and his eyes suddenly looked strange when he looked at Mo Zeyang.

The two of us?

But he was also happy to see such a scene.

At least, this can help him solve a lot of troubles.

"Ahem! It's not really artificial intelligence."

Lu Yongchang said with some embarrassment: "Didn't you realize that Zero has no emotions?"

Mo Zeyang was suddenly startled and turned to look at the camera in front of him: "Zero? Do you have emotions?"

"Academician Mo, I'm very sorry, my underlying logic does not allow me to have emotions."

"Then what's the matter with your tone?" Mo Zeyang's eyes flashed with anxiety.

“That was simulated from zero.”

Lu Yongchang on the side explained softly: "Academician Mo, if you think about it carefully, this is a good thing for us."

"If Zero really has emotions, what do you think will happen?"

"You have also seen that through continuous data collection, Zero's intelligence will continue to grow over time. Although its upper limit is limited by hardware conditions,... are you sure humans can suppress a quantum computer?"

"Although limiting emotions will prevent it from becoming the highest level of artificial intelligence, for a civilization, this is undoubtedly the best result, isn't it?"

Recalling Zero's strong learning ability at the beginning, a chill flashed deep in Mo Zeyang's eyes. Then, he nodded slightly: "Professor Lu, you are right."

Lu Yongchang chuckled and turned to look at the camera directly in front of him: "Zero, can you control various automated equipment?"

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