More than an hour later.

Lv Yongchang quietly looked at the mice running around in the cage in front of him.

"What are you going to do?"

Mao Zhengzhi asked softly.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment, a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he pointed to the untreated fungal sample next to him.

"Grind the fungus into powder and inject it directly into these mice."

Mao Zhengzhi's expression changed drastically: "Are you crazy?!"

"These are alien life forms, and mice have no resistance to them!"

Lv Yongchang sighed deeply.

"There is not enough time, we can't analyze these Martian creatures slowly."

"Now we need the fastest and most direct solution."

"First, I need to know whether there are any substances I want inside these fungi."


After grinding a whole fungus sample into powder, Lv Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi mixed it with saline, and finally made 15 fungal mixtures of different concentrations.

In order to ensure the rigor of the experiment, Lv Yongchang carefully selected twenty mice, five of which were used as the control group and only injected with the same amount of physiological saline.

The remaining fifteen mice, as the experimental group, will be injected with different concentrations and equal amounts of fungal mixtures.

After all the work was completed, Lv Yongchang put the mice into a special breeding cage with a solemn look.

Next, all they have to do is wait with peace of mind.

At the beginning, both the fifteen mice in the experimental group and the five mice in the control group were in very good mental state.


In just over ten minutes, abnormal phenomena appeared.

The fifteen mice in the experimental group closed their eyes and fell into the breeding cage.

Among them, the mice with higher injection concentrations took less time from waking up to "coma"!

The mouse injected with the highest concentration of fungal mixture fell to the ground in just ten seconds, while the mouse injected with the lowest concentration of fungal mixture supported it for several minutes!

Seeing this scene, Lv Yongchang's pupils suddenly dilated a few points.

What a domineering effect!

You know, even the highest concentration only contains 1% fungal powder!

"Brother Mao!" Lv Yongchang said in a low voice, "Get ready to start the inspection!"

Mao Zhengzhi looked serious and immediately opened the breeding cage and took out the fifteen labeled mice one by one.


After a detailed inspection, Lv Yongchang took a breath of cold air!

At first, he thought that these fifteen mice were simply in a state of sleep.

But according to the results of the inspection, this is definitely not a simple sleep. Strictly speaking, this is basically equivalent to a state of suspended animation!

When the body temperature of a mouse is 38℃, the normal breathing rate is 160 times/minute, and the normal heart rate is 625 times/minute.

But now, the breathing rate of the mouse injected with the highest concentration of the mixture has dropped to an extremely exaggerated level, and it will take nearly ten minutes to breathe!

As for the heartbeat, it has also dropped to two to three times per minute!

The body temperature has even dropped directly to the ambient temperature.

If the instrument had not detected that it still had a heartbeat and breathing, Lv Yongchang would have even thought that the mouse was dead!

Although the mouse injected with the lowest concentration of the mixture also entered a state of suspended animation, the data was much more normal, and the breathing and heartbeat rates basically dropped to 10% of the normal level.

Mao Zhengzhi, who was responsible for recording the data, had a violent tremor in his pupils: "This... this is amazing!"

"If this state can be maintained, these mice can even sleep for hundreds of years!"

Although the mice were successfully put into a real hibernation state, there was not much joy in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

"The most important issue now is..."

"How should we wake them up?"

Hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi's expression froze suddenly.


How to wake them up?


There is still one day before the United Nations General Assembly.

In the biological sub-laboratory.

Lv Yongchang was wearing a protective suit and sat on a chair with a melancholy look on his face.

Mao Zhengzhi held a thick document in his hand and walked quickly to Lv Yongchang.

"How is it? What's the result?" Lv Yongchang asked in a low voice, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Mao Zhengzhi sighed softly and shook his head slowly.

"It didn't work."

"We have used all the methods we can use, but none of them worked."

"And..." Speaking of this, Mao Zhengzhi paused slightly, "There is another bad news."

"We found that the mouse injected with the lowest concentration of the mixture has begun to consume the fat in its body."

"Although the speed is not fast, at the current consumption rate, if we don't take any measures, it will die in about a month."

Lv Yongchang was silent for a moment, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes: "Inject the nutrient solution first."

"By the way, what are the results of the blood test?"

Mao Zhengzhi looked a little excited: "Some abnormal objects were detected in the blood!"

"It's not an object..." Mao Zhengzhi subconsciously reached out and scratched his head, but scratched on the protective suit.

He retracted his hand awkwardly, and said tangledly: "How should I put it? According to observation, it is more like a biological enzyme."

"It's just that its structure is completely different from the biological enzymes on Earth."

"The only thing that's certain is that it's an extremely special protein."

A flash of light flashed in Lu Yongchang's eyes.

Biological enzymes!

Thinking of the system prompts, Lu Yongchang was already 90% sure!

The problem lies in this so-called special protein!

"Can't we just prescribe a drug to solve this biological enzyme?"

he asked after pondering for a moment.

"It's difficult!" Mao Zhengzhi shook his head vigorously.

"Yongchang, you should know that although there are 500-600 kinds of amino acids on the earth, life on the earth is composed of 20 specific kinds of amino acids."

"Although there is currently no definite answer in the scientific community, many people believe that this should be related to the early evolution of the earth."

"Even though Mars and the Earth are very similar, their evolution must be very different."

"That also led to a result."

"The amino acids that make up these proteins are not the amino acids that we are familiar with."

Lu Yongchang's expression changed slightly.

This means that the biological knowledge currently possessed by humans is basically of no use!

Mao Zhengzhi continued: "At present, we only have one way to slowly decipher the genetic information of Martian fungi."

"However, this may take a significant amount of time."

"No!" Lu Yongchang shook his head and rejected the proposal.

Cracking genetic information? What a joke!

Who knows how long it takes to make this thing from scratch!

"Maybe... there is another way!"

The guilt in Lu Yongchang's eyes became even stronger as he murmured to himself.

PS. Ahem, thank you all for your five-star reviews! If conditions permit in a few days, I will update it!

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