Two months later.

Since the breakthrough of second-generation quantum computer technology, the computing power has been greatly improved. Zero used less than 0.01% of the computing power to carry out a simple transformation for the laboratory.

Among them, Lu Yongchang’s office is naturally the highlight of the renovation.

"Professor, there is something you are interested in over there in the biological sub-laboratory."

A blue light suddenly lit up on the desk, and a holographic projection image of a gentleman wearing a black suit appeared in mid-air.

This is an anthropomorphic image of zero autonomous choice.

As for why I chose the human form...

This is also for better communication with researchers within the Academy of Sciences.

Lu Yongchang raised his head from the document in front of him and frowned at the holographic image in front of him.

"What am I interested in? What?"

As Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the holographic projection interface quietly changed.

The holographic projection at this time was only the first generation product, and the colors were extremely monotonous.

In front of Lu Yongchang, a blue picture began to play.

As the "video" played, Zero's voice continued to sound.

"Professor, the overweight state balance technology studied by Academician Mao Zhengzhi has achieved a major breakthrough."

Lu Yongchang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately put down the pen in his hand and stood up from the chair.

"I'll be there right away!"


The holographic image on the desk slowly dissipated.

Biology sub-laboratory.

"Brother Mao!"

As soon as he walked into the laboratory door, Lu Yongchang saw Mao Zhengzhi standing in front of the experimental table with excitement and observing something.

Lu Yongchang's shout obviously startled Mao Zhengzhi.

His body trembled suddenly, and then he turned towards the door angrily.

When he saw that the visitor was Lu Yongchang, he instantly performed a wonderful "Sichuan Opera Face Changing".

The anger on his face turned into a bright smile in just a few seconds.

"Professor Lu, you're here just in time!" Mao Zhengzhi jogged up to Lu Yongchang happily, stretched out his hand and grabbed his sleeve, "Let's go, let me show you a magical sight!"

Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows: "The task I gave you has been completed, right?"

Mao Zhengzhi's expression froze, and the smile on his face instantly dropped by half: " do you know?"

"I remember I haven't reported it yet, right?"

Lu Yongchang turned his head and glanced at the camera on the side.

Mao Zhengzhi suddenly realized it, and his face suddenly fell: "Zero, I should have guessed..."

"Hey... I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but forget it, come with me and show you the research results of our laboratory over the past few months."

With that said, Mao Zhengzhi used another force on his hand to drag Lu Yongchang to the experimental table where he was just now.

On the experimental bench.

A little white mouse sank quietly in a bottle of light yellow solution.

The white mice had several catheters inserted into their bodies.

Based on their location, Lu Yongchang could probably determine the role of these conduits.

It is used for nothing more than feeding and excretion.

The mouse's eyes were closed tightly, and its abdomen was rising and falling slightly, as if it was breathing normally in the air.

Mao Zhengzhi tapped the glass bottle lightly.

The crisp sound of the glass bottle woke up the little white mouse inside. It suddenly opened its little eyes, and there was a burst of panic. After seeing that it was Mao Zhengzhi, the little white mouse's movements relaxed again.

"How about it?"

Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lu Yongchang with a proud look on his face.

Lu Yongchang looked at the white mouse in the solution thoughtfully, nodded slightly, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "It's amazing!"

"It's just... why do I feel that this little white mouse looks familiar?" Lu Yongchang frowned slightly and carefully looked at the little white mouse in the container.

"Ahem!" Mao Zhengzhi said with some embarrassment, "This is Aurora's brother. It's normal for you to look familiar."

Lu Yongchang: "..."


"Full House of Loyalty"

Lu Yongchang shook his head helplessly: "How long has it lived?"

Mao Zhengzhi stretched out his finger and gestured with a number.

"Two days?" Lu Yongchang frowned, "This time is a bit short..."

"No, it's two weeks." Mao Zhengzhi raised the corners of his mouth and said with joy, "You will never imagine how miraculous this solution is."

"In the words of our researchers, it's like artificial amniotic fluid!"

"Considering the deep-sea pattern you mentioned, we gave this pale yellow solution a name, deep-sea fluid."

A trace of surprise flashed in Lu Yongchang's eyes.

Two weeks!

This is quite a long time!

"Are there any side effects?"

Lu Yongchang asked in a deep voice.

After all, the sequelae of such underwater breathing experiments are often serious.

Although the underwater breathing experiments conducted by the United States achieved initial success, in the end all the experimenters died of lung infections.

As for the reason...

On the one hand, all the liquid inhaled into the lungs cannot be discharged.

On the other hand, these liquids carry a large number of bacteria and microorganisms on the surface of the human body and cause infection after entering the lungs.

When it comes to the core issue of sequelae, Mao Zhengzhi's expression suddenly became much more serious.

He turned to wink at the researcher next to him and said in a deep voice.

"So far, we have not seen any side effects."

"After thoroughly disinfecting the body surface of the mice, we also added a small amount of antibiotics to the deep-sea fluid."

"In addition, we have strengthened the filtering and purification equipment." Mao Zhengzhi pointed to a machine beside him.

Lv Yongchang walked to the machine curiously and looked at it carefully: "What can this thing do?"

"Professor Lu, don't underestimate it!" Mao Zhengzhi said seriously, "This little white mouse can survive safely for two weeks, all thanks to it!"

"On the one hand, it can filter various large particles of impurities in deep-sea fluid, such as hair and dandruff."

"On the other hand, it can reduce the number of bacteria and viruses in deep-sea fluid as much as possible through ultraviolet rays, and add a small amount of antibiotics to completely eliminate the infection problem."

"In addition, it can also combine deep-sea fluid with fresh oxygen to discharge excess carbon dioxide and other waste gases."

Lv Yongchang nodded silently, his eyes full of amazement.

"What about the discharge of deep-sea fluid?"

"If it is impossible to discharge all the gas in the lungs..."

Mao Zhengzhi's smile became more and more intense: "Why should it be discharged?"

"You mean..." Lv Yongchang's eyes lit up.

"Since we can't make the lungs expel all the liquid, why not let the lungs absorb it?" Mao Zhengzhi pointed to the pale yellow liquid in front of him with a smile, "These deep-sea liquids are harmless to the human body and can be completely absorbed by the human body."

"As for the sequelae... maybe I will go to the toilet more often after I come out of it." Mao Zhengzhi shrugged and said in a humorous tone.

At this time, the researcher who had just left hurried back with a few breeding cages in his hands.

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