"Actually, there's no need to go that far."

Lu Yongchang shrugged and waved his hand at the huge sun projection next to him, shrinking it to its original state.

"As long as 2034, the surface of the earth will be uninhabitable for human survival."

"As for solutions, I can think of two at the moment."

"The first one is to quickly create a spaceport with the help of space elevators and zeros."

“Build giant starships on spaceports that could accommodate millions or tens of millions of people.”

Fang Xu interrupted Lu Yongchang's words directly: "This, this is impossible!"

"A starship that allows millions or tens of millions of people to live is definitely not a technology we currently have!"

"Listen to me first." Lu Yongchang said helplessly, "When did I say that I would let these people live in it?"

"You!" Fang Xu's breath suddenly suffocated.

In just a few seconds, he reacted: "You mean... the hibernation cabin?!"

Lu Yongchang smiled and nodded.

"I'll give you a simple calculation."

"The current standard hibernation cabin is 2.5m in length, 1m in width, and 1m in height. Let's regard it as a rectangular parallelepiped."

"So a standard hibernation chamber occupies approximately 2.5 cubic meters of volume."

"We assume transporting 10 million people."

"If we calculate it in the simplest way, we only need a cubic space with a side length of 293 meters to accommodate them all."

"Taking into account various redundant equipment, maintenance robots and some necessary power equipment...after zero calculations, a starship with a length of about 800 meters can successfully transport 10 million people."

"And this starship doesn't need any extra performance." Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly, "When necessary, it can just be an iron shell equipped with an engine and some maintenance supplies."

"In the plan, Zero needs to build more than 500 such starships and take away 5 billion people first."

"Of the remaining 5 billion, after filtering out those who are not suitable for interstellar travel, those who died naturally, those who are too old, those who are unstable, etc., there will probably be 500 million left."

Facing Lu Yongchang's description, Fang Xu swallowed again.

"Then where are you going to let these tin shells go?"

Lu Yongchang silently reached out and pointed to a location in the solar system.

"The Kuiper Belt."

"In other words, these 5 billion people are equivalent to starting a few years earlier than us."

"With the help of weak artificial intelligence and hibernation capsules, these 5 billion people can spend at least 50 years near the Kuiper Belt safely."

"As for what to do in fifty years..."

Lu Yongchang's eyes suddenly dimmed a bit: "If we can't catch up with them in the next fifty years, then humanity will basically be doomed."

"As for the remaining 500 million people, as necessary labor force and scientific researchers, I will arrange them in the space port."

"Wait until the technology matures and the spacecraft for interstellar navigation is completed, and then we can start escaping from the solar system."

"What about the second solution?" Fang Xu suddenly asked, "Tell me about the second solution first."

"Mars Immigration."

Lu Yongchang said succinctly: "After the sun expands, we can use Mars as a springboard to gain more development time."

"After acquiring enough resources in the solar system, we can then proceed to interstellar navigation."

"After all, the power of a helium flash cannot affect the entire solar system."

"It's just... I'm not sure how much computing power Zero needs to complete this large-scale immigration plan. Moreover, the problem of material consumption is also a big problem."

The office fell into silence again, leaving only a few holographic projections of planets slowly orbiting in the sky.

Fang Xu was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Why not combine them?"

The next day.

A very remote mountain village.

"Hey, the weather is getting hotter and hotter."

A gray-haired old man, wearing a white sweatshirt as in previous years, sat under the shade of a tree in front of his home, shaking his bamboo fan and fanning himself.


At a high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, even the wind is scalding hot.

"Uncle Qi! Are you still enjoying the cool under the shade of the trees?!"

A girl dressed as a junior high school student opened the window, stuck her head out and shouted: "We can't enjoy the cool weather like this now!"

"You can come and sit at my house, it has air conditioning!"

Following the girl's shout, a powerful shout rang out: "Old Qi! Come on, I'm waiting for you to play chess with me!"

Facing the neighbor's invitation, Uncle Qi smiled and slapped his bamboo fan, stood up and walked towards the next door.

As soon as I opened the door, a blast of cold air hit my face.

After walking into the house, an old man with the same gray hair was sitting at the table with a chessboard in front of him. He waved to him: "Come on, Lao Qi, we haven't played chess for several days!"

Uncle Qi shuddered slightly: "Say, Lao Zhang, your air conditioner is on all day long, doesn't it use electricity?"

When Uncle Zhang heard this, he was slightly startled, and then burst into laughter: "I told you, Lao Qi, to watch more news on weekdays, but you didn't listen!"

"Since last year, this electricity has become worthless!"

"Thanks to Professor Na Lu, after the fusion technology comes out, this electricity will be like free!"

Uncle Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm old and can't keep up with the times!"

"It's just...it's gotten hotter and hotter in the past two years."

"It wasn't so hot before."

"Oh, by the way, your granddaughter is in school now, do you know what's going on?"

Hearing this, Grandpa Zhang turned his head and looked at the girl next to him: "Xiao Man, do you know what's going on? I'm also wondering about this weather!"

Zhang Man frowned and said: "It should be because of the sun. Our teacher said..."

After some explanation, the two old men fell silent.

"Then, according to what you said, in a few years, the sun will explode?" Grandpa Qi smiled and shook his head, obviously not taking this to heart.

"Grandpa Qi! I'm telling the truth!" Zhang Man's face flushed slightly, and she whispered in defense, "This is what our teacher just said, and it has been on TV for a long time!"

"Okay, okay!" Grandpa Zhang smiled and responded, "By the way, Xiao Man, go turn on the TV. Speaking of which, I haven't watched the news for a while."

A few minutes later

"...According to the latest observation data from the First Laboratory of the Human Union, the speed of solar anomalies has accelerated again. At present, the global average temperature has risen by 2 degrees Celsius. It is expected that in the next three to six months, the global average temperature will rise by 20 degrees Celsius again. At that time, the earth will be unsuitable for human survival."

The noise in the living room stopped instantly.

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