When it was dawn, the three of them had already arrived at the nearest county seat.

Although it was very early, there was a dense crowd outside the escape plan registration point.


"Everyone be quiet!"

"Come one by one! Everyone can sign up!"

Hundreds of soldiers in military uniforms were holding guns and shouting to maintain order at the scene.

Looking at the huge crowd of people in front of him, Zhang Man subconsciously took a step back.

Growing up in the countryside, she had never seen such a chaotic scene.

Facing such a crowded crowd, Zhang Bojun and Su Nan quickly reached out to surround Zhang Man to prevent any accidents.

"Hey! Stop crowding!" Su Nan, who was pushed by the person next to her, shouted loudly, "Didn't I say that everyone can sign up?"

Su Nan's voice was quickly drowned in the chaotic crowd.

The next second, the crowd came again.

Naturally, the strength of Su Nan and Zhang Bojun could not compete with the crowd.

Seeing that the couple were forced to separate and that her daughter was about to be swallowed up by the crowd, Su Nan's eyes were splitting and she shouted heartbreakingly: "Be careful! Be careful, child!"


There was a loud gunshot.

Then, the crowd suddenly stopped, and a burst of piercing screams came from everywhere.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

Three gunshots were fired in succession.

Like a cock being grabbed by the throat, the screams stopped instantly.

"Quiet!" A deep voice sounded.

The chaotic flow of people completely stopped.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

A tall and strong man put away the gun in his hand, walked up to Su Nan, and asked in a deep voice: "Where is the child?"

"Mom...Mom!" Zhang Man's voice came from the crowd.

The next moment, under the gaze of the big man, the crowd automatically separated, making way for Zhang Man, who was squeezed deep in the crowd.

Seeing that their daughter was safe and sound, Su Nan and Zhang Bojun's expressions suddenly relaxed.

Su Nan came to her senses and quickly turned to look at the soldier beside her: "Thank you, thank you."

Facing Su Nan's thanks, the big man smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay."

With that said, he faced everyone again: "Everyone."

"Follow the order and sign up one by one."

"Those who jump in line and disrupt order will be disqualified from fleeing!"

Nothing has as much weight as these words.

After hearing that they might be disqualified from fleeing, everyone quickly and spontaneously formed a long line.

All the soldiers were relieved to see order restored at the registration point.

The soldier just now held Zhang Man's hand and walked to Su Nan. After saluting, he asked in a deep voice: "Hello, what do you call me?"

"Hello, my name is Su Nan." Su Nan replied hurriedly.

"Hello, Miss Su, I am Wu Pengxing, the person in charge here. What is the age of your child?"

Su Nan quickly reported a number.

Hearing Su Nan's answer, Wu Pengxing looked solemn, saluted again and said: "According to the escape plan, your child's age meets the regulations, and we can give her priority to go through the escape procedures."

Hearing this, Su Nan and Zhang Bojun suddenly showed a bit of joy on their faces.

The two nodded in succession: "Okay, okay! Please give her priority to go through the formalities. Thank you!"

While talking, the two of them bowed to Wu Pengxing.

Wu Pengxing hurriedly stepped aside, and then continued to explain: "There is something I must make clear to you."

"In the escape plan, children are the first priority, followed by senior talents from all walks of life."

“Then it will be the turn of the young and middle-aged workforce.”

"Finally, there are some elderly middle-aged and elderly people."

"So... when the escape plan begins, you and your children will be separated into two different starships."

Hearing this, the original smile on Su Nan's face disappeared instantly.

"What...this...she is still a child, if something happens..." As she spoke, she looked at Zhang Bojun beside her.

Faced with this situation, she couldn't make up her mind.

Zhang Bojun took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Sir, I only have one question."

"Is your child's starship the safest?"

Wu Pengxing was silent for a moment and did not reply. He just nodded slightly.

"Okay!" Zhang Bojun gritted his teeth, "Sir, Zhang Man is leaving it to you!"

Wu Pengxing silently saluted the two of them again.

"Let's talk for a while, I don't know when we'll see each other again." Wu Pengxing reminded softly.

Su Nan and Zhang Bojun hurriedly knelt down and pulled Zhang Man to their sides.

"Xiaoman, if you follow Uncle Wu, he will take you to a safe place." As he spoke, Su Nan raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

Let alone the child, even she as an adult couldn't bear this kind of scene of life and death.

Seeing Zhang Man turning back three times after Wu Pengxing, Su Nan's eyes became moist again.

"Bojun, tell me, can we still see Xiaoman?"

She looked at the long queue in front of her and murmured to herself.

"Yes." Zhang Bojun was silent for a while and said in a deep voice, "Humans will never fall here!"

The queue shortened little by little.

Soon, it was Su Nan and Zhang Bojun's turn.

After reporting his identity information, the staff member behind the computer screen showed some doubts in his eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. According to the data, your father Zhang Yinian meets the requirements for escape in terms of age and physical condition. He..."

Zhang Bojun replied calmly, "He gave up."

"Another one gave up..." The staff showed some respect in his eyes and nodded to Zhang Bojun, "Thank you for your father's efforts. Humanity will remember him."

As he said that, the staff quickly checked an option on the computer in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Bojun asked with a puzzled look, "Have many people given up escaping?"

The staff stopped the work in his hands and sighed softly.


"According to current statistics, more than 80% of the 60-65-year-olds gave up the opportunity to escape, and the proportion of people aged 55-60 who gave up also reached 60%."

"They voluntarily stayed on Earth to reduce the burden of the escape plan and leave the hope of survival to the young."

Zhang Bojun and his wife Su Nan looked at each other.

Both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

No wonder...

No wonder I didn't see many elderly people when I was queuing just now!

"Hello, this is your escape number, please keep it safe."

The staff's words brought the two back to reality: "Next, please bring your card to the designated place for a physical examination."

Zhang Bojun hurriedly took the card handed over by the staff and walked forward with Su Nan.

The front is full of unknowns.

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