Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 177 Signal Source: Proxima Centauri

Hearing Su Yutong's question, Lv Yongchang hurriedly shook his head.

Are you kidding?

Go to Dr. Wen again?

Even if Lv Yongchang fainted again, he would not go to Dr. Wen for a physical examination!

"Then you just..." Su Yutong's eyes were more and more worried, "Your reaction is just like last time."

Lv Yongchang was slightly stunned, and then realized what Su Yutong meant.

It is estimated that at the moment when the technology tree broke through the limit of the first-level civilization, his brain "load" exceeded the standard again.

He waved his hand casually: "It's okay, there is no need to waste time to check."

"This time is different from the last time, I know it in my mind."

As he said, Lv Yongchang was suddenly stunned.

What Dr. Wen said to him more than three months ago flashed through his mind.

In the past three months, he basically stayed in the main laboratory and forgot about this matter for a while.

It seems... Dr. Wen said at the time that Su Yutong sent herself there crying?

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang frowned slightly, and a complex emotion rose in his heart.

He sighed softly and made a decision.

"Yutong, there is something I have to tell you."

Without giving Su Yutong time to react, Lv Yongchang continued directly: "I have seen your efforts for so long."

"I also know your thoughts."

"It's just that human civilization is still in an extremely dangerous situation. If you are not careful, the entire civilization will fall into the abyss and will never recover."


"I know!" Su Yutong interrupted him directly, staring at Lv Yongchang's eyes with a pair of beautiful eyes, "I will wait forever."

"Wait until the moment when human civilization really gets rid of the crisis."

Lv Yongchang's eyes were slightly absent-minded, and he subconsciously avoided Su Yutong's somewhat fiery gaze.

"Thank you..."

He said softly.

Then, he lowered his head again and threw himself into the pile of documents in front of him.

With the familiar rustling sound of the fountain pen, the atmosphere in the office gradually returned to its original appearance.

After the breakthrough in single-photon control technology, the experiment entered another level.

They now need to manipulate two photons in a quantum entangled state at the same time to verify the possibility of super-distance communication.


While waiting for the second single-photon control device to be manufactured, all relevant researchers were filled with anxiety.

A few days later, Lv Yongchang walked into the main laboratory door for routine inspection as usual.

Looking at the other single-photon control device that had been built more than half, his eyes were a little hot.

As long as it is confirmed that two photons in a quantum entangled state can be manipulated and observed, the foundation of two-way super-distance communication will be completely laid!

"Professor Lu!"

A slightly vicissitudes of life came from the side.

"Mr. Tang?" Looking at the old man walking slowly towards him, Lv Yongchang hurriedly greeted him, "Why are you in the laboratory?"

"I remember today is not a day off?"

Faced with Lv Yongchang's inquiry, Mr. Tang suddenly showed a bitter smile on his face.


"Professor, I'm not saying anything, but do you think any researcher would want to rest when this thing is in the lab?"

As he spoke, Mr. Tang pointed to the half-made single-photon control device in the center of the main lab: "Now, all researchers are waiting for the second experiment!"

Lv Yongchang looked at the gray-haired old man in front of him with a smile: "Mr. Tang, I'm more anxious than you!"

"It's just that this thing is a high-precision device after all. Even if it's zero, it takes a certain amount of time to make it."

"Huh?" Just as the two stood there staring at each other, the door of the lab opened again, and a familiar voice came, "Professor Lu? Mr. Tang? Are you all here?"

Lv Yongchang looked silently in the direction of the lab door.

Okay, here comes another one.

Looking at Mo Zeyang, who was smiling and walking quickly, Lv Yongchang sighed silently.

These people don't even want to take a vacation!


More than ten minutes later.

Because the experimental device has not been built yet, all work has come to a standstill.

So... the three of them could only sit quietly in their chairs and stare at each other.

"Professor, is there really no other research project?" Mo Zeyang twisted his body and asked awkwardly.

"So, has the architecture of the new quantum computer that you were originally responsible for been completed?" Lv Yongchang asked softly.

"... Not yet."

Facing Lv Yongchang's questioning, Mo Zeyang answered honestly: "At present, the superconducting circuit quantum computer has encountered a bottleneck, and it should not be possible to simply increase the number of quantum bits in a short period of time."

"We are looking for new solutions, but according to the current situation... it is a bit difficult."

Hearing this answer, Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly.

The picture he saw a few days ago appeared in his mind.


"Well, speaking of this, there is indeed a new research project." Lv Yongchang smiled faintly, "But this project may be a bit difficult, you can think about it slowly."

"What project?!" Mo Zeyang's eyes lit up, and his expression suddenly became excited.

"Photon computer."

Lv Yongchang pointed to the single-photon control device beside him: "That is the original optical quantum computer. I think this should be the next development direction of quantum computers."

Mo Zeyang nodded thoughtfully: "It makes sense... Then I will go back and think about it!"

As he said, he stood up and walked straight to the door of the laboratory.

"Professor Lu?"

Looking at Tang Wenshan beside him, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but feel a little headache: "Mr. Tang, you are so old, otherwise, you should rest for a while?"

Looking at Mr. Tang's slightly stubborn expression, Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched slightly.

"Okay, there is another small project."

"If the next experiment is successful, we have to establish a new algorithm to adapt to quantum long-distance communication."

Hearing this, Mr. Tang immediately smiled.

"You've found the right person."

"I came up with the original quantum communication algorithm."

"Wait, I'll go back and think about it first!"

As he said that, Tang Wenshan also walked out of the laboratory excitedly.

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang was the only one left in the main laboratory.

He shrugged his shoulders and prepared to go back to the office to complete the remaining chores after checking.

Suddenly, the holographic image automatically turned on beside him.

Zero's virtual image looked very solemn: "Professor, there is something you need to see."

Before Lv Yongchang could react, the holographic image quietly changed.

A signal band appeared in front of him.

"This is..."

Lv Yongchang's brows frowned instantly.

"Professor, this is a signal received by the original Xia country's Sky Eye system."

"The source of the signal is Proxima Centauri."

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