Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 18: Transforming the Stellar Simulator

Half a month later.

In the nuclear physics laboratory of Sandaokou University.

Lv Yongchang sat quietly in an office assigned to him.

He frowned slightly, and the pen in his hand quickly calculated some formulas on the A4 paper in front of him.

Half a month later, the room-temperature superconducting wire made of carbon nanotube material has been completed.

It has to be said that the power of the state machine is extremely huge!

The moment he learned about the breakthrough in room-temperature superconducting material technology, Hong Bu personally issued a manufacturing order.

Although Lv Yongchang has a perfect carbon nanotube preparation plan, but... because of the manufacturing process problems at this time, in the entire Xia country, only Xiasheng Group, which is responsible for the manufacture of high-precision equipment, can mass-produce superconducting wires that meet the standards.

As for those foreign companies...

Hong Qiming is not a fool. If he really gives them the order, it is estimated that it will not take a few days for several Western powers to "master" room-temperature superconducting technology!

Stimulated by a large amount of funds and administrative orders, Xiasheng Group's carbon nanotube wire manufacturing capacity continues to expand!

In just half a month, room-temperature superconducting wires worth hundreds of millions of yuan were transported to the nuclear physics laboratory of Sandaokou University.

At this time, an old-style stellarator device has been installed in the nuclear physics laboratory.

However, the spiral wires on the outer layer of the stellarator have been removed by the staff.

As for the inner cavity of the stellarator, it was replaced with a newly manufactured inner cavity a few days ago.

The material used for the new inner cavity is naturally the new material deduced by Lv Yongchang on the blackboard!

According to material tests, the inner cavity of the reactor composed of this new material can perfectly resist the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees when the nuclear fusion reaction occurs!

In addition, when Fang Xu was conducting material tests, he was surprised to find that this new material can also perfectly resist the radiation damage caused by nuclear fusion.

While Fang Xu was surprised, he also felt a little admiration for Lv Yongchang in his heart.

Such a powerful material was actually deduced on paper by a sophomore undergraduate!

Fang Xu couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

At his age, he really lived a dog's life!

Lv Yongchang naturally didn't know what Fang Xu was thinking. At this time, he was sitting in the office and carefully checking the size parameters of the stellarator.

According to Fang Xu, this stellarator was originally used by the research in Country D.

As for why it was no longer used... it naturally returned to the original question.

The difficulty of manufacturing a stellarator is extremely huge!

Unlike the regular spiral shape of the Tokamaka, the shape of the stellarator is just like a messy ball of wool!

The position of each wire needs to be carefully calculated to ensure that it can generate a magnetic field at a specific angle!

At this time, Lv Yongchang was completing this work.

He needed to calculate the precise position of each superconducting wire based on the size parameters of the stellarator to ensure that a closed, twisted annular magnetic cage can be formed in the inner cavity of the stellarator to constrain the extremely high temperature plasma.



Lv Yongchang gently put down the pen in his hand and exhaled a long breath.

After several days of calculation, he finally achieved gratifying results.

According to his calculations, these superconducting coils can provide a strong magnetic field with a strength of up to 100T.

This will be the most powerful artificial magnetic field on Earth!

This 100T strong magnetic field can perfectly confine the fusion plasma of hundreds of millions of degrees in the center of the reactor cavity!

He stood up, slowly walked to the door of the office, and gently turned the door handle.

The sound of the office door opening attracted Fang Xu's attention.

"Well? Have you completed the calculation task?"

Seeing the relaxed expression on Lv Yongchang's face, Fang Xu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked immediately.

It's only been a few days?

At most, it's just a little more than three days, right?

Such a complex calculation task, Lv Yongchang can complete it in three days?

Fang Xu didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

As if seeing the doubt in Fang Xu's eyes, Lv Yongchang chuckled and said, "Of course it's done!"

As he spoke, he handed a stack of A4 paper in his hand to Fang Xu: "Or... you check it?"

Fang Xu took the A4 paper handed over by Lv Yongchang with a surprised look.

When Fang Xu saw the dense calculation formulas on it, he swallowed slightly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he seemed to be unable to understand the calculation method on it.

"Ahem... I believe your calculation results!"

Fang Xu returned the stack of A4 paper to Lv Yongchang with a serious face: "How about... let Tianhe-1 verify your calculation results?"

Lv Yongchang was stunned for a moment, nodded slightly, and agreed to Fang Xu's proposal.

Regarding controlled nuclear fusion, all research resources are given priority to the Sandaokou Nuclear Physics Laboratory.

As soon as the application was submitted, the use time of Tianhe-1 was allocated.

Fang Xu carefully entered each result calculated by Lv Yongchang into the computer, and then Tianhe-1 performed the calculation.

At this time, the role of the supercomputer was fully revealed.

In just half an hour, the calculation results appeared in front of Fang Xu and Lv Yongchang.



The release of the superconducting wire layout plan means that the transformation plan of the stellarator has reached the final step.

Coil holders at specific angles are installed outside the stellarator.

These brackets can hold the coil in place.

After all, for the stellarator, once the position of the external superconducting coil shifts even a little bit, it means a disaster.

Once the internal annular magnetic cage is destroyed, the plasma with hundreds of millions of degrees will directly contact the surface of the inner cavity!

I believe no one wants to see such consequences!

Therefore, when completing the final modification of the stellarator, both Lu Yongchang and Fang Xu were very alert, fearing that there would be some minor mistakes.

Three days later.

The renovation work of the old stellarator is completely completed.

"Yongchang, when will we start the first ignition experiment?"

Fang Xu's voice sounded from the side.

Unconsciously, Fang Xu regarded Lu Yongchang as his superior. Before every research decision, he would first ask Lu Yongchang's opinion.

"That's it now!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed, he looked away from the calculation A4 paper on his desk, and said in a deep voice: "Academician Fang, please report it."

"This afternoon, we will start the first ignition experiment!"

As Fang Xu applied to Hong Qiming for the first ignition experiment, some changes also occurred in Sandaokou University.

Dozens of soldiers from the special forces entered Sandaokou University in civilian clothes, and all the main roads leading to the nuclear physics laboratory were blocked.

Even on some high-rise buildings near the nuclear physics laboratory, snipers have already set up sniper rifles and observation equipment in advance.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a bird cannot fly safely through the nuclear physics laboratory at this time!

All this is to ensure that the controllable nuclear fusion experiment is not interfered by any external unknown factors!

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