Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 188 The Second Signal from Proxima Civilization

Atoka, who was staring at the screen, was awakened by the sound of the door opening.

Perhaps because he had been staring at the image of Proxima for too long, Atoka's three pairs of narrow visual organs were full of doubts and confusion.

In his memory, this door was only opened once.

That was the first time he entered this room.

There were slight footsteps.

Atoka turned his head to look.

When he saw the Proxima man in black clothes, a burst of fine bumps appeared on the top of his thinking organ.

Black clothes!

Those were clothes that only Lyle could wear!

The so-called Lyle was the prophet and scientist predicted by the Proxima civilization.

He was also a group of people with the highest status.

He didn't have time to think about it, and quickly stood up from the chair, raised his forelimbs, and placed them on the top of the thinking organ.

At the same time, the skin on the top of the thinking organ became extremely smooth under Atoka's deliberate control.

This is the way to show respect in the Proxima civilization.

"Respected Lord Lyle, you..."

The Proxima Centauri looked at the slightly depressing environment around him, and his three pairs of eyes narrowed immediately.

His thinking organs showed a look of disgust without disguising.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lyle screamed at Atoka in front of him with an extremely sharp tone.

Atoka trembled slightly and crouched a little lower.

"Yes... yes!"

"Lord Lyle, please look here. Some time ago, when I was observing the main star..."

Lyle used his sturdy forelimbs to pull Atoka aside unceremoniously.

"Okay, get out of the way!"

"I can see it myself!"

Atoka, who had stayed in this room for a long time, lacked exercise, so his muscle strength was naturally not as good as Lyle in front of him.

The moment Lyle's forelimbs touched him, Atoka only felt his body lighten.

After a while of dizziness, he was thrown to the ground next to him like a garbage bag.

Atoka did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

The reason is very simple.

In Lyle's eyes, the lives of all Atoka added together are not even as good as the black clothes on his body.

Once Atoka angers him, Lyle has the right to execute him directly.

As for who will take over his task...

The incubation center will naturally use the corresponding reproductive cells to incubate new Atoka.

Lyle glanced at Atoka, who was lying on the ground, with disdain on his face.

"I have learned a lot..."

"A mere Atoka can actually use an optical telescope to observe the starry sky."

"Hehe... do you understand?"

Facing Lyle's ridicule, Atoka did not respond.

Lyle turned his head with a bored look and looked at the instrument in front of him again.

He carefully stretched out a little nail on his forelimb and gently tapped a few buttons on the instrument.

It was as if the instrument in front of him was stained with something dirty.

When he saw the object with a black glow on the screen, his three pairs of visual organs narrowed instantly.


Lyle pressed the pause button and carefully observed the impact in front of him.

For a long time.

"Damn it, why is this picture so blurry!"

An angry shout rang out in the room.

Atoka, who was thrown aside, trembled and kept his original posture on the ground, and responded softly: "Lord Lyle, this is the lowest-end optical telescope, I..."

"Shut up!" Lyle shouted angrily, "You disturbed my thoughts!"

Atoka trembled slightly and fell to the ground again pretending to be dead.

He quietly reached out to cover the top of his thinking organ to prevent it from revealing his inner thoughts.

"... I want to take this telescope away!"

Lyle angrily knocked on the monitor in front of him with his forelimbs and continued in a sharp voice.

Without waiting for Atoka to respond, Lyle pressed a button on his watch.

The next moment, the door opened again.

Several strong Proxima Centauri broke into Atoka's "territory".

Under Atoka's gaze, the optical telescope was forcibly dismantled, and along with the observation instruments beside it, they were moved out of the room.

Then, Lyle, dressed in black, stepped over Atoka's head and walked out of the slightly dirty room.

The door closed again, isolating the outside world from the inside.

To date, this door has been opened three times in total.

The first time took away his freedom.

The second time took away his dignity.

As for the third time, it took away his only hope.

Atoka stood up silently from the ground, and extremely complex ripples appeared on the skin on the top of his thinking organ.

He was angry, unwilling, and desperate.

Countless negative emotions rose in his thinking organ.

Oh, Proxima civilization.

The total population is only 100 million, the class differentiation is extremely obvious, and the thinking is solidified...

According to the civilization potential theory that was popular a long time ago, the Proxima civilization at this time should be the lowest level of interstellar civilization!

Atoka silently looked at the "scar" left on the ground after the optical telescope was dismantled, and a crazy idea gradually emerged in his thinking organ.

He looked at the instruments in front of him that had not changed in hundreds of years, and wrinkles appeared on the skin on top of his thinking organ.

A few days later.

Atoka looked at the instrument buttons in front of him and fell into deep thought.

This is the button that was used to send information to the solar system last time.

Although he didn't know how these instruments worked, it didn't prevent him from changing the content of the files he sent.

He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong.

But based on his experience for most of his life, this decision should be right.

He hesitated for a moment and pressed the button in front of him hard.

An electromagnetic wave rushed towards the signal amplifier in the synchronous orbit at the speed of light.

After several months, Proxima b sent a signal to the solar system again!

Looking at the white light flashing with warnings and dangers in front of him, Atoka breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in a chair with a heavy burden.

He knew his ending.

Next, his life will come to a perfect end in front of 100 million Proxima people.

He slowly closed his three pairs of eyes, and a thought flashed through his thinking organs.

I hope the solar system civilization can receive my message...

(To avoid misunderstandings, let me explain that the timeline here is four years ago, a few months after Proxima sent the first message to the solar system.)



"Zero, how is the construction progress of Mars City?"

Lv Yongchang looked at the dense clouds and huge lightning outside the window, with some worry in his eyes.

Time is running out for the researchers.

It is estimated that in about half a month, even the newly built base on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will not be able to withstand this bad weather.

"Professor, Mars City has entered the final stage of construction, and it is expected to be completed in about a month."

"Counting the time spent on going to Mars, we can prepare to set off."

ps. Don't rush, don't rush... The plot here is so difficult to write, even if there is an outline, I have to work it out slowly...

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