"Yongchang!" Representative Li's eyes revealed a hint of imperceptible confusion, "What does this Proxima Centauri civilization mean?"

Lu Yongchang reached out and helped the old man to the sofa beside him.

"To be honest, I was also a little dizzy from Proxima Centauri's tricks." Faced with the old man's doubts, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"However, with this information, we can at least be sure of one thing."

When the old man heard this, his eyes became even more confused.

"We don't have to worry about the so-called chain of suspicion anymore, and we don't have to think about Proxima Centauri's attitude towards us." Lu Yongchang shrugged helplessly, "There will definitely be a war between us and them."

Inside a disk building on Proxima b.

Atoka's limbs were firmly tied to a frame made of steel.

This was his execution platform.

Not long ago, he was convicted of crimes against civilization and will be sentenced to the highest level of punishment in civilization.

Including other Atoka, all Proxima people can see the complete process of his death with the help of broadcast equipment.

The door of the circular building slowly opened.

The outside world is filled with powerful light.

It was noon, and the surface temperature of Proxima Centauri b reached an "astonishing" 30 degrees Celsius.

This is an extremely high temperature for Proxima Centauri people.

However, compared to the temperature, the light from the host star is the greatest danger.

The light contains extremely strong radiation from stars.

Even if there is a dense atmosphere and ozone layer as a barrier, the radiation at noon is enough to cause a certain degree of damage to the body of a normal Proxima Centauri person.

It is precisely for this reason that on Proxima Centauri, black, which can greatly absorb the star's light and radiation, has become the most noble color.

Atoka narrowed his three pairs of eyes and looked at the strong light outside the door. Countless thoughts flashed through his thinking organs.

At this moment, several Proxima Centauri people responsible for the execution quickly pushed the steel execution platform to the outside world.

Stimulated by the strong light, Atoka subconsciously closed his eyes.

A burning and stinging sensation came from his back.

Atoka knew that it was the effect of the light from Proxima Centauri shining on him.

But it's not enough to be fatal.

Atoka turned his head and looked aside.

After the Proxima people responsible for the execution pushed Atoka to the designated position, they quickly ran to the side, took out a huge disc-shaped object, and placed it under Atoka's body.

Atoka looked at the disc-shaped object under him that was covered by a dark curtain, and a chill flashed in his heart.

He knows what it is.

The dark curtain was lifted instantly, revealing what was hidden inside.

A huge concave mirror.

(Similar to solar cooker)

Execution platform structure (solar stove)

The moment he saw the concave mirror, an extremely burning feeling appeared in his abdomen.

Atoka stared at the executioners in the distance who had the same origin and status as him, and let out meaningless roars.

"Get ready for war, everyone."

On Proxima Centauri, inside a huge disk-shaped building, a slightly high-pitched voice sounded in the center.

The sound spread along the dense atmosphere and bounced off the smooth inner walls of the building for the first time, forming layers of echoes.

The echoes gradually died away, and silence fell in the crowded hall.

All the Proxima people stared at their three pairs of narrow eyes and looked at Lyle, who was wearing black clothes in the center.

"Dear Lyle, why do you say that?"

A Proxima man wearing dark gray clothes stepped forward and asked in a respectful tone: "Can't we send another message to the solar system to clarify the misunderstanding?"

Lyle, who was wearing a black robe, glanced in the direction of the sound.

When he saw the dark gray clothing that represented the royal family, Lyle's arrogant expression softened slightly.

"Dear Rex, I can explain to you why."

As he spoke, an extremely complex ripple appeared on the top of Lyle's thinking organ: "Everything stems from that Atoka who knows nothing about the world!"

"The ending of being executed in public is really a bargain for him!"

"He transmitted his genetic data to the solar system!"

"Do you know what this means?"

Lyle shouted excitedly: "This means that our race has been stripped naked and placed on the dissecting table of the civilization of the solar system!"

"Once they arrive at Proxima Centauri, they can launch a genetic attack on us at any time!"

"By then, Proxima Centauri civilization will be completely extinct!"

"Dear Rex, we cannot leave the fate of our race into the hands of others." Lyle's tone gradually calmed down.

Ricks, who was wearing dark gray clothes, nodded silently, and then he continued to ask Lyle in front of him: "Then, what if they can't come?"

Lyle was silent for a moment.

"Even if they don't come, we have to get there."

Lyle's words made all the Proxima people present scream in surprise.

"Quiet!" Rex, who was wearing gray clothes, shouted in a deep voice.

When the sounds in the room gradually died down, Rex suppressed his anxiety and asked softly why.

Lyle did not answer immediately, but took a deep look at the various Proxima Centauri people in front of him.

"This is a picture I discovered through an optical telescope some time ago."

As he spoke, a holographic image appeared in front of everyone.

In the image, it was the picture taken by Atoka before his death.

That Lyle unceremoniously claimed this achievement for himself: "After my observation and calculation, it can be basically confirmed that this is a man-made object."

When seeing this black-glowing object entering Proxima Centauri, everyone present once again let out a low cry.

"Lord Lyle, what happened to our main star?!" A few sharp inquiries sounded from the audience.

Seeing the color of the clothes worn by those who asked the question, Lyle's three pairs of visual organs revealed some imperceptible contempt.

"In the past few days, I have measured a lot of data on the main star."

"After comparison, I found that this man-made object seems to be absorbing the energy of the main star quickly."

Speaking of this, Lyle's visual organs revealed some fear, and the skin on the top of the head also had a burst of fine pimples.

"Our main star is aging at an unprecedented rate."

The hall was silent.

Every Proxima Centauri had a certain amount of fear on their faces.

"It's a blessing in disguise."

"Our main star is a red dwarf."

"It won't expand like a red giant, nor will it produce a terrible disaster like a helium flash."

"It will only slowly extinguish and turn into a black dwarf that no longer emits light or heat."

"This process originally took trillions of years to achieve, but now it will only take about 100-200 years."

The hall, which had originally had some light discussions, fell silent again.

One hundred to two hundred years...

You know, the average lifespan of a normal Proxima Centauri is about five hundred years.

One hundred to two hundred years is too short for everyone present!

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