Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 21 Meeting with Councillor Li

Professor Collins' words made President Albert's face condense.

He was silent for a long time, and slowly said: "This is indeed a problem."

"Like Xiaguo, the United States currently does not have a truly controlled nuclear fusion device of its own..."

Albert's muttering made Professor Collins' eyes suddenly brighten.

He quickly agreed: "You are right, Mr. President, we need a fusion reactor that truly belongs to us!"

Albert pondered for a moment: "Give me a time, professor."

"Congress, if there is no exact time, there is no way to approve it."

Facing Albert's meaningful eyes, Professor Collins hesitated for a while: "Maybe... about ten years?"

Albert frowned instantly: "Ten years?! Professor, are you kidding me?"

"Don't talk about me, Congress will never agree to this plan!"

Professor Collins laughed and hurriedly said again: "Five years, I believe that within five years, the fusion reactor belonging to the Americans will appear!"

Albert nodded with satisfaction.


At the same time, within the first ring of the capital of Xiaguo

In the building that could not be found on the map, Hong Qiming knocked on the door of the office again with a serious face.

"Come in."

Hong Qiming took a deep breath and calmed down his agitated mood. Then, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the slightly heavy wooden door.

"Chairman Li."

Hong Qiming bowed his head slightly and saluted the old man behind the desk.

Seeing Hong Qiming, the old man's face was full of smiles. He slowly stood up, walked to Hong Qiming's side, and nodded: "Not bad, not bad, this is a good job!"

Hong Qiming's slightly serious face also showed a smile. He nodded gently and whispered: "I didn't expect that Lu Yongchang was so powerful."

Councillor Li's eyes flashed with a sigh: "Yes... I have read the report you sent over the past two days."

The next second, Councillor Li changed the subject and said seriously: "Qiming, what do you think of Lu Yongchang?"

Hong Qiming's pupils shrank suddenly.

Councillor Li's words made him vaguely guess.

Could it be that Councillor Li was going to...

He did not dare to hide it and immediately told everything he saw.

After listening to Hong Qiming's words, Councillor Li nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that this kid is very much to your taste."

"I plan to train him to be a new generation of leaders, what do you think?"

Hong Qiming took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "Councillor Li, I think Lu Yongchang can take on this responsibility!"

Councillor Li showed a satisfied smile on his face: "In that case, bring him to my place in two days, I want to meet him in person."



"Councillor Li wants to see me?!"

Even Lu Yongchang, who was used to seeing all kinds of big figures in his previous life, couldn't help but be a little surprised at this time.

He didn't expect that Councillor Li would notice him so quickly.

But what's the reason?

It's just a controlled nuclear fusion ignition experiment, which is not enough for Councillor Li to notice him!

After thinking for a long time without getting an answer, Lv Yongchang showed a flattering smile on his face and approached Hong Qiming: "Minister Hong, do you know... why Councillor Li wants to see me?"

Hong Qiming glanced at Lv Yongchang, who was grinning in front of him, with some helplessness.

He wondered from the bottom of his heart, why was Lv Yongchang not afraid of him at all?

After all, he was also a councillor at the ministerial level!

Although he was a little puzzled, he still told Lv Yongchang everything he knew.

"Councillor Li means to train you to be a leader of the young generation, you have to be prepared."

After the voice fell, not only Lv Yongchang, but also Fang Xu on the side, suddenly shrank his pupils!

Lv Yongchang restrained the smile on his face a little, and asked in a deep voice: "Minister Hong, did Councillor Li really say that?"

"No lies!"

Hearing Hong Qiming's decisive response, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with excitement.

If it really works, then he will have more confidence in the future disaster!

Originally in his plan, he needed about three years to achieve the current achievement.

But now... in just less than a month, he has completed all the previous plans!

"Minister Hong, when are we going to leave?"

Hong Qiming smiled and glanced at the "young boy" in front of him: "Tomorrow, I will take you to see Councillor Li in person!"


The next day.

At the door of the mysterious building within the first ring of Beijing, a black Audi A6 slowly stopped.

After the door opened, a middle-aged man got out first, followed by a college student with a slightly immature face.

"Yongchang, when you meet Councillor Li, don't talk nonsense, be serious, understand?"

Hong Qiming's eyes showed some trepidation. As the "guarantor" of Lu Yongchang, if something really went wrong, he probably wouldn't be able to get out!

Lu Yongchang nodded gently and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Hong Qiming's eyes showed a little smile.

"I didn't expect you to get nervous sometimes?"

"I've never seen you like this in front of me!"

Hong Qiming's teasing voice brought Lu Yongchang back to his senses.

A bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.


He wasn't nervous!

Just now, he was just thinking about how to make Councillor Li pay attention to the development of aerospace technology!

However, since Minister Hong said so, he just silently agreed to this sentence.

You can't refute him at this time, right?

As a former chief scientist, his emotional intelligence is not that low!

"Don't worry, Councillor Li is easy to talk to."

Seeing that Lu Yongchang remained silent, Minister Hong's eyes smiled even more, and he reached out and patted him on the shoulder gently: "Let's go, don't let Councillor Li wait anxiously."


"Knock knock knock!"

The rhythmic knocking sounded in the quiet corridor.

"Come in!"

The voice of an old man came from inside the door.

The heavy wooden door slowly opened, and the familiar and simple office appeared in front of Lu Yongchang.

A little nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

In the last life, he was a frequent visitor to this office!

"Lu Yongchang, right?"

The first time he saw Lu Yongchang, a smile appeared on the old man's face, and then he slowly got up from the chair and walked in front of him.

Councillor Li looked up and down at Lv Yongchang and praised him repeatedly: "Not bad, not bad, a handsome man."

He reached out and patted Lv Yongchang on the shoulder: "On behalf of the Xia Kingdom, thank you."

As he spoke, Councillor Li actually bent down towards Lv Yongchang.

"Councillor Li!"

Seeing this, Hong Qiming on the side showed a bit of anxiety in his eyes and said repeatedly: "Councillor Li! Absolutely not!"

Lv Yongchang also reacted immediately and was about to help Councillor Li up, but was firmly nailed to the spot by Councillor Li's left hand and had to accept the bow abruptly.

"Member Li, you are..." Lu Yongchang smiled bitterly, "I just did what a scientific researcher should do."

Member Li stood up and was moved by what he said: "What should be done... Good! Good!"

"A few days ago, I asked Minister Hong what he thought of you."

"Originally, I thought Minister Hong was biased towards you, but now it seems that Minister Hong didn't tell the truth!"

Member Li smiled and glanced at Hong Qiming, who was standing aside with a smirk on his face, and spoke again to affirm.

"You kid... Good! Very good!"

"If all the young people in my Xia country are like you, there is no need to worry about Xia country not rising!"

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