A week later.

The time on the calendar has quietly arrived in 2038.


The second day of the new year.

Inside Mars City No. 1.

"Professor, the time is up." Wilson looked up at the time displayed on the laboratory wall and reminded softly, "Mercury is about to fall into the sun."

Lu Yongchang stopped the experiment in his hands, raised his head, and looked at the holographic image in front of him solemnly.

Like Lu Yongchang, all the humans in Mars City looked up at the holographic image in front of them.

The old parliamentarian sat on the chair, staring deeply at the scene in front of him, with a trace of pain in his eyes.

In the holographic screen, a red fireball burned quietly in the dark universe.

Next to the fireball, there is a small black spot.

That's Mercury about to fall into the sun.

"Zero, enlarge the picture of Mercury a little more." Lu Yongchang said softly.

The holographic image is divided into two. The right side shows the red giant sun, and the left side shows Mercury at this moment.

This is image data from the Earth, so strictly speaking, this should be Mercury five minutes ago.

Mercury, which is extremely close to the sun, has completely melted on its surface under the high temperature of the sun. The originally gray Mercury has turned into a lava ball glowing with dim red light!

As time passed, under the gaze of everyone, a dazzling light suddenly lit up around the small lava ball!

"It has begun to contact the outermost atmosphere of the sun." Lu Yongchang sighed slightly, "Mercury is going to disappear."

"Yes, Professor." Zero's voice sounded in the laboratory, "According to calculations, due to the deceleration of the solar atmosphere, Mercury will completely fall into the sun in thirty minutes!"

"At that time, a large solar storm will erupt in the solar system."

"How will it affect us?" Lu Yongchang asked in a deep voice.

Unlike Earth, Mars does not have a magnetic field.

This means that Mars has no means of defense in the face of solar storms.

Of course, like an asteroid impact, nothing will happen to Mars, but humans...

The holographic image in front of him changed again, and the solar system star map replaced the original Mercury image.

"Professor, the impact is not big." Ling said in a calm voice.

"Mars is on the back side of the sun, and Mercury, Venus, and Earth are on the front side of the sun."

"Although Mars does not have a magnetic field to protect it, we only have to deal with a very small fraction of solar storms."

As he spoke, the relative positions of Venus, Earth, and Mars were marked on the star chart.

Looking at the star map in front of him, Lu Yongchang was stunned: "Are Venus and Mercury in a straight line now?"

"Yes, Professor."

have to.

Lu Yongchang shrugged.

It seems that not only Mercury, but also Venus will be in trouble this time.

Time passes minute by minute.


"Mercury's sundown begins."

Zero's dull report broke the silence of the laboratory.

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved slightly and he raised his head to look at the holographic image.

The speed of the lava ball continued to decrease, and it fell straight into the sun!

A powerful fire light then lit up, and a small "hole" instantly appeared in the sun's corona!

The disintegration and explosion of the lava ball instantly destroyed the balance of the corona!

The area where Mercury fell suddenly increased in brightness, and a violent explosion occurred in the sun's corona.

At this moment, countless coronal materials were ejected!

A red "fountain" appears on the surface of the sun!

"Professor, a solar storm has appeared." Zero's voice followed, "The high-energy charged particle flow is expected to arrive at Venus in two days."

The moment the words fell, Zero's simulation video of this incident began to play on the hologram.

For easier viewing, Zero has specially marked the solar wind in red gold.

The red-gold solar wind "blows" straight towards Venus, like a sharp sword, slashing straight towards Venus without the protection of a magnetic field!

The originally dense atmosphere on the surface of Venus was blown into the universe behind it in an instant!

A long "tail" stretched out from the back of Venus, like a comet.

Lu Yongchang stared blankly at the simulation screen in front of him.

Inspiration kept springing up in the back of his mind.

In his eyes, the sun quietly turned into an extremely powerful ion beam emitter, launching a strong ion beam attack towards Venus in front!

That was a high-energy ion beam attack that stretched for 50 million kilometers!

The sun seemed to have become his teacher, perfectly demonstrating the secret of ion beam weapons for him!

"I understand! I understand!"

Lu Yongchang's face showed ecstasy, and he kept saying: "Wrong! We are going in the wrong direction!"

"I know how to solve the range problem of ion beam weapons!"

Lu Yongchang's shout startled Wilson on the side.

His body trembled suddenly, but after hearing clearly the vague words in Lu Yongchang's mouth, his expression instantly became excited!

"Professor! Professor!" Wilson rushed to Lu Yongchang's side and looked at him anxiously, "Say it! You should hurry up and say it!"

Hearing the urging from beside him, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He pointed at the holographic image in front of him: "Look! Look!!"

"What's this?!"

Wilson looked confused: "Isn't this a solar storm?"

"No! This is an ion beam emitter!!" Lu Yongchang waved his right hand and said loudly, "Tell me Wilson, what does the solar wind consist of?"

Wilson's eyes moved slightly, and his expression gradually became excited.

He somewhat understood what Lu Yongchang meant!

"Teach, professor, it's protons and electrons!" Wilson's voice began to tremble with excitement!

"Yes, protons and electrons!" Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction.

"We are blindly pursuing single-ion ion beams, why can't we learn from the sun?!"

"We can use two oppositely charged ions to form an ion beam."

"Under the attraction of positive and negative charges, the dispersion effect of the ion beam will be greatly weakened, and the range will also be greatly increased!"

Wilson held his breath suddenly.

He turned to look at the sun in the holographic screen, his eyes filled with excitement and gratitude.

"You're right, Professor."

"We should learn from the sun."

Lu Yongchang waved his hand: "Zero, remove all these holographic images, we should start the next experiment!"

"Okay, Professor."

Zero still had that calm tone.

One after another, the holographic images turned into light points and quietly disappeared in the air, leaving only the initial experimental data.

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