Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 23 Public opinion gradually rises

the next day.

Before anyone noticed, a piece of news quietly appeared on the front page of the newspaper.

"Xia Guo's controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor plan is officially launched today!" 》

Of course, there is no surprise that this news has also appeared on the hot search list for scarves.

For a time, it attracted countless comments from netizens.

"Ah? This is the official launch of the controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor plan?"

"I remember, didn't I just successfully ignite it two days ago? Isn't the progress too fast?"

"Can someone please explain to me, what does this news mean?"

"Here comes the explanation. Successful ignition can only mean that Xia Guo can ignite nuclear fusion in a controllable nuclear fusion device. It is still far away from truly mastering controllable nuclear fusion. However, the current experimental reactor is where the research really begins. Controlled nuclear fusion.”

"I see... But this is fast enough. I hope Xia Guo can give ITER a big help and be the first to develop controllable nuclear fusion!"

"I think Xuan, I heard people say that the controllable nuclear fusion technology at ITER is almost mature. Everyone should know that it is time to kick out the Xia Kingdom."


At the same time, an article appeared on something.

"It's all in vain!" It is impossible for a stellarator to achieve controllable nuclear fusion! 》

As time went by, the impact of this article gradually began to grow.

Reprint, like, share...

The power of the Internet is extremely huge.

In just over ten hours, this article reached the top of the list of trending searches for scarves!

After returning from Congressman Li, Lu Yongchang turned around and entered the nuclear physics laboratory of Sandaokou University without taking any rest.

He needs to start the second controlled nuclear fusion experiment as soon as possible.

Only by truly achieving long-term controllable nuclear fusion in a stellarator can he propose to Congressman Li the construction of a fusion demonstration reactor!

"What the hell is written here!"

"I'm so angry!"

Just as Lu Yongchang was leaning on his desk studying various data collected from the first ignition, the door of the office was pushed open, and Fang Xu's angry voice came from the door.

Seeing Fang Xu's face turn red, Lu Yongchang was stunned, and immediately put down the pen in his hand and asked, "What's going on?"

"Which researcher got the data wrong again?"

Hearing Lu Yongchang's question, Fang Xu shook his head repeatedly, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, unlocked the screen and placed it in front of Lu Yongchang: "Look at what is being said on the Internet!"

"It really pisses me off! Any clown can come out and say a few words!"

There was some confusion in Lu Yongchang's eyes, and he looked at the phone screen on the table with curiosity.

Seeing the somewhat familiar interface, he instantly became happy.

"Hey! Academician Fang, you are still shopping somewhere!"

Fang Xu glanced at Lu Yongchang angrily: "What the hell? I don't shop for that stuff. This is a link sent to me by a friend of mine!"

Lu Yongchang smiled and shook his head, reaching out to drag the screen.

"It's all in vain!" It is impossible for a stellarator to achieve controllable nuclear fusion! 》

The moment he saw the title, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and the look on his face became more serious.

The article is not very long, only a few hundred words.

However, the content is a bit dazzling.

In the first half of the article, the difference between the stellarator and the Tokmak device is very objectively described, and it is "emphasized" that the stellarator is a device that has been eliminated by Western countries.

Seeing this, Lu Yongchang raised his head and looked at Fang Xu with a surprised look on his face: "What...what's going on?"

"Isn't it well written?"

"These are indeed facts!"

Fang Xu sighed deeply: "Keep reading."

Lu Yongchang glanced at Fang Xu suspiciously, then dragged the screen to look down again.

Gradually, he sensed a problem.

Just looking at the first half, this article is a popular science article.

But in the second half, its butt is a little crooked.

First of all, the article writes that ITER's Tokmak device can sustain fusion reactions for up to 26 minutes, thereby highlighting the "flaws" of the stellarator.

After all, in the first ignition experiment, the stellarator only carried out the fusion reaction for about two minutes.

Secondly, the article directly states the scientific research funding that Sandokou University received for this stellarator project - a full billion!

At the end of the article, the author criticized the Sandaokou University Nuclear Physics Laboratory in extremely fierce terms.

Making money, enjoying great success, and wasting Xia's public resources...

Sandaokou University and the Nuclear Physics Laboratory are simply said to be worthless!

"Did you see it? I don't know who the author is. If you want me to know, I have to..."

The sound of Fang Xu gritting his teeth came from the side.

Different from Fang Xu's reaction, Lu Yongchang closed the webpage lightly and returned the phone to Fang Xu.

Seeing Lu Yongchang's reaction, Fang Xu's emotions became a little incoherent.

He reached out and took his cell phone with a confused look on his face: "Yongchang, aren't you angry?"

In his opinion, this article is basically equivalent to pointing their noses and yelling!

As an academician of the Academy of Sciences, Fang Xu asked himself, he still couldn't swallow this breath!

When he thought about it, as the chief engineer of the controllable nuclear fusion project, Lu Yongchang would only be angrier!

But...the facts slapped Fang Xu in the face.

Lu Yongchang chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"It's just some confusing ideas published by an internet celebrity. There's no need to get angry."

"Why, do we have to put down our work and go online to write an article to refute it?"

Fang Xu was a little speechless for a moment.

While looking down at the data on the table, Lv Yongchang said lightly: "We are scientists. We don't need to care about these temporary honors and disgraces."

"I believe that as long as we successfully run controlled nuclear fusion on the stellarator, these so-called rumors will naturally disappear."

"Don't forget what controlled nuclear fusion means to Xiaguo."

After speaking, Lv Yongchang focused all his attention on the information in front of him.

As for Fang Xu, he was stunned with a complicated expression.

Unexpectedly, he has lived for more than 40 years, and no young man in his early twenties has seen it through!

Controlled nuclear fusion is not a dispute over personal honor and disgrace.

This is a dispute over national destiny that has not happened in a century!

Although Lv Yongchang let it go, Jiang Yongxing, the dean of the School of Nuclear Physics at Sandaokou University, could not let it go.

After all, this was a slander against Sandaokou University!

He immediately reported the whole thing to Minister Hong Qiming.


“Okay, I got it. I’ll have someone investigate this matter.”

Hong Qiming’s solemn voice came out from the microphone.

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