
Kraken - Mare Sea coast.

The hatch of the Luan Bird lying quietly on the shore slowly opened, and three robots with slightly strange shapes slowly walked out of it.

In the starship cockpit, Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang looked at the holographic screen in front of them seriously.

Seeing the three robots walking into the methane sea step by step, Gao Yang breathed a long sigh of relief: "We just have to wait, right?"

Zhao Zijie nodded slightly: "It is estimated that these robots will be able to send back the detection data in a few days."

The holographic image shows a scene in the methane sea.

Because of the density of the methane sea, these robots can only "walk" along the seabed.

The seabed is steep, spreading straight into the depths.

The robot's walking movements turned the originally clear methane sea into turbidity.

That is fine sand formed under the "flow action" of the methane sea.

A faint searchlight overhead illuminated the way forward.

In order to control the temperature, the power of each component in the robot's body, which is wrapped in a thick insulation layer, has been reduced.

Therefore, the searchlight carried by the robot can only illuminate a small part of the area in front of it, and most of the remaining areas are still dark.

Zhao Zijie turned his head and looked at the test data on the side.

[Depth: 50 meters]

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes: "We reached a depth of fifty meters so quickly?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "Who knows?"

"After all, this is not the earth, any situation is normal."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a violent shaking on the surveillance screen.

A few minutes later, four large characters appeared on the holographic image.

[Signal interruption]

Zhao Zijie suddenly turned his head and glared at Gao Yang beside him: "Gao Yang!!"

Gao Yang: "..."

"No, no, you really can't blame me!"

"How did I know this would happen?!"

Zhao Zijie sighed deeply and withdrew his glare at Gao Yang: "One, what's going on?"

"The water is too deep and signal transmission is hindered."

"This is impossible!" Zhao Zijie exclaimed.

"The signal transmission devices on these robots are enough to transmit data on the bottom of the methane sea three hundred meters deep!"

Gao Yang's expression on the side also changed.

If there is really a signal transmission problem caused by the depth of the sea water, then their understanding of the Kraken-Male Sea will be refreshed again!

The holographic image begins to play back various monitoring data a few minutes before the signal disappears.

In the picture, three robots are walking normally on the sandy seabed.

The echo sounder shows that the seabed surface is very flat, with few larger rocks, and the depth is steadily increasing.

Everything seems normal.

But the next moment, under slow motion, the flat seabed under the robot's feet suddenly cracked, revealing a big hole!

In those short few minutes, the echo sounder on the robot sent a lot of shocking data!


Zhao Zijie stared blankly at the various data in front of him and asked in a low voice.

"The statement is not accurate, Captain." A response came, "It is much wider than the trench. At least the echo sounder did not find a clear boundary."

Zhao Zijie took a deep breath.

"How many meters is the deepest point?"

A response came: "According to the data from the echo sounder, the total depth exceeds five hundred meters."

Hearing this data, Zhao Zijie felt his head hurt.

Why are there so many surprises!

While complaining in his mind, he cast an angry look at his teammates.

Gao Yang scratched his head with a smile and said awkwardly: "Zijie, do you want to report the situation to Professor Lu?"

"What do you think?!"

Zhao Zijie asked angrily.

More than ten minutes later.

The two sat "obediently" on the chairs, facing the holographic image.

In the picture, Lu Yongchang frowned and sat quietly behind his desk, seemingly thinking about something.

Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang looked guilty and frantically communicated their inner thoughts through their eyes.

Zhao Zijie: ‘F*ck! What should I do? Professor Lu won't be angry, right? ’

Gao Yang: ‘That’s not the case, right? ’

Zhao Zijie: ‘Why not? Don’t you know how much Professor Lu takes this matter seriously? He has been asking about the progress of the robot transformation every day for the past few days! ’

Gao Yang: ‘What should we do? ! ’

Zhao Zijie: ‘Don’t ask me, ask your open mouth! ’

"Cough!" Lu Yongchang coughed lightly in the holographic image.

Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang trembled slightly and immediately stopped making eye contact.

"Why are you so nervous?" Lu Yongchang asked in a low voice with some confusion in his eyes.

"Teach, Professor." Zhao Zijie swallowed slightly, "I am responsible for this matter, I..."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang suddenly laughed.

"Come, tell me, what are your responsibilities?"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Zijie with interest: "You didn't go into the sea to explore the way for the robot?"

"Or are you the one who collapsed the seabed?"

Zhao Zijie hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't squeeze out a word.

He can't say that he didn't take care of Gao Yang's crow's mouth, right?

"Okay, I don't blame you."

Lu Yongchang smiled and waved his hand: "To be honest, I didn't expect this."

"I have seen all the data, and Zero has also conducted simulations."

"This should be a unique geographical structure of Titan."

"Based on comprehensive analysis of various data, we found that Titan's ocean has a double-layer structure."

"The upper layer is what we usually see, the Kraken-Mare Sea with a maximum depth of 300 meters."

"The lower layer, let's call it the inland sea for the time being, cannot be described in detail due to insufficient data. We can only determine that its composition is more complex than the Krakenmare Sea, and the water temperature is also slightly higher."

"The two layers of ocean are naturally layered due to density issues, separated by a thin layer of rock structure."

"Normally nothing will happen, but that area may be fragile, and our robot just stepped on it."

He shrugged: "I have to say we are quite lucky."

Lu Yongchang's voice paused for a moment and then sounded again: "It's just... the only problem is that since those jellyfish can feel the temperature changes on the sea surface, their living area must be in the Kraken-Mare Sea on the surface."

"Otherwise, no matter how powerful their heat-sensitive organs are, they will not be able to sense temperature changes on the sea surface through a layer of rock."

"This raises another question." Lu Yongchang frowned even deeper, "Since they live in the Kraken-Marei Sea, why can't they survive in the seawater in the breeding room?"


Gao Yang's eyes lit up and he subconsciously shouted: "Unless there is a connection between the two oceans!"

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