A few days later.

The huge solar storm caused by the fall of Venus moved away from the orbit of Jupiter and flew towards Saturn, which is farther away.

After confirming that there was no danger, the human fleet replenished its helium-3 reserves and started its journey to the Kuiper Belt again.

Under Zero's control, the Hall thrusters at the tails of 1,251 starships emitted strong light, pushing all starships away from the huge Jupiter.

Being in the star system, the acceleration and travel speed of the starships are not fast.

The reason is also very simple.

They need to use the asteroids in the solar system for "training".

Although they have passed through the asteroid belt with relatively dense matter, asteroids may hit several along the way in the solar system.

Just like now.

Not long after leaving Jupiter, a shrill alarm sounded at the command center of [Earth].

[Asteroid impact alarm! ]

A row of highlighted characters appeared on the holographic image in front of the command center.

[Maximum diameter of asteroid: 5 km]

[Asteroid coordinates: X (573.4267 km); Y (-328.7123 km); Z (1038.3422 km)]

The coordinate numbers are accurate to 0.1 meter level, and the numbers on the coordinates are still jumping over time.

The coordinates here are naturally a three-dimensional coordinate system established with [Earth] as the origin. The X axis represents the left and right sides of [Earth], the Y axis represents up and down, and the Z axis represents front and back.

Through this coordinate positioning method, the starship driver can find the target object very quickly.

"Asteroid with a diameter of 5,000 meters..."

Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and said to Zhao Zijie beside him: "Use electromagnetic guns and high-energy lasers to solve it."

Hearing Lu Yongchang's order, Zhao Zijie's expression was slightly solemn, nodded, and pressed the communication button on the console in front of him.

"[Jinwu] B31, please reply if you receive it."

With almost no delay, a clear voice came from the communication device.

"【Jinwu】B31 received."

"Go ahead."

Zhao Zijie did not hesitate and reached out to press a few buttons on the console in front of him.

"B31, 1,100 kilometers away from you, there is an asteroid with a maximum diameter of 5,000 meters. According to calculations, its trajectory coincides with the fleet."

"The solution and the specific position of the asteroid have been sent to your onboard computer."

"Solve it immediately."

As soon as the voice fell, a response came from the communication device: "B31 received!"

A few seconds later, a series of flames and several extremely bright lasers appeared in the lower right corner of the [Earth].

The innocent asteroid, under the action of the electromagnetic gun and high-energy laser, did not even last a few seconds and turned directly into a piece of powder.

"Report, the target has been successfully solved."

As the report sounded, a new line of reminders flashed on the holographic image in front of the command center.

[The alarm has been lifted]

Lv Yongchang looked at the people who were gradually becoming familiar with this set of procedures and nodded slowly.

"Yongchang, it seems that your training method is quite good." Fang Xu chuckled and said in a low voice.

Facing Fang Xu's praise, Lv Yongchang shook his head and showed a helpless smile.

"I am helpless."

"After leaving the solar system, everyone will go into hibernation."

"When hibernation ends, we will fight with the Proxima civilization."

"With such a tight time, I can only choose this method for simulation training."

Yes, all of this is the training task assigned by Lv Yongchang.

He ordered to block the automatic interception function of Zero, and all interception operations were manually operated by the starship pilots, just to let these starship pilots adapt to space combat as soon as possible.

Fang Xu ignored Lv Yongchang's complaints, but said happily: "Now it seems that the effect is quite good."

"At least, their operation is much more skilled than before."

"Think about the scene in the asteroid belt...tsk tsk tsk, it's really terrible."

Lv Yongchang also smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In order to train these pilots, he specifically ordered Zero to choose a route with the densest asteroids.

The result is predictable.

If Zero had not taken over most of the [Golden Crow] battleships at a critical moment, the human fleet would have suffered casualties before leaving the solar system.

But the benefits of that shocking incident were also huge.

At least, these starship pilots became much more skilled in attacking targets.

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that there are still fewer asteroids in the solar system."

Fang Xu rolled his eyes unhappily.

"Forget it."

"Why don't you go back and see how the asteroid belt has been destroyed?"

Lv Yongchang's face froze, and he scratched his head with a smile: "Isn't this to improve their proficiency as much as possible?"

"To improve proficiency, you don't have to go around the asteroid belt three or four times, right?!" Fang Xu complained again, "If this were in ancient times, you would definitely be a master at confiscating houses."


Seeing some of the researchers around him looking at him strangely, Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched, and he coughed twice and changed the subject directly.

"Hey, Academician Mo Zeyang, come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the command center.

Hearing his name, Mo Zeyang suddenly raised his head and looked at the command desk beside him.

Seeing that Lv Yongchang had already walked out of the command center, he quickly reached out and pressed the controller on his watch.

The magnetic force of several electromagnetic devices connected to the chair on the back of the space suit disappeared instantly.

Then, with the help of electromagnetic boots, he stood up from the chair and walked quickly towards the command center door.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Lv Yongchang standing by the porthole, silently staring at Jupiter, which had shrunk into a small ball.

"Professor, is there anything?"

He slowed down his pace, walked to Lv Yongchang, and asked softly.

Lv Yongchang heard the voice, turned his head to look at Mo Zeyang, smiled gently and said: "Academician Mo, how is the development progress of the photonic computer?"

The moment he heard the question, the expression on Mo Zeyang's face instantly became a little dry.

"Professor, there is still not much progress."

"Unlike superconducting circuit quantum computers, photon computers require a completely new architecture and higher manufacturing technology."

"At present, we don't seem to have such capabilities."

Lv Yongchang's face was slightly gloomy.

As the threshold of the second-level civilization in the technology tree system, photon computers must have their own unique difficulties, which is also predictable.

But he never expected that a photon computer technology would hold them back for two whole years!

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