Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 256: What does it have to do with you if I destroy you?


Lu Yongchang suddenly stopped waving and shouted: "Zero! Play back the video and find the light spot for me!"

Lu Yongchang's shout broke the silence of the command center.

Everyone cast doubtful glances at Lu Yongchang.

"Yongchang?" Fang Xu's voice came from afar, "What happened?"

The half-dissipated holographic projection condensed again, and the images played in it quickly began to regress.

When he saw that shining spot of light appear again on the surface of the sun, he shouted: "Stop!"

The picture stops immediately.

On the surface of the red fireball, an object far exceeding the brightness of the sun appeared.

Lu Yongchang reached out and swept through the air, and the holographic projection in front of him instantly collapsed.

Later, the same picture appeared on the huge holographic projection directly in front of the command center.

"This!" Fang Xu's eyes suddenly widened and he blurted out, "What is this!"

"Has the sun had another accident?"

"No, I'm afraid it's not the sun..."

For a time, countless noisy discussions were heard in the command center.

Lu Yongchang ignored everyone's comments and said directly: "Zero, process the image."

"Okay, Professor."

The picture in the giant holographic projection changed rapidly.

Areas of bright light on the sun's surface are continuously magnified.

Gradually, the image became slightly blurry.

But with zero treatment, the image became clear again.

After repeating this operation several times, and after a series of zero processes, a clear image of the light spot gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.




When they saw the clear image of the light spot, everyone in the command center suddenly cursed.

There is no other reason.

That is an object full of man-made traces!

A spherical silver-white object with an extremely smooth surface.

At least, in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang did not see any roughness or bulges on its surface.

Maybe it's because the distance is too far, or maybe it's made in one piece, but Lu Yongchang didn't find any traces of splicing!

"Zero, slow down the video and see where it goes." Lu Yongchang said with an ugly expression.

Zero didn't speak, and just played the video silently.

The next moment, the silver-white sphere disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

"Zero?!" Lu Yongchang looked panicked and subconsciously shouted.

"Professor, we are looking for the target, please wait..."

As Zero's response sounded, the holographic projection screen in front of him began to change rapidly.

Densely packed pixels are beating crazily in front of everyone!

Time passed by, and the atmosphere in the command center gradually became solemn.

After more than ten minutes, the beating pixels suddenly stopped.

The light spots on the dark background glow a little.

Compared with the scene just now, the light on the surface of this silver-white object seems to have dimmed a lot.

"Is it moving away from the sun?" Lu Yongchang frowned slightly and expressed his guess.

"Yes, Professor."

"Can you calculate its direction of travel?" Lu Yongchang asked in a low voice.


After a short wait, Zero gave his answer: "The central region of the Milky Way."

Lu Yongchang's expression changed slightly and he asked again: "Are there any other scenes?"

"Sorry, Professor. Among all the video materials, I only found these two seconds of footage." Zero quickly replied, "In the second second of footage, it has already appeared in the very corner of the video."

The command hall fell into dead silence.

Only two seconds of footage.

This UFO actually covered such a long distance in just two seconds!

This astonishing flight speed seems to declare to mankind the technological gap between the two!


Lu Yongchang swallowed lightly.

After swallowing the panic and shock in his heart, he took a deep breath: "Zero, based on the image ratio, roughly estimate its data."

After a short waiting time, the size of the zero estimate was presented to everyone.

[Diameter: 3000 kilometers]

[Quality: Insufficient data, unable to estimate]

[Current speed: 0.5-0.8 times the speed of light]

[Maximum speed: Insufficient data, unable to estimate]


The data in front of me was like a pair of thick hands, strangling the throats of everyone present!

"This... this is impossible!" Cao Liangcai's horrified voice came from the side, "How could there be such a powerful man-made object!"

"3000 kilometers in diameter...this is almost as big as the moon!!"

"Think about it, a moon accelerated to 0.5 times the speed of light in such a short period of time... This, this is too exaggerated!"

"Zero must have been miscalculated!"

"Or, there is an error in the images taken by the detector... Yes, that must be the case!"

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible to have such an aircraft..."

Cao Liangcai's low murmur echoed in the command center.

Lu Yongchang sighed softly, turned to look at Cao Liangcai, whose face was full of fear, and slowly shook his head: "Old Cao, there is no need to lie to yourself."

"The facts are before us."

"If nothing unexpected happens, our sun will probably be destroyed by this object." Lv Yongchang lowered his eyelids to hide the horror in his eyes, "It absorbed 30% of the mass of the sun and completed its mission."

"Mission? What mission?!" Cao Liangcai panted hard and asked in horror, "Destroy human civilization?"

"Not that bad." Fang Xu's bitter voice sounded beside him.

"Probably, it's to collect energy."

"If you want to destroy humans, you don't have to use weapons of this level... No, maybe not weapons."

"Collect energy? Just because we collect energy, we have to..." Cao Liangcai excitedly broke free from the magnetic suction device on the seat.

Fortunately, with the fixation of electromagnetic boots, he didn't "fly" to the ceiling.

But the pulling feeling at that moment was not pleasant.

Cao Liangcai exhaled a few hot breaths with force, suppressing the excitement in his heart due to fear.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure." He lowered his eyelids and apologized softly.

Then, he seemed to have lost his temper and sat back in his chair.


The sound of the magnetic device fitting together rang in everyone's ears.

Lv Yongchang shook his head with difficulty: "It's okay."

"It's human nature, I can understand it."

No one responded to his words.

Lv Yongchang didn't care about this little problem.

As the chief scientist, he naturally knew how much of a blow this scene had caused to everyone present.

Thinking that human civilization was destroyed just because of the energy collection device of a certain advanced civilization, Lv Yongchang felt a chill behind his back.

He closed his eyes and whispered a sentence that emerged in his heart.

"What does it have to do with you to destroy you?"

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