Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 259 Running in both directions?

"Proxima is not like the sun. At least it won't have a helium flash, so we don't need to run around."

"In the Proxima system, there are not only solid planets suitable for survival, but also a gas giant planet. Even if Proxima goes out, we can still get an excellent opportunity for development."

"This is the first good news."

"As for the other half of the good news..."

"Maybe, by the time we get there, the Proxima civilization has already fled."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang's face suddenly became a little strange, "and their choice of escape is most likely the solar system."

Fang Xu: "..."

Cao Liangcai: "..."

Other scientists: "..."

"Yongchang, this joke is not funny..." Fang Xu looked at Lv Yongchang with a strange face.

Lv Yongchang looked at the people in front of him with strange expressions helplessly: "I'm not a joke."

"Zero, open the star map and show them."

The holographic projection changed instantly, and images of several nearby star systems appeared beside him.

The solar system, the Alpha Centauri system and the Ophiuchus system.

"The closest star to Proxima is the other two stars in the Alpha Centauri triple system, which is only 0.21 light years away."

"However, those two stars form a binary star system. According to Zero's latest observations, there are no planets suitable for life there."

"Second, it is the solar system, and finally, it is Barnard's Star in the Ophiuchus galaxy."

"Unfortunately, Barnard's Star also has no solid planets suitable for survival."

"So..." Lv Yongchang shrugged, "Under normal circumstances, the Proxima people may already be on their way to the solar system."

Fang Xu's expression became more and more strange.

"So, we are still a two-way process?"

"It can be said that way." Thinking of the expression of the Proxima people after arriving in the solar system, Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a forced smile.

"Of course, there is another possibility. Their observation methods are more advanced than ours. They discovered the abnormality of the sun earlier and chose a more distant star system as their target."

"However, this requires a higher level of technology. I don't think the Proxima civilization has such means."


The central area of ​​the Milky Way.

The artificial planet belonging to Sweeper 9527 quietly stayed in the universe.

Inside the planet.

"Sir, the latest news came from the Orion Arm area."

A report sounded, attracting the attention of Sweeper 9527.


A simple syllable came out of his vocal organs.

"Sir, the star-eating device sent to the LHS4C42Y star system has successfully completed its mission and is on its way back."

"Yes, how much energy did it absorb?"

"... Not much."

A light curtain appeared in front of Sweeper 9527.

He casually glanced at the data on the light curtain, and the originally cyan skin color suddenly deepened by one degree.

"That's all?"

He said in an extremely dissatisfied tone.

"Sir, that's just a yellow dwarf. It's good that the Star Devourer can absorb this energy." The subordinate's voice came to defend, "Unless the mother civilization's large mass-energy conversion device is used, otherwise..."

"Okay, okay, of course I know this." Sweeper 9527 waved his tentacles unhappily, "I don't have much of that thing. Do you think I'm crazy to use it to deal with a first-level civilization and a yellow dwarf?"

"I'm just making an analogy..." The subordinate's voice came again.

"By the way, I remember there is a red dwarf next to the yellow dwarf. How is the Star Devourer over there?" A faint light flashed on the external memory storage device of Sweeper 9527.

"Sir, it will take some time. The reaction inside the red dwarf is not intense enough."

"Tsk... It's really a losing business." Sweeper 9527 said a little depressed.

The subordinate's voice sounded again: "Sir, how about I help you choose a star with a larger mass?"

After the voice fell, another light curtain appeared in front of Sweeper 9527.

"Hmm? Level 3 civilization?" He stretched out his tentacles and slid the light curtain in boredom. "The potential of civilization is good. It is estimated that it will enter Level 4 civilization in another 50,000 years."

"Sir, do you want to take action against it?" The subordinate whispered, "It is in the Perseus spiral arm, far away from us, and there is no sign of pastoral activities there."

Sweeper 9527 swiped the light curtain in front of him unhappily: "No sign of pastoral activities? Then why should I bother?"

"If it weren't for that damn pastoral two-dimensional creature hiding in the Orion Arm, I wouldn't bother with those low-level bugs!"

"Keep an eye on the Orion Arm for me. Once you find the trace of that two-dimensional creature, report to me immediately!"

"It won't last long if it is hit in the core by our dimensional weapon!"


Earth calendar year 2100.


In a giant disc-shaped building.

In a room on the top floor of the building, Levi stood silently by the window, overlooking the scenery outside.

As the leader of the rebels, after the uprising was successful, he took the seat he had always dreamed of and became the leader of all the Proxima people.

Of course, this group of Proxima people does not include the Proxima royal family Rex and the scientist Lyle.

But for Levi, such a life has made him very satisfied.

Outside the window, countless Marus and ordinary Proxima people are busy on the production line.

They are trying to make their own escape starship.


A crisp sound came from behind.

Levi turned his head and saw that the door had opened a crack.

"Levi, the famous Lyle wants to see you."

A familiar announcement came from the door.

In order to show what he said about equality, anyone can call him by name, including Marus.

Even his personal guards are composed of half Proxima and half Marus.

The one who just issued the announcement was a Marus.


He did not hide his hostility and asked in a deep voice: "Why did Lyle come to see me?"

"Tell him that I don't want to see him and let him leave immediately!"

"Marus, get out of my way!" With a low and firm voice, the door of the room opened with a bang.

The man was wearing a standard black robe, and he pushed open the gate and the Marus guards who were blocking him with his strong limbs.

"You!" Levi subconsciously took a step back and reached out to press the white button on the side.

As long as he pressed the button, other guards would immediately come to deal with the strong Lyle!

"Calm down, Levi."

Lyle's tone was a bit weirdly excited: "I'm not here to fight with you."

"Then what are you doing here?!" Levi's breathing hole opened and closed rapidly.

"Don't forget the agreement we signed, you have no right to interfere with us!"

PS. The previous chapter was wrong... but it doesn't affect reading.

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