Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 28 Magnetohydrodynamic Generator

The concept of magnetic fluid generator actually appeared very early.

It is a device that uses conductive fluid, such as air or liquid, to move relative to a magnetic field to generate electricity based on the Hall effect.

Since the step of mechanical energy conversion is omitted, its power generation efficiency has also been significantly improved.

In fact, in his previous life, he had imagined using this technology to generate electricity.

But because time was too tight and there was no extra time for in-depth research, I had no choice but to choose the relatively simple method of boiling water to generate electricity.

But this time...he has absolutely plenty of time!

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with excitement. He reached out and grabbed a piece of white paper and spread it flatly on his desk.

"Brother Xu, come and take a look at this plan!"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang picked up the pen beside him, took off the pen cap, and started drawing directly on the white paper!

Seeing Lu Yongchang's actions, Fang Xu's eyes showed some doubts.

This... is a simple method of boiling water to generate electricity. Do you need any other plans?

There are so many controllable nuclear fission power stations in Xia. Wouldn’t it be enough to copy just one plan?

With this thought in his mind, Fang Xu took a step forward and looked carefully at the white A4 paper in front of Lu Yongchang.

Looking at the straight and neat lines on the paper, Fang Xu's eyes showed a bit of wonder.

"Your drawing skills are... amazing!"

Lu Yongchang paused suddenly, then smiled and explained: "Hey! I learned it blindly on my own. Otherwise, how could I have drawn those simple diagrams on the blackboard?"

Fang Xu nodded with admiration.

This is not something you can learn by simply studying!

At least, not him.

Not to mention him, even among the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, there are probably not many people whose drawing skills can reach this level!

The office gradually fell into silence.

Apart from the breathing of the two people, the only sound left was the "rustling" sound of the pen in Lu Yongchang's hand scratching on the white paper.

"This is……"

Fang Xu's eyebrows raised sharply.

As the lines of the drawing gradually improved, he could see what Lu Yongchang was drawing!

"Magnetic fluid generator?"

Lu Yongchang did not stop what he was doing, chuckled, nodded and said: "That's right! It's a magnetic fluid generator!"

"In my opinion, this is simply the most suitable device for controllable nuclear fusion, bar none!"

Fang Xu frowned instantly.

After pondering for a moment, he said with a heavy tone: "Yongchang, I know that the magnetic fluid generator has a very high power generation efficiency."

"But... the magnetic fluid generator has several fatal flaws, and this technology is not yet mature enough!"

"Would it be a little... too rash to use it rashly for controllable nuclear fusion?"

The pen in Lu Yongchang's hand suddenly paused.

He slowly raised his head to look at Fang Xu, smiled and shook his head: "What's the difficulty?"

"The current limitations of magnetic fluid power generation technology are nothing more than two difficulties."

"First, magnetic fluid power generation technology requires inert gas containing trace amounts of alkali metals such as potassium and cesium as a working fluid."

"Second, the high temperature environment under normal operation of the magnetic fluid generator."

"Am I right?"

Fang Xu's eyes narrowed slightly and he nodded slightly: "This first one is still a bit difficult to solve at the moment."

“We don’t have the technology to produce inert gases on a large scale yet.”

"According to the current technical means, if a magnetic fluid generator is used, even if the working fluid can be recycled, the cost will far exceed our expectations!"

Lu Yongchang stared at Fang Xu meaningfully, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Brother Xu, are you sure we don't have the technology to create inert gases yet?"

Fang Xu frowned slightly, and after carefully recalling it in his mind, he slowly shook his head: "I'm sure, at least as of last week, I haven't seen the relevant technology in Xia Guo, or even in international journals! "

Lu Yongchang did not speak, but took a deep look at Fang Xu, and then picked up the pen again and started writing on the paper.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xu frowned even deeper, and an inexplicable feeling of irritation came from the bottom of his heart.

Vaguely, he had a premonition.

It seems that I have overlooked something extremely important!

But Fang Xu couldn't figure out what it was specifically.


There was a hint of urgency in Fang Xu's eyes, and he asked in a low voice to Lu Yongchang in front of him: "What kind of technology is it? You should tell me quickly!"

Lu Yongchang still didn't speak, and just tapped the tip of his pen on the desk.

Fang Xu, who was attracted by Lu Yongchang's movements, lowered his head and looked at the white paper in front of him.

A line of delicate pen writing appeared on the white paper.

1 2 H+ 1 3 H→ 2 4 He+ 0 1 n+17.6MeV

This is...the reaction formula of deuterium-tritium fusion!

Seeing this extremely familiar reaction, Fang Xu immediately froze on the spot.

His lips trembled slightly, and a smile gradually appeared on both sides of his cheeks.

"That's it! That's it!"

No wonder he always felt that he had overlooked something important!

After considering all the external factors, he ignored the most important internal factors!

Unlike ordinary thermal power generation and nuclear fission power plants, deuterium and tritium fusion produces helium as its own product!

Hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3 react under high temperature to produce helium-4 and neutrons. This is simply high school physics knowledge, but... he, the academician, ignored it!

Fang Xu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "In this case, the first difficulty has been solved."

The smile in Lv Yongchang's eyes became more and more obvious: "The second difficulty, is it still difficult for us now?"

Fang Xu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reached out and slapped his head!

"Oh! My brain! What's wrong with it recently!?"

The new material in the stellarator reactor can withstand the high temperature of controlled nuclear fusion. Could it be that it can't withstand the "low temperature" of 2000-3000K when the magnetohydrodynamic generator is working?

Fang Xu became more and more excited as he thought about it. He put his hands behind his back and kept turning around in Lv Yongchang's office.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Helium can be produced in a deuterium-tritium fusion reactor! It's a high-temperature gas of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!"

"We don't even need to expend energy to heat it!"

"This is simply, this is simply a perfect power generation plan!"

Lv Yongchang chuckled and handed the simple diagram on the table to Fang Xu: "Brother Xu, see if our Sandaokou University has talents in this area. If there are... make a prototype as soon as possible!"

"Let's strive to complete the first controlled nuclear fusion demonstration reactor within half a year!"

Fang Xu was excited, reached out to take the sketch handed over by Lu Yongchang, and nodded vigorously!


"Don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

"I promise that within two months, you can see the prototype of the magnetohydrodynamic generator!"

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