Half a month passed in a flash.

Proxima b.

Central Academy of Sciences.

Augustus sat in his chair calmly, gently swinging his short and sturdy lower limbs.

"How is it? Haven't those invaders responded to our communication request yet?"

A Lyle in black heard this, quickly put down his work, and trotted to his side.

"Sir Augustus, during this period, we have sent a total of 109 communication requests, but have not received a single response."

Augustus's leisurely movements paused slightly.

"Are they still struggling in vain?"

Lyle's three pairs of eyes showed hesitation: "No."


Augustus sat up straight, his expression a little more solemn: "Then what are they doing?!"

"Those invaders... seem to be waiting for something in place." Lyle's eyes were even more confused.

Augustus didn't speak, he stood up and walked towards the observation room in the distance.

A few minutes later.

He looked at the picture on the monitor and fell into deep self-doubt.

"Are you sure their fleet has been staying in the same place for the past half month?"

Lyle nodded hurriedly and said, "Indeed, except for the flagship and supply ship, their warships have implemented a full-scale blockade against us."


Lyle met Augustus's solemn eyes and said carefully, "But those flagships and supply ships are all gathered together."

"It looks like they are blocking something."

"Blocking something?" Augustus was stunned, "What can they block?"

"Can you use an optical telescope to observe the invading starships?"

Lyle tapped the keyboard beside him a few times and called up an image.

"We have tried to observe it, but unfortunately, it was blocked very tightly."

Augustus carefully observed the image in front of him.

"Let them go."

Augustus's thinking organ showed layers of wrinkles on the top.

"There is only one solid planet in our star system. Are they going to rely on those tiny asteroids to fight a protracted war with us?"

"Wait, in half a month, we will receive the surrender letter from the other side."



The Proxima Galaxy spent another half a month of peace.


In Lu Yongchang's office.

"Yutong, how is the mining mission of the gas giant planet going?"

He asked Su Yutong beside him in a low voice while drawing on the holographic image in front of him.

Su Yutong's response came soon.

"Professor, the deuterium and tritium gas has been collected, and the factory has started to manufacture hydrogen bombs."

"What about the asteroid collection plan?" Lu Yongchang asked again without looking up.

Su Yutong lowered his head and operated in the holographic projection in front of him.

"It has also entered the final stage."

"Most of the hummingbird mining ships have returned."

Lv Yongchang straightened up, put his hand on his chin, carefully checked the structural diagram in front of him and nodded: "Very good."

"Please help me pass this drawing to Fang Xu and tell him to start making smoke bombs now."

"We will launch a general attack in a week."

Su Yutong's face changed slightly.

While operating the holographic image in front of her, she whispered back: "So urgent?"

Lv Yongchang sighed softly: "We have consumed too many resources to build the factory behind."

"A quick battle and a quick decision will only benefit human civilization."

Under Zero's control, the manufacturing task was quickly launched.

One by one, robots and mechanical arms quickly manufactured the new equipment needed for the decisive battle - interstellar smoke bombs.

In order to accommodate more asteroid dust, the interstellar smoke bomb was made into a spherical shape.

From the outside, the whole smoke bomb looks like a Plus version of the electromagnetic cannon projectile.

But its internal structure is a world of difference.

The smoke bomb has a four-layer structure.

The inner core of the projectile is a miniature nuclear bomb removed from the electromagnetic cannon projectile.

Outside the miniature nuclear bomb is a layer of deuterium and tritium.

The two form a simple hydrogen bomb.

Unlike miniature nuclear bombs, the power of hydrogen bombs can be infinitely increased in theory.

And the way to increase it is also very simple.

It can be done by simply increasing the amount of deuterium and tritium.

Compared with scarce raw materials such as uranium 235, the gas giant planet in the Proxima star system can provide humans with almost unlimited deuterium and tritium materials!

They can greatly increase the explosive power of this smoke bomb and let the asteroid dust float farther!

Outside the hydrogen bomb structure is tightly compressed asteroid dust.

The particle diameter of these dust particles is less than 1 micron, which is smaller than the so-called PM2.5.

Once the smoke bomb explodes inside Proxima, these fine dusts will quickly spread in the atmosphere!

Of course, some people may ask.

What if these smoke bombs are detonated in advance by the planetary defense network, preventing them from entering the atmosphere?

No big problem.

Even in interstellar space, these dusts can still perfectly play their role - blocking the land-based laser weapons of Proxima civilization!

A week passed in a flash.

The day of launching the general attack also arrived as scheduled!

In the deep-sea cabin, Lu Yongchang watched the deep-sea liquid gradually overflow his eyes and silently issued his orders.

‘All [Golden Crow] battleships, evacuate immediately. After replenishing their status, launch a general attack! ’

Proxima b.

"No, it's not good!"

"Your Excellency Augustus! Something happened!!"

A slightly shrill cry woke up August, who was sleeping on a chair.

He opened his "tired" eyes and shouted angrily at the visitor: "Shut up! What are you yelling about?"

He hadn't slept in his own big, comfortable bed for a long time since the war!

Now, he can't even rest in his chair without being disturbed!

Thinking of this, Augustus became even more angry!

"Oh, Sir Augustus, those intruders are on the move!"

Lyle's scream was like a bucket of cold water poured on August's head.

After a brief moment of panic, he came to his senses: "Did they accept our communication request?"

Lyle was stunned for a moment, then shook his head violently and said, "No, no!"

"Their battleships have all evacuated!"

Augustus froze on the spot.

"Evacuate? How could they evacuate?!"

"Damn it, they're gone, what should we do!!"

"How do we get off this damn planet without their starships?!"

He subconsciously believed that these invaders gave up their attack plan and chose to expedition to another habitable star system.

"Your Excellency Augustus, I'm afraid... I'm afraid they are not evacuating." Lyle said cautiously.

"The invaders' flagships and supply ships have dispersed."

"They built a giant factory in this month!"

Augustus was stunned again.

"Giant factory? A month?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?!"

As he said that, Augustus grabbed Lyle in front of him and glared at him fiercely.

"...Your Excellency Augustus, you can go and see for yourself."

Lyle responded with difficulty.

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