Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 284 Successfully cracked the genome

The dense atmosphere increases the explosion power of hydrogen bombs by hundreds or thousands of times!

At the moment of the smoke bomb explosion, under the influence of the shock wave, the dust spread rapidly to the entire Proxima b!

Because the temperature of Proxima b dropped, all the liquid water on the surface condensed into ice.

Therefore, from space, Proxima b at that time was like a snow-white and flawless ice ball, quietly shining in the deep universe.

With the explosion of a large number of interstellar smoke bombs, the climate of Proxima b was greatly changed!

First, it was a change in color.

The originally pure and flawless snow-white ice ball gradually became stained with a layer of dim yellow!

Secondly, it was a change in temperature.

The huge amount of heat radiation released by the explosion of countless high-yield hydrogen bombs caused the temperature of Proxima b to gradually rise.

The original ice layer gradually melted, and Proxima b briefly returned to its previous appearance.

However, under the shining of the main star, the originally clear sky turned into a dim yellow!

The dim sky of Proxima b

Lv Yongchang, who was in the Earth, looked at the picture in the holographic projection with some emotion in his eyes.

The originally weak human civilization, at this moment, also has some planetary transformation capabilities.

Proxima b.

Looking at the approaching Jinwu fleet on the monitor, Augustus sat in his chair with a gloomy look.

It's over.

He knew that when these damn dust began to spread in the atmosphere of Proxima b, the Proxima civilization entered the countdown to extinction.

"Sir Augustus, we still have more than 600 spaceships! We still have the strength to fight!"

"Sir Augustus, fight those damn invaders!"

Calls came from the side.

Seeing the starships of human civilization gradually approaching the synchronous orbit of Proxima b, those Lyells finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Under endless panic, a courage to survive at the risk of death burst out from their hearts!

Augustus seemed to be deaf, just sitting quietly in his seat, silently looking at the display in front of him.

"Sir Augustus!"

Nartes's voice rang out.

He tried to wake up the old man who had ruled the Proxima civilization for hundreds of years.

Augustus shook his head slowly.

"It's useless."

He opened his breathing mouth and exhaled a weak and long breath: "Everything is over."

"Our spaceships can't shake the invaders' starships at all."

"Then we..." Nartes said anxiously.

"Surrender." Augustus stood up from his chair and glanced at the people around him lightly, "Help me send a communication request to them."

"By doing this, we may still have a chance of survival."


[Professor, there is another radio communication request from Proxima b. ]

When 120 [Golden Crow Battleships] cleared the defensive weapons in the synchronous orbit, a message appeared in front of Lu Yongchang.

'Huh? '

'What do they want to do again? ’

Lv Yongchang asked Zero through the brain wave reader.


Lv Yongchang looked at the two Chinese characters in front of him and was stunned.

He never thought that the other side would choose to surrender!

He couldn't help but think about it from another perspective.

If it was human civilization, at least, human civilization under his leadership would never surrender to the invaders at this moment!

‘I remember, don’t they still have some starships? ’Lv Yongchang asked subconsciously.

[Yes, according to observation data, Proxima civilization still has at least 600 spaceships with a diameter of more than 100 meters]

Zero responded quickly.

Looking at this message, Lu Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

‘No need to respond to their communication request. ’

‘Let those Jinwu battleships remain in synchronous orbit and conduct a full-scale blockade of Proxima b. ’

[Received, Professor]

[Earth] Command Center

Lu Yongchang glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, we have now entered the final stage of the interstellar war."

"Just now, the Proxima civilization surrendered to us."

As soon as the voice fell, a slight discussion sounded inside the command center.

Everyone showed surprise on their faces.

"Aren't there still a batch of spaceships on the other side?" Zhao Zijie's voice was full of doubts, "I remember that a lot of starships fled back to Proxima b some time ago."

Lv Yongchang nodded: "Yes, there are probably more than 600 ships, all of which are spaceships with a diameter of more than 100 meters."

"Then the other side..."

"This is also what I am worried about." Lu Yongchang's face was a little uneasy, "Our starships are not suitable for fighting in the atmosphere."

"To be precise, these 1,500-meter-long behemoths cannot enter the atmosphere of Proxima b at all."

"So far, only Xuannv II has the ability to fight in the atmosphere, but it is a transport ship after all, and its combat effectiveness... is terrible!"

Lv Yongchang paused for a moment and spoke again: "This is only one reason, on the other hand..."

"The lessons learned in the past few times have taught me a lot of experience."

"We can't accurately judge the other party's intentions now."

"When we don't know whether the other side wants to surrender or cheat, we must adopt the most conservative strategy."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Seeing that no one objected, Lv Yongchang also showed a satisfied smile.

"Zero, bring up the plan."

As soon as the voice fell, the huge holographic projection screen in front of the command center changed instantly.

Dense data and patterns were presented in front of everyone.

"This is...?" Mao Zhengzhi frowned and asked in a low voice, "Genome information?"

Lv Yongchang glanced at Mao Zhengzhi in the distance, smiled and nodded: "This is the genome information sent by a Proxima person at that time."

"I have been responsible for deciphering this part of the content."

"Because the genes are quite different from those of Earth creatures, this part of the work is progressing slowly, so I haven't announced it to everyone."

Mao Zhengzhi heard Lv Yongchang's voice-over, and his expression was slightly excited: "Then now..."

"Not bad." Lv Yongchang nodded: "Fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission, and we have successfully mastered the genetic information of Proxima people!"

There was an uproar!

Everyone present was a highly intelligent person, so they naturally knew what this meant!

Lv Yongchang stretched out his hand and swept it across the air, and the holographic projection screen changed again.

"Based on this genetic information, I designed a unique weapon."

"As long as we throw it into the atmosphere of Proxima b and wait for a while, we can achieve the final victory without bloodshed."

PS. This part is a bit... ahem, I can only avoid it as much as possible, so the genome information has not been mentioned in the previous part.

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