The researcher responsible for controlling the nanorobot responded and immersed himself in the operation on the console.

A large group of silver-white nanorobots dispersed instantly after stagnating for a moment, and then got into various small gaps.

Next is Zero's job.

With the help of powerful computing power, these nanorobots quickly found a way to enter the gate.

The silver-white substance emerged from the gap like running water and formed a ball in the air again.

These nanorobots stayed at the gate for a brief moment, and then swarmed towards the closed door!

"Your Excellency Augustus, the number of unexplained deaths has reached 100."

A man in black, Lyle, reported to August Hui in front of him with a solemn expression.

August sighed deeply.

Increased again.

In just three days, the number of unexplained deaths has exceeded the 100 mark from single digits.

"What were the test results?"

"Did you find anything...thing?"

Augustus already had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't want to say the words out loud.

Black-clothed Lyle slowly shook his head: "No causative factors have been found so far."

Hearing this, Augustus breathed a sigh of relief and crossed out the terrible guess in his mind.

It seems that it is not caused by an unknown infectious disease.

"Okay, go ahead and do your work." Augustus waved his hand with a tired look on his face, "Remember, this matter must be kept confidential."

Deep underground, people's hearts are scattered. Once any abnormal situation occurs, it will be a huge blow to everyone.

He couldn't even imagine what would happen then!

Lyle opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he just sighed softly and responded in a low voice: "Okay, Mr. Augustus."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned his head and said hesitantly: "Your Excellency Augustus, the investigation found that all death cases will feel extremely tired before the onset of illness, you..."

August's face turned ugly instantly!

"Shut up!"

He yelled, "There's no way I'm getting this damn disease!"

After saying that, Augustus suddenly opened his breathing holes and took a few deep breaths.


Since the breakthrough of Proxima Centauri civilization's biotechnology, he has not been sick for hundreds of years!


Feeling the intense dizziness coming from his thinking organ, his three pairs of eyes revealed a strong look of fear.


The sound of heavy objects falling attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Your Majesty Augustus!"

Augustus slowly closed his heavy eyelids, and a vague shout came to his ears.


Who am I...where am I...

"Vital signs are declining rapidly, prepare to use..."

"Your Excellency Augustus! Hold on!"

This voice... seems a bit familiar.

The next moment, a strong stimulation came from his chest, and memory fragments poured into his thinking organ.

Come to think of it...his name is August.

Chief Lyle of the Proxima Centauri civilization.

Is he... sick?

No, how could he be sick? How could he be sick?

Microorganisms on Proxima b...


A flash of light suddenly flashed in his thinking organ.

He got it! He understands it all!

Another burst of intense stimulation.

"Cough, cough!"

He took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes!

"Your Excellency Augustus, are you awake?"

Nartus's face appeared in front of him: "You are in a very bad situation now, we are going to..."

Augustus struggled to open his mouth and whispered: "Check it at the genetic level!"

"I suspect that the civilization of the solar system has tampered with it!"

Nartes was suddenly startled: "Genetic level?"

August gasped and explained in a low voice.

"Remember, the Atoka we executed many years ago?"

Nartus hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly: "I have an impression, is it the Atoka who was sentenced to death?"

"Do you know the reason?" Augustus' eyes showed a bit of bitterness.

Nartes shook his head: "The information was well blocked at that time. I only heard that it was an operational error and he was convicted of anti-civilization crimes."

August shook his thinking organ vigorously, trying to relieve the severe pain emanating from it.

"He sent his genome information to the solar system."

After the words fell, there was an exclamation of surprise from all around.

"What?! Genome information?!" Nartus suddenly widened his six eyes and exclaimed loudly, "How dare he do this?!"

August's breath became weaker and weaker: "Let's not talk about Atoka first. Think about it. During this period, the civilization of the solar system only sent a few small starships and did not make any other actions. It was completely different from the previous high-profile attacks. ”

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I should have thought of it..."

Nartus fell silent.

"Remember... check from the genetic level, and be quick..."

August's voice became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

A crisp alarm sound sounded.

"Vital signs are gone."

A Lyle exclaimed: "Your Excellency dead!"

Nartus said nothing.

He was silent for a long time, then raised his hand and waved it gently: "Let's go, we should continue to find the cause of the disease."

One month later.

"Professor, the scheduled time has come."

Zero's reminder sounded in the office.

Lu Yongchang raised his head and glanced at the holographic image in front of him. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "So fast..."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked toward the office door.

"Zero, get ready, it's time for us to get to work."

The office door was closed, and the holographic projection and various lights were slowly extinguished under Zero's control.

Subsequently, notices were sent to various researchers.

A few hours later.

More than a hundred Xuannv 2 ships lined up in a neat queue and sailed in the direction of Proxima Centauri b.

Loaded inside was a fully armed robot.

In order to prevent various unexpected situations that may arise, Lu Yongchang decided to use a robot to conduct the first exploration operation.

"Yongchang, is there any further information from the nanorobots?"

As soon as he entered the command center, Fang Xu asked Lu Yongchang.

Lu Yongchang shrugged: "Of course not."

"The ability of these nanorobots to successfully enter the underground city is already considered the limit."

"Without follow-up energy replenishment, I estimate that these nanorobots are now scattered in every corner of the dungeon."

Fang Xu hesitated for a moment and then asked: "What if the genetic data sent to us by the Proxima Centauri man is false?"

Lu Yongchang pursed his lips towards the holographic projection.

"If it's fake, we can only use physical extermination."

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