"Photon computer technology?!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with horror, and he subconsciously wanted to stand up from the chair.

But he was forcibly pulled back by the electromagnetic adsorption device on the chair.


He endured the slight pain from his waist and quickly said: "Zero, translate these words!"

The holographic projection in front of the command center was divided into two.

On the left side of the projection, it was the original Proxima text.

On the right side, a series of familiar Chinese characters began to appear.

As the length of the translation increased, the text of the translation began to change slightly.

That was Zero making some adjustments based on the context.

After all, some nouns or verbs are not universal between the two civilizations, and only after appropriate adjustments can they be understood.

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly, looking at the constantly changing translation in front of him, his heart was full of surprise.

How is it possible?

Proxima civilization actually mastered photon computer technology? !

Compared with the hardware level, their software level is like a kindergarten graduate.

With such "biased" characteristics, it's no wonder that their development has stagnated...

During the waiting time, Lv Yongchang secretly complained about the development of his "neighbors" in his heart.

"Professor, the translation is complete."

After a short waiting time, the constantly changing text on the holographic projection stabilized, and Zero's response sounded.

Lv Yongchang didn't speak, but checked it carefully.

Perhaps because they realized the importance of this document, everyone in the command center stopped what they were doing.

Several professional researchers, like Lv Yongchang, cast their eyes on the holographic projection in front of them, trying to "observe" the so-called alien technology.

And most of the researchers, after looking up at the "heavenly book" in front of them, cast their eyes on Lv Yongchang, trying to see something from the expression on his face.

For a long time.

Lv Yongchang exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

"How is it?"

Looking at the satisfied and somewhat regretful look on Lv Yongchang's face, Fang Xu hurriedly asked.

Faced with the inquiry, Lv Yongchang nodded first, and then shook his head.

This series of actions confused Fang Xu.

"No, what do you mean by shaking your head and nodding your head?" Fang Xu said with a puzzled look on his face, "Isn't this photon computer technology?"

Lv Yongchang sighed slightly and whispered.

"It is indeed photon computer technology."

"Then you..." Fang Xu was speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry, listen to me first." Lv Yongchang said while stretching out his hand to drag the holographic projection in front of him in the air, "It's just that it's not a mature photon computer."

"To put it simply, it's just a prototype."

"It provides us with a new direction for realizing photon computers."

"The central computer of the Proxima civilization should be built based on the principle of this document."

As he said this, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some expectation: "I have a hunch that if everything goes well, we should be able to build a real photon computer soon."

Fang Xu nodded blankly and said: "Then... why doesn't the Proxima civilization develop a real photon computer in this direction?"

Lv Yongchang's face suddenly became strange.

He stretched out his hand again and swept it across the air, magnifying the upper right corner of the translation.

"Did you see it?" Lv Yongchang pointed to the holographic image, "This is the answer."

[The project is established, and it is expected to start research on this project in 50 years]

Fang Xu: "..."

"Fuck... This Proxima civilization, such an important research can be delayed for so long?!"

Lv Yongchang shrugged: "It seems that what Atoka said at the beginning was right. This civilization has been rotten to the bone."

As he said, he showed a bit of relief on his face.

"Fortunately, it is rotten to the bone."

"Otherwise, we should be facing a real secondary civilization."

Hearing this, everyone present showed relief on their faces.

"Professor, another team of robots has successfully entered the No. 2 underground city."

In order to facilitate the distinction, Lv Yongchang divided the two underground cities into No. 1 and No. 2.

Zero's voice was still calm.

Lv Yongchang immediately sat up: "What did you find?"

The projection screen changed instantly.

The same mess on the ground.

However, there are obvious differences between the two underground cities.

"This underground city... seems to be lower-end?"

Fang Xu said what Lu Yongchang was thinking.

Not bad.

Compared with underground city No. 1, underground city No. 2 is like a...

"Slums." Lu Yongchang squeezed out a few words.

"It seems that this is the class distinction that Atoka said."

"I didn't expect that it has come to this point, and these Proxima people are still doing this..."

As he said, he shook his head helplessly.

The direction of the camera slowly changed.

When he saw the corpse on the ground, Lu Yongchang's eyes moved suddenly.


His expression became more serious: "Zero, turn the camera back."

Zero quickly executed the order.

"Let the robot get closer." Lu Yongchang said again.

The picture gradually zoomed in, and the slightly corrupted corpses looked particularly clear.

"What's so good about this... Aren't they just some Proxima people who are still in their infancy?"

Fang Xu looked at the body in the picture that had obviously shrunk several times, and said unhappily: "Do you want to bring them back?"

Lv Yongchang did not respond to Fang Xu's complaints, but looked at the holographic projection in front of him with a serious expression.


Fang Xu found the problem from Lv Yongchang's expression, and he turned his head to look at the holographic screen again.

"This is not a young Proxima."

Lv Yongchang said firmly.

"But this body shape and appearance..."

Lv Yongchang lowered his head and operated on the holographic projection in front of him, projecting a picture from the No. 1 underground city onto the holographic image.

"If that is a young Proxima, then what is this?"

A Proxima corpse dressed in black and obviously much younger was clearly presented in front of everyone.


Fang Xu was speechless for a moment.

Lv Yongchang frowned and stared at several pictures in the holographic projection.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Perhaps this is the reason why our genetic weapons have deviated?"

He murmured to himself: "Proxima civilization, composed of two different races?"

After a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke.

"Zero, look for it in the central computer of the No. 1 underground city, maybe there is relevant information."

The completely different scenes of the two underground cities made Lu Yongchang realize a problem.

Underground No. 2 has almost no use value.

The good things should be in Underground No. 1.

Thinking of this, he issued an order again.

"Leave ten robots in Underground No. 2, and the rest of the robots, all go to Underground No. 1!"

"The social structure of Proxima civilization has a big problem!"

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