Proxima b.

In front of the No. 1 underground city cabin, a Xuannv II slowly landed.

Under Zero's control, more than a dozen robots carried more than a dozen metal coffins and waited quietly at the landing point of Xuannv II.

In the metal coffins, of course, were carefully selected Proxima bodies.

After layers of screening, these more than a dozen bodies were not only extremely "fresh", but also contained various stages of Proxima and Marus.

The hatch of Xuannv II slowly opened, and more than a dozen robots carried coffins in one after another.

Lv Yongchang and the other two were already wearing strict protective clothing and waiting beside the laboratory table.

They needed to dissect these more than a dozen bodies and then collect samples from various parts.

With the help of the robot, the first metal coffin was slowly opened.

Lv Yongchang carefully examined the body in front of him.

The skin was loose, the back carapace tissue was dull, and the body was thin and curled up...

It was an elderly Proxima.

The body was well preserved without any signs of corruption.

"I don't know whose body this is, and it can be preserved in this way..." Lv Yongchang muttered to himself with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Before he finished speaking, a holographic image appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

It showed the identity information that Zero found in the central computer database.

[Name: Augustus]

[Identity: Chief Lyle of Proxima Academy]

[Age: 639 years old]

[Death time: Earth calendar 2147.3.6]

[Discovery location: Storage freezer in the core area of ​​underground city No. 1]

[Biography: Born in the Academy, started basic education at the age of 20, completed basic education at the age of 50, completed higher education at the age of 80, joined the Academy at the age of 85, served as Chief Lyle at the age of 120 until death. ]

[Honor and achievements: ...]

Looking at the dense information in front of him, Lv Yongchang opened his mouth slightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Yongchang, this old man has the same identity as you." Fang Xu's voice came from the team radio.

Lv Yongchang turned his head and looked at Fang Xu.

He was holding a scalpel, poking the Proxima in front of him with the back of the knife with interest.

Lv Yongchang: "..."

"How about you do the dissection?"

Fang Xu paused, threw the scalpel aside, and retreated behind Lv Yongchang.

Mao Zhengzhi, who was standing by, had already picked up the scalpel skillfully and pressed it gently on the abdomen of the Proxima.

The sharp blade gently passed.

The dissection began.


Looking at the dissection scene in front of him, Fang Xu's face gradually became ugly.


A scalpel was handed to him.

"After watching for so long, I think you should have some experience, right?"

Lv Yongchang's devilish voice came from the side: "Why don't you go up and try your hand?"

Fang Xu shook his head repeatedly, with a resistance in his eyes that seemed to be materialized: "No, no, no, such an important experimental sample, will I..."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Under the mask, Lu Yongchang showed a "kind" smile, "We have taken out the important organs, just go up and try your hand."

As he said, Lu Yongchang pointed to the operating table beside him.

On it, various organs of different shapes were placed in different categories.

Fang Xu: "..."

A few minutes later.

He trembled as he moved the scalpel and cut open the atrophied muscle tissue.

Feeling the extremely slippery touch, Fang Xu's eyes twitched violently.

"Hold it. If you vomit, there are no spare protective suits for you to change." Lv Yongchang "kindly" reminded, "You have to stay with your vomit for at least a few hours."

Fang Xu: "..."


A few hours passed in a flash.

I have to admit that the exercise method proposed by Lv Yongchang is really effective.

"Yongchang, look, compared with normal Proxima Centauri, Marus' organs are obviously much weaker." Fang Xu reached out and removed a set of organs with a normal expression, and then placed it on a special table.

Lv Yongchang stopped the sampling work in his hands, leaned over to glance at the thing in Fang Xu's hand, and then glanced at the holographic projection.

[Name: No. 12]

[Identity: Leader of the Marus in Underground City No. 2]

[Age: 224 years old]

[Death time: Earth calendar 2147.3.24]


[Honorary information: Made outstanding contributions to the reform of the old system of Proxima Centauri]

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully: "That's normal. The technical defects of cloning are too great. The physical conditions of these Marus should be similar. They are all defective products."

"But... what's the matter with this old system reform?" He turned his head and looked at the camera next to him, "Zero, is this new information?"

Zero's response sounded immediately.

"Yes, professor."

"I found the relevant information in the central computer of the No. 2 underground city."

"Before we arrived at the Proxima system, the Proxima civilization launched an old system reform."

"Ordinary Proxima people and Marus joined forces to put pressure on the Academy of Sciences and the royal family to gain a chance to survive."

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly: "Then what? Didn't the old system reform succeed? Why is the No. 2 underground city where they live still so backward?"

"On the contrary, they succeeded." Ling said calmly.

The holographic projection unfolded.

The entire historical data was directly presented in front of Lv Yongchang.

When he saw Levi, the leader of the No. 2 underground city, walk step by step towards the enemy camp and then be used to death, he shook his head helplessly: "What a pity..."

"The dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon. In such a deformed social system, this is his inescapable fate."

He pondered for a moment and spoke again: "Zero, collect as much historical data of the Proxima civilization as possible."

"Received." Zero replied without any hesitation.

The holographic projection gradually dimmed.

"Keep working." Lv Yongchang sighed slightly and said to the two people around him, "After the sampling is over, we have other things to do."

There was silence in the small laboratory.

"Yongchang, where are you going to use their historical data?"

Fang Xu's question broke the quiet environment of the laboratory.

A trace of confusion flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.


This doesn't seem to be of much use.

Document database?

This is even more useless.

"I suggest that it be included in the latest textbooks." Mao Zhengzhi, who was working on the side, whispered.

"History is a mirror that can help us understand the rise and fall of things."

"In addition to the original history of mankind, we should include the history of other civilizations to let them serve as a constant warning to human civilization."

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and nodded solemnly.


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