The entire inspection procedure seemed to be engraved in their minds.

After Mao Zhengzhi completed all the operations smoothly, he stood aside with an anxious look, waiting for the test results.

It was quiet in the laboratory.

Even Lu Yongchang was looking at the holographic image in front of him with a troubled expression.

Time passed slowly minute by minute.

The projection interface suddenly changed.

【Telomerase-like enzyme detected】


Mao Zhengzhi whispered softly: "We finally succeeded!"

Lu Yongchang also breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Unlike the telomerase-like substances in the human body of Proxima Centauri, the telomerase-like substances synthesized by E. coli are pure terrestrial life substances.

Although the two have the same function, their structures and components are very different.

"In order to distinguish it, let's call it longevity enzyme from now on." Lu Yongchang looked at the sample in front of him, his face full of expectation, "Next, as long as it is verified that this enzyme can play a role in living organisms, humans can make a breakthrough The lifespan of the race is at its limit!”

Mao Zhengzhi was stunned: "How are you going to solve the problem of cell cancer?"

Lu Yongchang chuckled: "Although we don't have the magical organs like Proxima Centauri, don't forget, we have medical cabins and nanorobots."

"At that time, as long as the medical cabin and nanorobots are used for regular body examinations, we can naturally kill cancer from the root just like the people in Proxima Centauri."

Mao Zhengzhi suddenly understood, tapped his head lightly with his hand, and laughed at himself softly: "Look at my brain..."

"I was really stupid in doing the experiment, and I forgot such an important technology."

Lu Yongchang didn't pay much attention.

Blind spots in thinking are common to everyone.

"The next step is biological testing."

Upon hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi's expression suddenly became a little stiff.

"Professor, have you forgotten something very important?"

"We don't currently have organisms to experiment with."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang was stunned.

Soon, he reacted.

When leaving Mars, all organisms except humans will exist in the form of reproductive cells or genetic samples.

Not only does this save space, it also saves you a ton of hassle.

For example, the huge overload during acceleration and deceleration, the necessary supplies to maintain their lives...

Although they have a large number of germ cells of mice, they can reproduce them in this universe with the help of "test tube baby" technology.

But that takes a lot of time.

At least, with the remaining lifespan of the congressman, he cannot wait for the results of this test to come out.

Lu Yongchang's face suddenly turned ugly.


Mao Zhengzhi asked in a low voice: "How about I start thawing the gene pool of the mice now?"

Lu Yongchang thought for a moment and nodded slowly: "The zero-gravity environment in space will have some impact on the growth and development of mice. Send a few Xuannv 2 to the surface of Proxima Centauri b for cultivation."

Mao Zhengzhi responded, turned around and left in a hurry.

Lu Yongchang looked at Mao Zhengzhi's back and murmured in a low voice: "I hope... the chairman of the assembly can hold on for a while longer."

Earth calendar year 2148.

Just as the first batch of mice were about to "come out of the cage", a piece of bad news came.

"Professor, the chairman's physical condition is deteriorating rapidly."

A holographic projection suddenly opened in front of Lu Yongchang.

Zero's avatar took shape instantly.

He quickly reported: "Five minutes ago, the chairman of the congressman was sent to the medical cabin, and the rescue is currently in progress."

Lu Yongchang's expression changed drastically.

He quickly unlatched the magnetic device on the chair, stood up and walked towards the office door.

"How many people know about this?"

Zero responded quickly: "At present, only you and Mr. Hong Qiming know."

"Well done." Lu Yongchang walked out of the door and walked directly towards the room of the Council Chairman. "Block the news and never let others know the status of the Council Chairman."


Lu Yongchang suppressed the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart and quickened his pace again.

Why can't I hold on at this critical moment...

Although Lu Yongchang is only responsible for managing the Academy of Sciences, as the chief scientist, he also knows a thing or two about what is happening in the parliament.

The Proxima Centauri civilization has been completely eliminated.

Under Zero's control, ground bases and various mining devices are being constructed simultaneously.

As the construction progress of these infrastructures continues to advance, Lu Yongchang also ordered the launch of the "thawing" plan.

Those who were in hibernation, people from all walks of life began to wake up in batches.

Correspondingly, all members of the parliament also walked out of the hibernation cabin.

In the months since Mr Lui addressed the issue of lifespan caps, there has been turmoil within Parliament.

Although these congressmen don't know how long the congressman's long life will be, they can see with their naked eyes the declining physical condition of the congressman!

Especially when the Speaker of Parliament keeps handing over his work to Hong Qiming.

Lu Yongchang believed that once the news about the president's accident was known to these members, the entire parliament would be shaken.

The rear is unstable and the front is tight.

Something wrong with the parliament will inevitably affect the development plan formulated by Lu Yongchang.

The current human civilization is not like before.

In the solar system, the solar crisis constantly stimulates the fragile nerves of human beings; when entering the Proxima Galaxy for the first time, the war with the Proxima civilization seems to be a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of human beings.

The current human civilization will not face too much trouble, at least in the next few decades.

Even if Proxima goes out, it is enough to spend a period of peace with the resources in the star system.

But Lu Yongchang knows that even so, human civilization is still like an acrobat walking on a tightrope.

Once you take a wrong step, the fate of Proxima civilization will be a lesson for you.

The reason is very simple.

According to Zero's calculations, the resources in the Proxima Galaxy only allow humans to spend 100-150 years of stable development.

Once too many resources are consumed here, humans will become frogs in warm water-there is no way to get out of this star system unscathed!


The familiar and hurried shout interrupted his thoughts.

Lu Yongchang stopped abruptly, raised his head and looked forward.

It was Councillor Hong Qiming.

He hadn't seen him for a long time, and his face was full of anxiety.

Perhaps because of the excessive pressure during this period, Hong Qiming had several huge blisters on his mouth and a few white hairs on his head.

"Member Hong."

Lv Yongchang walked closer quickly, looked around and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation of the chairman of the parliament?"

Hong Qiming sighed hard and shook his head helplessly.

"Not optimistic."

"Even if we can survive this time, I don't think there will be much time left..."

Lv Yongchang's heart sank, and he asked again: "What about the work in the parliament?"


Hong Qiming sighed again: "It's still a little bit."

"The election meeting for the second chairman of the parliament will start in a month."

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