At the moment when the chairman of the parliament finished speaking, Albert subconsciously held his breath.

This sentence instantly evoked his somewhat "painful" memories.

Thinking back to the past, the old man also said the same words at the United Nations meeting.

"Senator Albert?"

The old man's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Albert's body trembled violently.

He subconsciously untied the electromagnetic adsorption device on the chair, quickly stood up, and looked behind him.

I saw that the chairman of the parliament had a meaningful smile on his face, staring at him straight: "Do you have any opinions?"

Albert's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he swallowed hard.

He wanted to put forward his own opinions.

For example, vote for himself.

But thinking of the vigorous methods of the chairman of the parliament after the establishment of the People's Union, he hesitated.

"Senator Albert?"

The smile on the old man's face gradually disappeared, and his voice rose an octave.

"No, I have no opinion." Albert shook his head slowly with a bit of bitterness on his face.

The chairman of the parliament took a deep look at Albert again.

"I hope you didn't."

Albert lowered his head and avoided the eyes of the chairman.

"Okay, sit down."

The chairman saw Albert's look and didn't say anything. He patted his shoulder and whispered, "Just do your job."


Under the chairman's chairmanship, the election meeting ended quickly.

Without a doubt, Hong Qiming was elected as the second chairman.

The, the old chairman gave up his seat and sat in Hong Qiming's original seat.

Perhaps because he had gotten rid of a worry, the old chairman looked at Albert, who was sitting opposite him, with a smile.

"Albert, we are on the same level now."

Albert: "..."

"Old chairman, what are you talking about."

Albert looked at the smiling face of the old man in front of him and said with a frustrated look: "In my heart, you will always be the chairman."

The old man didn't say anything and smiled without comment.

Then he turned his gaze to Hong Qiming, who was sitting in the first seat.

"Chairman Hong, I propose to increase the term of office of members to 100 years."

As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the conference room.

"100 years?!"

"Chairman... Is this a bit inappropriate?"

"Old chairman, 100-year term... What's the difference between this and the hereditary system?"

Seeing countless members questioning and asking him, the old chairman smiled faintly.

Without waiting for him to speak, Hong Qiming, who was sitting in the first seat, coughed lightly.

"Everyone, be quiet."

After attracting the attention of others, he reached out and pressed a switch on the conference table.

A holographic image appeared right above the conference table.

In the image, there was a silver-white medical cabin.

From the surrounding layout and facilities, it can be seen that this medical cabin is placed in the office of the old chairman.

"Now, I will introduce a new technology to you."

"The latest research results of the Academy of Sciences - longevity enzyme."


"In summary, the human life span limit will be raised to more than 600 years."

"Compared to this, a 100-year term is not long."

The meeting room was quiet.

After a short silence, a noisy discussion suddenly sounded!

Albert's eyes were slightly red, and he looked at the holographic image in front of him with heavy breathing, and asked in a low voice: "Old Speaker, is this true?"

The old Speaker chuckled and pointed at himself.

"Is it true or not? Can't you see it?"

Albert's breathing became heavier again.

At this moment, he understood everything!

No wonder he couldn't see the Speaker for a whole month, and no wonder the Speaker's physical condition improved visibly!

Longevity has always been the pursuit of mankind since ancient times.

Albert, who has entered old age, is naturally no exception!

"Speaker Hong, when can this technology be promoted?"

Albert was a little impatient and turned to ask Hong Qiming.

He is not young anymore.

Albert could clearly feel that his body functions were declining.

Facing Albert's clear-cut question, Hong Qiming shrugged.

"At present, the specific time of going online is unknown."

"How... how could this happen?!"

Albert was stunned for a few seconds, and a hint of anger appeared on his face: "Is this the privilege of the old chairman?!"

"This is differential treatment! I protest!!"

As Albert's voice sounded, several older members of the parliament responded.

The old chairman of the parliament did not speak, and even looked at the scene with interest.

He wanted to see how Hong Qiming would solve this incident.

Facing the protest of the congressmen, Hong Qiming looked calm and said calmly: "This is not my decision."

"You can go to protest to Professor Lu."


The originally noisy meeting room suddenly became quiet.

Albert's face was a little ugly.

Protest to Lu Yongchang?

What a joke.

The Academy of Sciences and the Parliament are on an equal footing, and at certain times, the Parliament even has to follow the Academy of Sciences' arrangements.

How can he protest? !

Hong Qiming slowed down his tone a little: "At present, this technology is still in the biological experiment stage, and it is used by the chairman of the council for various reasons."

As he said, a smile appeared on his lips: "Of course, if someone is willing to be the second volunteer, I believe Professor Lu will not object."

Albert lowered his eyes and avoided Hong Qiming's gaze.

Hong Qiming looked around calmly.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, he spoke again: "In this case, let's start voting on the old chairman's proposal now."

"First of all, I agree with this proposal."

As soon as the voice fell, a green light lit up in the holographic projection above the conference table.

"I agree."




In just one minute, more than half of the green lights on the holographic projection lit up.

Seeing this scene, the smile on the corner of the old chairman's mouth became more intense.

So far, he has achieved all his goals.


After the meeting, the old chairman and Hong Qiming returned to Lu Yongchang's office again.

The old councillor sat on the chair in front of Lv Yongchang's desk, looking at him solemnly.

"Yongchang, tell me the truth."

"How long can I live?"

Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly, shook his head helplessly, and gave the answer after a sigh.

"According to the examination report."

"I have about 10 years to live."

"Your body is too strained. Even with the help of longevity enzymes, it can only make your cells divide 4-5 more times."

"The longevity effect of longevity enzymes is better the sooner it is carried out. For older people, it can only play a very small role."

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