On the other side, on the surface of Proxima b, a closed sanatorium.

When they first arrived on the ground, the strong gravity of Proxima b almost crushed the old senator.

Long-term life in a zero-gravity environment is the most unfriendly to the elderly.

After a day of adaptation, the old senator regained some mobility.

Of course, most of the time he still relies on an electric wheelchair and several mechanical arms to move.

Although he is a little inconvenient to move, the old senator does not dislike his current life.

In the closed sanatorium, he basks in the weak sunlight from Proxima through the glass curtain wall, feeling the gravity pulling him to the ground...

He seems to have found the feeling on Earth again.

Outside the glass curtain wall, there are some small shrub-like plants with purple-black leaves.

He can even occasionally see some strange insects crawling around the glass curtain wall.

These alien creatures seem to be curious about this strange building.

In the distance, there are several tall electromagnetic cannons.

That is the protective device responsible for guarding the sanatorium.

Zero's holographic image stood beside the curtain wall, silently watching the old man, waiting for his next order.

The old senator sat in a wheelchair, squinting slightly and looking at the sky.

Five long flight tracks appeared in the orange-yellow sky.

He showed some understanding in his eyes.

It seems that the surface laboratory has been completed.

Presumably, Professor Lu will start to be busy again?

He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the warmth from Proxima Centauri, and sighed silently in his heart.

I hope everything goes well.

I hope that human civilization will always prosper.

The next day.

Photon computer laboratory.

After a night of rest, most researchers have adapted to the gravity environment of Proxima b.

Although some intense physical exercises cannot be carried out, normal actions are no longer a problem.


The photon computer research and development project was officially launched.

In the laboratory, several researchers stood in front of a huge holographic projection.

"Professor, the new material has been successfully synthesized!"

"There is no mistake in the data of Proxima civilization!"

A voice full of surprise sounded in the quiet laboratory.

Lv Yongchang's expression moved slightly, and he immediately stepped forward and rushed in the direction of the sound.

Mo Zeyang, who was standing by, was stunned for half a second, and immediately followed Lu Yongchang's footsteps.

"Did the property test pass?"

He asked as he walked.

"Not yet." The researcher shook his head.

Lv Yongchang did not continue to ask, and quickened his pace.

The distance to the experimental table was not far.

If he were on the Earth, Lu Yongchang believed that he could reach the destination within ten seconds.

But now...

After more than twenty seconds, he successfully dragged his heavy body to the experimental table.

A piece of black material lay quietly on the experimental table.

The object was rectangular.


Mo Zeyang, who followed him, came to the experimental table panting.

He glanced at the inconspicuous rectangular material on the experimental table, and his eyes showed some doubts.

"Is this the key material for the photon computer?"

Lv Yongchang stared at the black block in front of him and nodded silently.


"In the data, this new material has a magical property."

"In the Proxima civilization, this material is called Stry."

"I prefer to call it a semi-transparent body."

"As for the reason... it is very similar to the properties of semiconductors."

"It's just that the object of action is not electrons, but photons."

Mo Zeyang looked at Lu Yongchang with a puzzled look.

Lv Yongchang has been deciphering and interpreting the Proxima civilization data.

That's why, at present, he is the only one in the laboratory who knows the properties of this so-called semi-transparent body.

The corners of Lu Yongchang's mouth gradually rose.

A mysterious smile appeared on his face.

"Come, look at it against the light."

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang reached out to pick up the black rectangular block on the experimental table and handed it to Mo Zeyang.

Mo Zeyang hesitated for a moment and carefully reached out to take the rectangular block.

Then, he raised it above his head and observed the light on the ceiling.

It was pitch black.

In his sight, the cuboid was like a small black hole, not allowing any light to pass through it.

"This..." Mo Zeyang turned his head and cast a puzzled look at Lu Yongchang.

Lu Yongchang leaned over and glanced at the black cuboid from Mo Zeyang's perspective.

"Look in another direction."

He said softly with a more obvious smile on his lips.

Mo Zeyang: "???"

Although he was full of doubts, he still followed Lu Yongchang's words and turned the black cuboid in his hand in a different direction.

This time, when he looked up at the so-called black cuboid, a magical phenomenon occurred!

The light shone through the black cuboid and onto Mo Zeyang's face.

Perhaps because of the low light transmittance, the originally bright light seemed a little dim in Mo Zeyang's eyes.


He squinted slightly and adjusted the direction of the cuboid back and forth towards the light.

After several experiments, he swallowed hard and looked at Lu Yongchang, who was smiling beside him, in disbelief.

"This, is this a one-way light-transmitting body?"

Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction.

"Remember what I just said? It has similar properties to semiconductors."

"The rectification effect of semiconductors is also reflected in it."

"We all know that the conductivity of a semiconductor is related to the direction of the applied electric field. If a forward voltage is applied to both ends of it, the current can pass smoothly, but if a reverse voltage is applied, it is non-conductive."

"This semi-transparent material is similar to it, except that the voltage becomes light pressure and the electrons are replaced by photons."

Mo Zeyang's breathing gradually became faster.

"This, this is the perfect electronic switch!"

“With this feature alone, we can easily solve the logic gate problem of photonic computers!”

Lu Yongchang corrected softly: "To be precise, it's a photon switch."

Logic gates, in the simplest terms, are 0 and 1.

In electronic computers, the rectification effect of semiconductors can be used to make "electronic switches", which can be used to count 0s and 1s. This is also the basis of electronic computers and binary bits.

With 0 and 1, there is a series of logical operations.

The technology is very basic, but for photonic computers, it is the biggest problem.

As early as a hundred years ago, humans began to research this technology.

Of course, some solutions have been found.

For example, a surface wave excitation source is processed on the surface of a gold film, and grooves are used to control the path of light.

Using the different phase differences formed by the convergence of light emitted by multiple light sources and passing through different path lengths, a series of logic gates are obtained.

At the time, the experimental results were outstanding.

Compared with circuit logic, the logic operations of optical logic gates are so fast!

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