Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 312: Attack from Advanced Civilization?

[Earth] Main Laboratory.

In the holographic projection in front, various observation data are presented.

In the laboratory, all the researchers have extremely solemn faces.

A sound of mechanical transmission came from the back.

Then, there was a burst of hurried footsteps.

Fang Xu subconsciously turned his head to look.

When he saw the person coming, he showed a little surprise in his eyes.


"You are finally here!"

Lv Yongchang nodded at him, without saying anything nonsense, and said directly: "What is the situation now?"

Fang Xu shook his head.

"Very strange."

"Ross 154 is still in the process of shining."

"In these ten hours, its brightness has increased by 5 magnitudes."

Lv Yongchang's face changed slightly.


Too abnormal.

According to past experience, as a UV-type flare star in Cetus, Ross 154 will generally only increase by 3-4 magnitudes when it shines extremely brightly.

But now...

Whether it is the duration of the occurrence of the radiant light or the intensity of the radiant light, it is an extremely abnormal phenomenon.

"Is there something wrong with the chromosphere?"

Lv Yongchang frowned and muttered to himself.

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on the holographic projection in front of him.

Trying to find out the reason for the abnormal change from the various data that changed rapidly on it.

Fang Xu's face flashed with hesitation.

After struggling for a long time, he reached out and gently pulled the corner of Lv Yongchang's clothes.


Lv Yongchang withdrew his gaze from the holographic projection with a puzzled look, turned his head and looked at Fang Xu beside him: "What's wrong?"

Fang Xu did not speak at the first time, but just winked at Lv Yongchang.

Then, he lowered his voice and said: "Follow me."

After speaking, he directly reached out and grabbed Lv Yongchang's arm and walked towards the corner of the laboratory.


"Is there anything that can't be said over there?"

In the corner of the main laboratory, Lv Yongchang looked at Fang Xu with a strange face.

Perhaps because Lv Yongchang spoke loudly, several researchers cast curious eyes at them.

Fang Xu showed some anxiety in his eyes, and lowered his voice again: "Be gentle!"

Seeing Fang Xu like this, Lv Yongchang could only shrug helplessly and deliberately lower his voice.

"Tell me, what is it that is so mysterious?"

Fang Xu's hesitation became more and more intense.

"Yongchang, you say..."

"Is it possible that Ross 154 has that incident?"

Lv Yongchang's expression was stunned.

He reacted quickly.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head solemnly.

"It is not certain yet."

"Our understanding of the universe is too shallow. Perhaps Ross 154 just had an extremely rare bright flash."

Fang Xu's face was full of sorrow.


"I mean, if Ross 154 also has an accident, do we have any alternative destinations?"

The atmosphere became more and more solemn.


Lv Yongchang sighed and shook his head slowly.

"At present, there are none."

"The Proxima Centauri have explored all the star systems within fifteen light years."

"According to their data, in addition to the solar system, only Ross 154 can barely be regarded as a star system suitable for human development."

"The others... are not very suitable for development for humans at present."

Seeing the doubt in Fang Xu's eyes, Lv Yongchang explained softly.

"In some star systems, the main stars are too violent, and humans can't survive at all."

"In other parts... either there are no solid planets suitable for habitation, or there are no gaseous planets that provide energy."

At this point, he sighed again.

"In short, I hope it won't be the worst result."

"Otherwise, we may need to be mentally prepared."


Fang Xu followed Lv Yongchang and returned to his seat with a heavy face.

"Academician Fang, what did Professor Lu say?"

An academician beside him asked Fang Xu.

Several researchers cast expectant glances at him.

Looking at the eyes of the people around him, Fang Xu opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to start.


Lv Yongchang's voice was amplified by the microphone and rang in the main laboratory.

"Everyone, let me say a few words."

The attention of all the researchers was instantly attracted.

Fang Xu subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't have the courage to say this bad news about the fate of mankind.


Lv Yongchang glanced at everyone, his expression was unusually serious.

Sensing the abnormal expression of the chief, the hearts of all the researchers present sank.

The atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became heavy.

"We can't explain the changes in Ross 154."

"At present, we can't rule out the possibility that it has been hit by a higher civilization."

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of discussion suddenly rang in the laboratory.

Everyone's face showed a look of doubt.

"Then, what should we do now?"

A faint questioning voice came: "Isn't it our future destination?"

Lv Yongchang shrugged: "I just said the worst case scenario."

"Personally, I am more inclined to believe that something has just happened inside it that we don't know about."

"After all, unlike the sun, Ross 154 is an extremely young star."

A relaxed exhalation sounded all around.

Cao Liangcai reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and a slightly relaxed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Lv Yongchang said with ease: "Perhaps, in a few hours, we will be surprised to find that it has returned to its original appearance."

"Everyone, continue to observe."

"If there is any good news, remember to remind me." Lv Yongchang even made a little joke, "I don't want to hear Academician Fang's words again."

The atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became lively.

As for Lv Yongchang, when everyone focused their attention on the holographic projection again, he gave a hidden look to Cao Liangcai in the distance.

Then, he walked towards the door of the laboratory calmly.

Seeing this scene, the smile that had just appeared on Cao Liangcai's face disappeared instantly.

Two words flashed through his mind.

It's broken.

It seems that the situation is not as simple as Lu Yongchang just said.

Cao Liangcai "naturally" untied the electromagnetic adsorption device on the chair and stood up calmly.

"Academician Cao?"

A researcher on the side cast a puzzled look at him.

Cao Liangcai smiled with a relaxed face.

"I'm going to the toilet."

"I'm old and my heart can't bear it."

"Professor Lu's words just now almost scared me to pee."

The researcher who asked the question was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

The air in the laboratory was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

But no one saw it.

The moment Cao Liangcai turned his back, the relaxed smile on his face disappeared instantly.

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