The surface of Proxima Centauri b.

Central City.

Lu Yongchang looked at the yellow snow scene "out the window" with a bit of sigh in his eyes.

"It's getting colder."

"Proxima Centauri has also reached its final stage..."

From the side, Fang Xu's voice sounded: "Yes, it's time to move again, right?"

Lu Yongchang's eyes dimmed slightly.

Human civilization had just gotten on the right track, but they had to order the migration again.

This is the price of being weak!

He sighed softly and whispered to the camera on the side: "Zero, turn off the exterior projection."

As soon as the words fell, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and the scenery disappeared instantly.

Instead, there were cold silver-white walls.

"How is the mobilization work going?" Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and asked again.

Hearing the question, Fang Xu's eyes showed a bit of bitterness.

He shook his head slowly.

"Currently, 500 million people still don't want to leave Proxima Centauri."

"We tried a lot of things but to no avail."

Lu Yongchang's face looked a little ugly.

500 million people, already accounting for 8.3% of the total population!

Fang Xu quickly added: "Fortunately, most of these 500 million people are elderly."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang's face relaxed a little.

"Most of them are old people from Earth, right?"

Fang Xu nodded.

"Surveys show that 400 million of them are elderly."

"After hundreds of years of hibernation, they no longer want to continue wandering."

"Although this is not the Earth, they have developed a certain affection for Proxima b after sixty years of living."


Lu Yongchang sighed again.

“What about the remaining 100 million people?”

Fang Xu hesitated for a while and whispered: "Most of them are the new generation born on Proxima b."

"New generation?" Lu Yongchang suddenly frowned, "Well, why do you want to stay in this dying star system?"

Fang Xu's face was full of helplessness: "A large part of the reason lies with those 400 million elderly people."

"Of course, the sense of belonging to the place of birth also has a certain impact."

"How many mobilizations have been carried out?" Lu Yongchang asked softly without much expression on his face.

"Three times so far."

Lu Yongchang slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"One last mobilization."

"If you still don't want to leave, don't force it."

"Leave some supplies for them. With that gas giant planet, at least there won't be an energy crisis."

Fang Xu's expression was slightly shaken: "Isn't this... bad?"

"They are all human beings, how can we just look at them like this..."

It's different from Earth.

At this time, human civilization has the ability to take all humans on interstellar voyages.

Lu Yongchang glanced at Fang Xu with a complicated expression.

"Nothing bad."

"Everyone has his own ambition."

"Since they decided to enjoy the last warmth in this hotbed, then we will meet their needs."

"This is the most benevolent thing to do."

"Human civilization cannot stop its progress just because of a few people!"

Fang Xu nodded silently and said nothing.

"Professor, the detector has completed its preliminary detection mission."

Zero's voice broke the silent atmosphere in the office: "Receiving data..."

Lu Yongchang's eyes lit up, and his tone suddenly became much lighter.

"It's been a long time coming!"

"Let's go see what information the detector brings us!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the office door.

Astronomical observatory.

Lu Yongchang's cheeks tightened and he focused on looking at the progress bar on the holographic projection.

His eyes were filled with a mixture of anticipation and fear.

The hope is that the detector can bring them excellent intelligence.

For example, resources are abundant.

For example, there are no foreign enemies.

The one who is frightened is naturally the main star of Ross 154.

Although, in these sixty years, Ross 154 has not experienced any unexpected conditions.

But for some reason, every time he thought of that scene sixty years ago, Lu Yongchang would feel an inexplicable sense of panic in his heart.

Without any evidence that Ross 154 was suffering from a condition, he could only characterize it as a mental illness.

Perhaps, because of the demise of two consecutive star systems, the seeds of fear of the stars have been planted in his heart.

How about... find a chance to see Dr. Wen?

Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen Dr. Wen for a while.

The last time seemed to be two years ago.

While researching plasma weapons, he successfully sent himself to the ward in charge of Dr. Wen.

But thinking of the strange look Dr. Wen looked at his head, he quickly dismissed the thoughts in his mind.

Just as Lu Yongchang was thinking wildly, the progress bar in the holographic projection silently rose to 100%.

A star map was clearly presented in front of everyone.

Ross 154

Outside a red fireball, there are seven planets, large and small.

Among them, there are three gas giant planets and four solid planets.

And Lu Yongchang’s goal is the second and third planets.

The former is a solid planet.

The latter is a gas giant planet.

After mastering the construction technology of giant city clusters, the options for human settlements have increased a lot.

Compared with the past, at this time, Lv Yongchang only needs to focus on two aspects.

On the one hand, gravity.

The gravity of the settlement needs to be close to that of the earth.

This can ensure the normal growth and development of the new generation, and can also ensure that the bodies of the older generation will not have various abnormal conditions.

On the other hand, as many resources as possible are needed.

Water resources, mineral resources...

This is naturally for convenience.

It is impossible to build a city at that time, and the raw materials have to be transported far away, right?

According to the observation data of the Proxima civilization, the gravity of this solid planet is about 90% of that of the earth, and there is a small amount of water resources on it.

It basically exists in the form of solid ice.

Although it is not as rich as Proxima b and the earth, it is not a big problem for a second-level civilization.

It is worth mentioning that this solid planet has a huge planetary ring.

It is estimated that it was formed by the fragmentation of the satellite.

Of course, these are the data of the Proxima civilization. The specifics still depend on the probes launched by humans.

As he thought about it, he reached out and clicked on the holographic projection.

The image of the second solid planet was instantly enlarged.

Lines of data flashed in front of him quickly.

Looking at the rapidly jumping data in front of him, the surprise in Lv Yongchang's eyes gradually became stronger!

According to preliminary tests, although there is not much water resources, the mineral resources are extremely rich.

Again, although it is not as good as the Earth and Proxima b, compared with other solid planets, it is already a rich place.

"Professor Lu, this planet is really good."

A young voice came from the side: "Is this where we will live in the future?"

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