After confirming that the life on Ross 2 was still in its most primitive state and posed no great threat to humans, Lv Yongchang directly ordered the start of the city construction project.

After completing a series of planning work, he boarded Xuannv II again.

Before the construction of the central city was completed, he needed to return to the Earth to continue his research mission.

During the voyage, Lv Yongchang sat in a chair and slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness then came to the familiar fluorescent green space.

Against the fluorescent green background, the tree diagram outlined by bright white lines appeared particularly clear.

The basic outline of the secondary civilization technology tree appeared in front of him.

This means that under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, human civilization has mastered the main technology of the secondary civilization within sixty years.

Next, it is the "filling" work of each "branch" of the technology tree.

When all the main technologies are unlocked, the difficulty of the "filling" work is not high, but it is an extremely tedious task.

For example, the miniaturization of Type II laser weapons, the miniaturization and civilianization of ternary photon computers...

As for why he had to do such a thankless job...

Lv Yongchang sighed silently in his heart and looked up at the top of the technology tree.

As before, at the top of the second-level civilization technology tree, there was a faint and extremely dim cursor.

According to past experience, this technology should be the threshold to enter the third-level civilization.

However, unlike before, this cursor was shrouded in thick fog.

No matter how Lv Yongchang adjusted the angle to observe, he could not see the content of the cursor.

At first, Lv Yongchang did not know the doorway.

Until he tried to fill the "branches" of the technology tree, he realized the role of this fog.

Every time a branch technology is completed, the fog will become lighter.

In other words, only when the entire technology tree is completely completed, the technology tree system will provide him with clues about the promotion to the third-level civilization.

Of course, Lv Yongchang also had crooked thoughts.

For example, not relying on system prompts, directly advancing existing technology

But soon, he gave up his idea.

Without a clear direction, blindly taking chances will only greatly delay the completion of the technology tree.

If you have that energy, you might as well honestly complete the various branch technologies of the technology tree.

At least, with the efforts of all scientific researchers, completing these branch technologies will only consume some time.

For interstellar civilization, the least valuable thing may be endless time.

"Professor, we have arrived at the destination."

With a slight vibration coming from the soles of his feet, Zero's voice sounded in his ears.

Lu Yongchang quickly withdrew his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

He skillfully unbuckled his seat belt and electromagnetic adsorption device, stood up from the seat and walked towards the hatch of Xuannv II.

When he walked to the hatch, the hatch that should have opened automatically did not open.

He frowned, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes: "Zero?"

"Professor, I'm here."

The holographic projection lit up, and Zero's virtual image appeared beside him.

"Why don't you open the door?"

Lv Yongchang said in a deep voice: "Is there something wrong with the hatch?"

Extremely rarely, Zero did not answer Lu Yongchang's question, but said softly: "Professor, please wait a moment."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang frowned even deeper.

Zero didn't even answer his question? !

From the moment Zero was born, this has never happened before!

"Zero! What's going on?!" Lu Yongchang's voice became stern, and he gave an order to Zero directly, "Tell me the reason immediately!"

Facing the order of the creator, Zero hesitated for a second and said: "Professor, this is the order of Professor Su Yutong."

Lv Yongchang was stunned and subconsciously asked: "Su Yutong?"


His eyes were full of doubts.

Why did this girl lock him up in Xuannv No. 2 for no reason?

Zero responded in a flat tone: "Professor, Professor Su Yutong's command permission is the second level, do you want to use the highest permission to command overwrite?"

Lv Yongchang was stunned again.


I didn't expect this girl to use her highest permission to "stop" him!

"Forget it." Lu Yongchang chuckled, sat back in his chair again, waved his hand and said, "I want to see what she is keeping secret."

Ten minutes later.

"Professor, time is up."

Zero's voice sounded again.

At the same time, the closed hatch in the distance suddenly opened.

Lu Yongchang didn't say anything, but stood up from the chair silently and walked towards the hatch.

Looking at the hatch a few meters away, Lu Yongchang frowned.

It seems...there seems to be nothing unusual?

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and quickened his pace to rush to the hatch.


At the moment he stepped out of the hatch, a familiar voice came from the side.


"Happy birthday!"

Then, a small cake appeared in front of him.

In the zero-gravity environment, the cake floated quietly in the air.

Some simple patterns were carved on the surface of the cake.

Lu Yongchang suddenly froze in place.

He turned his head to look at Su Yutong, who was smiling, and asked dully, "Birthday?"

In his memory, he seemed to have not celebrated his birthday for a long time.

Thinking about it carefully, the last time he celebrated his birthday should have been in his previous life.


Su Yutong smiled like a flower and said in a bright tone: "Today is your 100th birthday!"

Lu Yongchang: "..."

It always feels weird.

But after careful calculation, not counting the length of hibernation, I am indeed 100 years old.

Thanks to the effect of longevity hormone, he still maintains the appearance of his youth.

That's why when he looked at the word 100 on the cake, he felt particularly strange.

"Thank you...thank you."

Lu Yongchang clumsily stretched out his hand to pick up the floating cake in front of him.

Looking at the smiling Su Yutong in front of him, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a moment of silence, he slowly spoke and spoke softly.

"Where did this cake... come from?"

"As I recall, there seemed to be no cream on the starship."

Su Yutong's expression froze.

Obviously, she didn't expect that Lu Yongchang would say such a thing at this time!


After a moment of silence, Su Yutong breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I cloned a cow and a hen using genes from the gene bank."

"Right now, they're still in the biology lab."

(Anti-collision, what was banned and deleted in the previous article was Proxima Centauri human cloning technology.)

"As for the other's actually not difficult to make."

Lu Yongchang was silent for a while, and then said with an increasingly serious expression: "Thank you."

Su Yutong's pretty face turned red, and she turned her gaze to Xuannv No. 2 aside, and murmured in a low voice: "Just, just thank you?"


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