He Bilin followed Tao Yuda silently.

Is the gap really that big?

He Bilin recalled his last experience in the holographic theater.

I vaguely remember that before entering the holographic theater, the so-called degree of realism was marked on it.

Among all the simulated scenes, the simulation of the earth's environment has the highest degree of realism.


This is also the reason why He Bilin chose to experience it.

It's just...

Looking back now, although the scenery I saw at that time was extremely stunning, there was always an indescribable feeling.

Perhaps this is the breath of freedom that Academician Tao said?

Just a 5% difference can reflect such a complex difference?

He Bilin suppressed his doubts and turned his head to look into the distance.

The main port of [Earth] was open, and the Xuannv II ships slowly sailed towards the endless deep space outside the port.

Facing the direction of the port was a planet with a yellowish earth color.

That was their destination-Ross 2, the new home of mankind.

Ross 2.

Central City.

Lv Yongchang sat in his office, looking at the projection screen with satisfaction.

In the blue sky, long rainbows streaked across.

Each long rainbow represented a Xuannv II.

After 242 years of turmoil, running around, and war, human civilization finally got a stable development environment again...


A shrill alarm sounded in his office.

In just a moment, the originally bright office was covered with a blood-like red!

The next moment, a holographic projection was projected in front of Lv Yongchang!

[Warning! ]

[Unknown signal detected! ]

[Signal source: Ross 154]

[Signal frequency: 1420 MHz]


In the blood-red holographic projection, the black handwriting was particularly shocking.

Lv Yongchang's originally relaxed mood instantly dissipated.

He stood up from his chair abruptly, his eyes full of horror!

1420 MHz communication frequency!

It has always been the signal band for humans to search for information about extraterrestrial civilizations!

The reason is very simple.

1420 MHz is the frequency of a famous spectrum line emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms - the 21 cm spectrum line.

As the most common and abundant element in the universe, every advanced civilization that has developed to a certain level will be extremely familiar with this property.

On the other hand, 1420 MHz belongs to a relatively quiet area for radio signals.

In this signal frequency band, the intensity of various background radiations is almost the smallest.

Therefore, if you want your own signal not to be drowned by the noise of celestial radiation and to be received by advanced civilizations that have developed to a certain level, 1420 MHz is an excellent signal frequency choice.

And now!

A signal of this frequency was actually transmitted from the direction of Ross 154!

What this means, I guess there is no need to say more.

Thinking of the abnormal brightness phenomenon more than 60 years ago...

At this moment, Lu Yongchang only felt trembling all over, and a chill ran down his back!


Without any hesitation, Lu Yongchang gave the order directly: "Stop all work!"

"Notify Zhao Zijie, the human fleet is in a first-level combat readiness state!"

"All troops, enter radio silence immediately!"




As a shrill alarm sounded on the public communication channel, the open port in the distance slowly closed.

At the same time, the blue flames at the tails of several Xuannv II ships that were about to take off quickly extinguished.

Red warning lights began to flash.

"What, what's going on?"

He Bilin, who was born after the Proxima Battle, was stunned for a while.

Due to the lack of necessary experience, his brain came up with the answer after a moment of stagnation.

It seems...the fleet is in danger?

"He Bilin!"

As the familiar voice sounded in the team's communication channel, a huge force came from his side.

Even with the help of electromagnetic boots to stabilize his body, he was still pulled by this force and staggered.

He barely stabilized his body, and after attaching the electromagnetic boots to the ground again, he turned his head and looked to the side.

"Academician Tao?"

Seeing a familiar person, He Bilin's panic suddenly decreased a little. He asked hurriedly: "Academician Tao, what happened?"


Tao Yuda looked extremely serious, without a smile on his face.

"This is..."

"Level 1 combat alert."

"Usually, it will only sound when encountering other civilizations!"

Listening to the voice coming from the headset, He Bilin subconsciously held his breath.

As Tao Yuda's voice fell, a series of huge holographic projections unfolded in the air.


[Unknown civilization signal detected]

[All ships, level 1 combat readiness]

Unlike Tao Yuda, a "veteran", he has never experienced such a thing since he was born.

"Then...what should we do?"

Thinking of the Proxima Battle recorded in historical documents, his voice trembled slightly, and he whispered: "What should we do?"

Tao Yuda turned around and walked quickly towards the command center.

"Commander Zhao Zijie is still on the Earth, let's go to the command center."

After a pause, Tao Yuda's voice sounded again.

This time, his voice was full of solemnity and helplessness.

"Be prepared."

"The stable life of mankind may end before it even begins."



A room next to the command center is Zhao Zijie's office and lounge.

As the tactical commander of the human fleet, Zhao Zijie did not go to the central city with Lu Yongchang.

He still stayed on [Earth].

Even compared with the central city, the quality of life on the starship is several levels lower.

This is to prevent various unexpected situations.

Whether it is internal or external.

As long as the flagship is still there and the ternary optical quantum supercomputing center is still there, humans still have hope of making a comeback.

At the moment when the 1420 MHz signal came, the alarm sounded in the office in the central city and this office at the same time.

Looking at the bright red warning words in front of him, Zhao Zijie's face changed slightly.

Then, he sighed deeply, with a bit of fatigue and helplessness in his eyes.

"Is the war about to start again?"

As he spoke, he unlocked the electromagnetic adsorption device on the chair.

"Zero, contact Professor Lu..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yongchang's voice came from the speaker.

"...Human fleet, level one combat readiness!"

"All troops, enter radio silence immediately!"

Zhao Zijie did not speak, and walked to the door in silence.

"Zero, start the wake-up procedure."

"Wake up all combat readiness personnel."

"In addition..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zijie paused.

"All starships, weapon systems are all unlocked."

"Target, Ross 154!"

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