In the holographic projection, the signal detected by the passive detection equipment is extremely obvious.

Lv Yongchang is almost certain that these detectors are running over with full-band active detection radars!

"How dare they do this..."

Beside him, Fang Xu muttered to himself in disbelief: "Isn't this telling us that they are coming?"

Lv Yongchang's expression dimmed a little.

"Perhaps the technological level of the other civilization is higher than I thought."

"At least, they are extremely confident in this round-up."

He took a deep breath, calmed down his complex emotions, and said in a deep voice: "But, let's put it another way."

"This is our opportunity."

"Zero, have you determined the location of the other detector?" Lv Yongchang asked, changing the subject.

"Successfully located." Zero answered while projecting the positioning data onto the holographic projection in front of him, "Currently, an optical telescope is being used for searching."

In the holographic projection, a star map unfolded.

Dozens of bright white dots appeared in a corner of the star map.

Looking at the direction in which these dots were moving, Lv Yongchang was stunned.

"Has the other party... not discovered us yet?"

Before Zero could answer, he asked himself, "Yes."

"It is indeed difficult to find a fleet with all its engines turned off in such an empty and dark universe."

"However, since the other party has found this area, it is only a matter of time before they find it or not."

"Professor..." Zhao Zijie's voice came from the side.

Lv Yongchang naturally knew what he wanted to say, and shook his head slowly and said, "Don't do it yet."

"Wait until the other party gets closer."

"If possible, try to capture some probe wreckage."

"I need to use this to obtain some intelligence about the other party's fleet."

Zhao Zijie's expression was stern, and he nodded gently.


In the holographic projection, dozens of bright white light spots instantly dispersed.

They conducted a carpet search around this area.

One of the bright white light spots flew straight towards the human fleet.

"Professor, we have successfully acquired the optical image of the enemy's detector."

As the distance got closer, the high-precision optical telescope installed in the fleet also successfully photographed the enemy civilization's detector.

When seeing the image presented in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang was stunned again.

Another new type of detector.

Compared to the detector photographed by the Xuannv decoy ship.

This detector has an ellipsoidal shape.

Although the shape is different, its surface is still full of a strong style of war damage.

Deep craters, laser burn marks and exposed circuit boards.

It's like it just came down from the front line.

Lv Yongchang shook his head and said helplessly: "I really don't know what kind of civilization we are fighting against."

"It has developed to this point. Can't they even gather the resources to repair the detector?"

"Or... is this their aesthetic?"

He winked at Zhao Zijie: "You can prepare for action."


Under Zhao Zijie's command, the tail of a [Golden Crow] battleship suddenly lit up with the faint blue light of the Hall thruster.

It slowly broke away from the formation and silently drove in the direction of the ellipsoidal detector.

On the holographic projection in the command center.

The ellipsoidal detector sent a large amount of electromagnetic waves to the surroundings, driving recklessly and ostentatiously in interstellar space.

Suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something.

The speed suddenly dropped!



Zhao Zijie's urgent voice sounded in the command center.

At the same time, a beam of light with a faint blue glow shot out from the main laser emitter on the head of the [Golden Crow] battleship, shooting straight towards the ellipsoidal detector!

One second later.

The dark blue laser accurately irradiated a sunken area of ​​the armor of the ellipsoid detector.

Under the observation of the optical telescope, the power of the Type II laser weapon was clearly presented to everyone!

Almost at the same time, the ellipsoid detector automatically made an evasive action.

For most continuous laser weapons, emergency evasive actions can effectively avoid most of their damage.

The principle is also very simple.

As long as the laser beam is not irradiated on the same piece of armor, the power of the laser weapon will be greatly reduced.

But obviously, this low-level evasion plan will not work on Zero.

Under Zero's control, the dark blue laser beam "bites" the detector tightly, burning the sunken area of ​​the armor continuously.

While the detector made an evasive action, the intensity of the electromagnetic wave signal it emitted also increased several times instantly!

Obviously, this detector is "calling" its companions and sending the attack to the main civilization.

But this does not affect the outcome of this detector.

Perhaps it is because the armor strength of the irradiated area is far below the normal level.

In just a moment, a big hole was burned on the surface of the tattered ellipsoid detector!

Unlike the Type I laser weapon, the duration of the Type II laser weapon has increased a lot.

Therefore, after burning through the armor of the ellipsoid detector, the blue light beam rushed straight into its interior!

Under the high temperature brought by the laser, the light of the Hall thruster at the tail of the ellipsoid flickered a few times and then slowly went out.

But as the laser weapon blasted into the inside of the detector, various complex equipment inside melted and suddenly produced a thick black smoke!

Black smoke spurted out from the breached hole.

This greatly reduces the lethality of laser weapons.

At this time, the working time of the Type II laser weapon has also reached its limit.

It needs some time to cool down and recharge before it can launch its next attack.

The faint blue beam that spanned 1 light second slowly dissipated, leaving only the ellipsoid detector with billowing smoke and sliding forward by relying on inertia.

After gliding for a while, perhaps because its energy device was damaged, a violent burst of fire suddenly spewed out from its interior!


For a moment, the firelight illuminated a small area of ​​dark universe around it, but soon, the firelight was swallowed up by the thicker darkness.

[Earth] Command Center.

Lu Yongchang shook his head with regret.

"What a pity."

Zhao Zijie was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously comforted him: "Professor, there are other detectors, and we still have a chance."

He still remembered that Professor Lu wanted to capture a detector of the enemy civilization and use it to make a simple assessment of the enemy civilization's strength.


Lu Yongchang sighed again when he heard Zhao Zijie's comforting words.

He shook his head and said: "The thick smoke caused by the internal combustion of the detector greatly reduces the lethality of laser weapons."

"The next generation of laser weapons may have to consider solving this problem."

Zhao Zijie: "...???"

"Professor, it has been detected that the remaining 17 detectors are changing course."

Zero's voice relieved Zhao Zijie's embarrassment in time.


Zhao Zijie coughed lightly, picked up the microphone on the side, and issued several orders to the fleet in an orderly manner.

This time, it is bound to successfully capture a "high-end version" of the detector.

Rather than the original "fake and shoddy" product wrapped in a garbage shell!

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