Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 362 Passive Laser Defense Technology and Shield Technology

Inside [Earth].

Lv Yongchang looked at the scene with a gloomy face.

‘Zero, perform spectral analysis on the white smoke! ’

Soon, the analysis results appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

‘Nitrogen, and some fine dust…’

Lv Yongchang looked at the analysis report in the holographic projection thoughtfully.

It is similar to the giant smoke bombs of humans.

However, this technology of the opponent’s fleet is a passive skill.

It will only be triggered when it is attacked and the surface armor is damaged.

As for its working principle, it is easy to deduce.

It is nothing more than using liquid nitrogen to quickly cool the attacked area, and at the same time using "haze" to weaken the power of laser weapons.

Lv Yongchang silently recorded this matter in the memo.

In the future, this method can be used to upgrade the fleet.

At least, at present, compared with interstellar smoke bombs, this "passive skill" takes effect faster and is relatively more flexible!

While the human fleet launched the attack, the opponent was not idle either.

Once again, a high-energy laser beam attack was launched against the human fleet.

For a time, the huge interstellar battlefield was filled with dangerous high-energy lasers!

Unlike the opponent's starships.

In addition to maintaining the starship's spin state, the human fleet's means of resisting these lasers also rely on a large number of nanorobots' adaptive repair technology for starships.

In simple terms.

The opponent's resistance to laser attacks mainly relies on stacking armor and shields.

The main means of resistance for human starships are positioning and breathing to recover blood.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The type II electromagnetic cannon and plasma plasma shells fired by the human fleet also successfully crossed a long distance and arrived at the little gray man fleet.

An unexpected scene appeared.

Neither the electromagnetic cannon projectiles nor the dark blue plasma shells with golden electric light on the surface successfully hit the enemy's medium and large starships!

When they were about to hit the enemy ship, they exploded!

The high-temperature plasma generated drew a graceful arc and "slid" to the side of the enemy ship!

A large number of plasmas gushed out, outlining the outline of an ellipsoid around these medium and large enemy ships!

As for the messy small enemy ships, they were completely turned into powder under the bombardment of electromagnetic guns and plasma guns!


Seeing this scene, Lv Yongchang's eyes widened suddenly.

Shield technology!

Four words flashed through his mind instantly!

Damn it!

The other party is indeed a civilization above level three!

'Professor! ' Faced with this "weird" scene, Zhao Zijie decisively chose to ask Lv Yongchang for help.

Of course, this is also the responsibility of Lv Yongchang, the technology commander.

'It should be shield technology! ' A trace of anxiety flashed across Lv Yongchang's face, and he quickly conveyed the message to Zhao Zijie, 'Let the fleet attack with laser weapons first, don't waste ammunition blindly! '

Then, he quickly gave orders to Zero.

'Zero, play the scene of the enemy starship being attacked in slow motion for me. '

The reason for doing this is also very simple.

He didn't believe that this so-called shield could block these attacks containing a lot of energy indefinitely!

The holographic image unfolded and enlarged again.

A medium-sized starship was "luckily" selected as a sample and presented to Lv Yongchang.

The holographic video slowed down hundreds of times began to play.

Under the slow motion, the jumping electric light on the plasma shells appeared particularly clear!

Less than a thousand meters away from the enemy ship, the plasma shells seemed to hit something and their speed dropped instantly!

This instantaneous speed change directly detonated the plasma shells, which were not very stable to begin with!

'Stop! '

Lv Yongchang's eyes lit up, and he issued an order through the brain wave reading device: ; 'Go back a little bit and return the video to the time when the plasma shells just touched the opponent's shield. '

The holographic image changed rapidly.

'Right! 'Lv Yongchang looked at the picture in front of him, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, 'It's here! '

In the picture, in addition to the distorted plasma shells, there are also enemy ships with flashing lights on the hull!

‘Zero, search the entire video and mark all the locations on the enemy ship’s surface where dim lights are emitted! ’

For Zero, this workload is not large.

As soon as the voice fell, a model of an enemy ship covered with white bright spots appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

Lv Yongchang looked at the enemy ship model in front of him thoughtfully, and gave another order: ‘Integrate all the attack images. ’

‘See if these bright lights are related to the power of the attack. ’

The holographic image changed again.

A chart slowly emerged.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lv Yongchang’s eyes.

Sure enough!

As the power of the attack increased, the bright light flashing on the surface of the enemy ship gradually increased!

This simple picture means that the so-called shield also has a limit to its endurance!

Once subjected to too intensive and powerful attacks, these shield-generating devices are bound to have some failures or accidents!

Lv Yongchang quickly integrated this data and sent it to Zhao Zijie.

As a strategic commander, Zhao Zijie slowly closed his eyes after reading all the data.

He took a deep breath of the pale yellow deep sea liquid.

His thoughts gradually became clear.

He suddenly opened his eyes and used his permission to broadcast to the entire fleet!

‘Attention, all units! ’

‘Enemy medium and large starships have shield technology! ’

‘Electromagnetic guns and plasma weapons give priority to attacking small starships! ’

‘Laser weapons contain medium and large starships! ’

This order was a fatal blow to the small fleet in the Gray Fleet!

With just one round of salvos, most of these small starships without shield protection disappeared!

It sounds like a great result.

But the fact is that most of these small starships that disappeared were products of the first-level civilization.

But even so, the originally extremely dense encirclement also had a "weakness" - the disappearance of a large number of small starships made the encirclement on this side appear particularly weak!

Seeing that the attack was effective, the morale of the front troops responsible for tearing through the encirclement soared!

The breakout battle also entered a white-hot stage at this moment!

These [Golden Crow] battleships, each one of them, was desperate, relying on the starship adaptive repair system and sophisticated "movement", and rushed forward against the dense laser beams.

Under Zero's precise control, lasers accurately bombarded the shield generation devices of medium and large starships!

For a moment, the flames and wreckage of the starship explosion filled this small star field!

Among them, there were wreckage of [Golden Crow] battleships, as well as fragments of enemy small starships.

As for the enemy's medium and large starships...

No one has crashed yet.

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