Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 375 Subordinate civilization?

"I believe you all have a certain understanding of this incident."

Lv Yongchang didn't say much nonsense and went straight to the point.

"In your opinion, how should we deal with those surrendered Ratoll people?"

The moment the question was raised, a burst of discussion suddenly sounded in the conference room.

Almost everyone showed hesitation and entanglement on their faces.

That's normal.

Unlike the Proxima Battle, in order to save time and prevent future troubles, there were no prisoners of war after the war - humans adopted a genocide plan.

Therefore, this kind of cross-civilization prisoner treatment is also the first time in human history.

Looking at the tangled and hesitant expressions on everyone's faces, Lv Yongchang didn't show any impatience on his face.

He just sat quietly in his seat, his eyes slowly swept over the people around him.

Obviously, the gaze of the chief scientist is not so easy to bear.

Whether it is the academicians of the Academy of Sciences or the members of the parliament, most people subconsciously lowered their heads and avoided their sight when they came into contact with Lv Yongchang's eyes.

On the one hand, it is because in the past few hundred years, as a person who has led the entire human civilization out of the earth and into the universe with his own strength, Lv Yongchang's status in everyone's heart has been deified.

On the other hand, it is also because this meeting is a hot potato.

Although it is to discuss the treatment plan for the Latour prisoners of war, in fact, the core of this meeting is related to the future attitude of mankind towards alien civilizations.

Contact and handling with alien civilizations has always been an extremely sensitive issue.

Once handled improperly, it is easy to cause extremely bad effects.

So... not only the parliamentarians, but even the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, no one dared to express their opinions first for a while.

Only some "old-timers" not only dared to look at Lv Yongchang, but even dared to make a few micro-expressions expressing helplessness and confusion.

Yes, it was Fang Xu.

Looking at Fang Xu's extremely coherent movements of shrugging, shaking his head, and spreading his hands, Lv Yongchang was also a little helpless.


"Fang Xu, how about you tell me your opinion first."

The meeting must continue after all.

Since no one was willing to be the first leader to express their opinions, he could only pick a "strong man" from among them.

Facing Lv Yongchang's name, Fang Xu performed a "Beijing Opera face-changing" in a short moment.

From the initial helplessness of shrugging his shoulders, shaking his head and spreading his hands, to the astonishment of being named, and finally, when he found that "the world was focusing on him", the astonishment quickly dissipated, replaced by incomparable solemnity and solemnity.


Fang Xu coughed lightly, cleared his throat and said: "I think the way to deal with the prisoners of war in Latour can refer to the Proxima civilization."

The moment the voice fell, a noisy discussion suddenly sounded in the conference room.

The meaning of Fang Xu's words was very clear.

Genocide plan.

Leave no one alive!

Such a radical solution instantly attracted countless debates.

Among them, the reaction of the parliamentarians was particularly intense.

Unlike those frightened parliamentarians, Lv Yongchang did not show any strange expression on his face.

To be honest, what Fang Xu said was actually his inner answer.

As for Councillor Hong Qiming, he remained silent like Lu Yongchang, without showing any expression on his face.

"Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. I believe everyone knows this."

Seeing that the discussion had subsided a little, Fang Xu spoke again: "Humanity has not come into contact with many civilizations, but we can still see the laws of survival in this universe."

"Survival of the fittest."

"Kindness to foreign races will sooner or later become a knife stabbing at humanity itself."

Speaking of this, Fang Xu stopped talking and turned to look at Lu Yongchang on the side: "Professor, this is my point of view."

Lv Yongchang nodded without comment, glanced at everyone again, and asked softly: "Are there any different opinions?"

"I object!"

A congressman sitting in the corner suddenly said: "It's different from the Proxima civilization."

"At that time, it was understandable to take genocide to continue human civilization."

"But now, human civilization does not have such an urgent need."

"The current level of technology is enough to support us to randomly select star systems with abundant resources within 20 light years."

As he said, the congressman glanced at Lu Yongchang cautiously.

Seeing that Lv Yongchang did not show any objection, he calmed down and spoke again.

"In my opinion, there are several advantages to keeping these Lator people."

"On the one hand, we can deeply understand the survival rules of interstellar civilization through these Lator people."

"We cannot look at this universe based on the one-sided words of [Painting]."

"On the other hand, dialogue and exchanges between different civilizations can greatly promote the development of our culture and technology."

"We can even gain some experience and lessons from their social system."

"What's more... treating prisoners of war well is a principle that humans have always followed. I believe you all know the truth behind it."

"To some extent, we can transform them into subordinate civilizations of humans."

"I believe that in possible future wars, these subordinate civilizations can greatly reduce the casualties of human soldiers."

Lv Yongchang's expression moved slightly.

He didn't care about the first two opinions of the congressman.

But the last opinion, it must be said, touched his heart.

Every interstellar war is accompanied by the death of a large number of soldiers and generals.

Once there are subordinate civilizations participating in the war, he can completely push these subordinate civilizations onto the battlefield and act as the so-called "cannon fodder".

This can greatly reduce the casualties of the human fleet!

In fact, the advantages of subordinate civilizations are not limited to war!

When there is no interstellar war, these subordinate civilizations can continuously transfuse "blood" for the mother civilization.

This so-called "blood" is a variety of resources.

Undoubtedly, this can greatly accelerate the development of the mother civilization!


Just as Lu Yongchang was thinking about the various advantages of subordinate civilizations, a loud shout came from the side: "Subsidiary civilizations will not work!"

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

It was Zhao Zijie.

The military, as part of the Academy of Sciences, is naturally qualified to participate in this meeting.

As the commander-in-chief of the human fleet's tactics, Zhao Zijie is one of the representatives of the military.

Perhaps he noticed Lu Yongchang's gaze, Zhao Zijie turned his head and cast an inquiring look at Lu Yongchang.

Lu Yongchang nodded gently and gave him an encouraging look.

"Zhao Zijie, tell me what you think."

"Why do you oppose the proposal of affiliated civilization?"

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