Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 380 I suspect that the human fleet has been destroyed

"No, no, no!"

Zhang Zhengqing shook his head repeatedly.

"It's not that we don't observe Ross 154, but it's only now that we have the ability to carry out high-precision observations on Ross 154!"

Ren Feng was stunned.

Zhang Zhengqing's words were somewhat beyond his expectations.

Seeing Ren Feng's doubts, Zhang Zhengqing explained in a hurry.

"Twenty-eight years ago, in the year 2272 of the Earth calendar, Proxima b was attacked by electromagnetic cannon projectiles from the direction of the Earth."

"These electromagnetic cannon projectiles wrapped in micro-nuclear bombs not only destroyed the then No. 1 city, but also destroyed many satellites."

"Among them, there are two orbital telescopes."

"When the human fleet left, in order to save resources, they took away almost all the observation equipment."

"And those two orbital telescopes are exactly our only two high-precision optical telescopes."

"It was not until a week ago that the Academy of Sciences completely mastered the relevant knowledge and successfully repaired one."

Zhang Zhengqing shrugged and said helplessly "As for the radio telescope array..."

"They are located near City No. 1 and are still under repair."

Ren Feng's mouth twitched slightly: "It's been 25 years, and there is only this much progress..."

Zhang Zhengqing nodded with a wry smile: "It's already very good to have this progress."

"Twenty-five years ago, Proxima b only had 2 million people."

"Even now, it's only 3 million."

"Without Zero's help, the efficiency has dropped by more than several times!"

"But..." Zhang Zhengqing changed the subject, "Although there are many difficulties, the Academy of Sciences has recently achieved a new scientific research result."

Ren Feng's eyes lit up.

But the next moment, the question was blocked by Zhang Zhengqing: "It's still in the experimental stage. Let's talk about it after it is completely successful."

"The focus now is still the Ross 154 matter."

Ren Feng pondered for a moment, stretched out his hand and pushed aside the several matters piled up in front of him.

"I'm going to the Academy of Sciences now."


Proxima b, City No. 4, Academy of Sciences

"Authentication successful."

"Welcome, Councillor Ren."

A mechanical female voice sounded at the door.

At the same time, the door made of transparent aluminum material quietly opened.

Ren Feng walked into the Academy of Sciences anxiously.

"Colonel, third floor."

Zhang Zhengqing's voice sounded in the hall.

Ren Feng calmed down and quickly walked into the elevator set up on the side.

On the third floor of the Academy of Sciences, Proxima Central Astronomical Laboratory.

Ren Feng walked quickly into the laboratory with the door open.

What came into view were hundreds of scientific researchers in white coats and hurried looks.

In the huge holographic projection in front, a clear image of the starry sky was presented.

"Colonel, this way!"

Zhang Zhengqing's voice came from the side.

Ren Feng turned his head and walked quickly towards Zhang Zhengqing.

"What's going on?"

"Ross 154..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Zhengqing shook his head helplessly.

"No progress."

"Until now, we have not found any signs of Ross 154."

As they spoke, the two walked into an office.


As the office door closed, the noisy discussions outside instantly dropped a lot.

"What?" Ren Feng looked at Zhang Zhengqing's face, which was like a formidable enemy, and his eyebrows jumped. He asked in a deep voice.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Zhang Zhengqing's eyes.

After struggling for a moment, he gritted his teeth, lowered his voice, and whispered: "Ren Feng, I suspect..."

"The human fleet has perished."

Ren Feng's pupils shrank suddenly!

He took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart: "Why do you say that?"

Zhang Zhengqing reached out and opened the holographic projector next to him: "Come, sit down."

"I'll show you something."

The holographic image quickly unfolded, showing a timeline.

"Look." Zhang Zhengqing stretched out his hand and pointed at the left side of the timeline. "In the year 2270 of the Earth calendar, the human fleet arrived at Ross 154."

"Two years later, in 2272, Proxima b encountered that crisis."

"At the same time, according to Professor Lu's explanation, the human fleet encountered the seventh-level two-dimensional creature [Painting] at that time, which caused them to have no time to take care of us."

"Fortunately, the crisis was resolved in the end, and [Painting] had no ill will towards humans."

"Then, starting in 2273, for a full 27 years, we had no communication."

"Part of the reason for this is that we were busy digesting the technological system sent by the human fleet."

"Until a week ago, we discovered the abnormality of Ross 154."

Ren Feng looked at the time points that appeared on the timeline in front of him, and suddenly a terrifying guess emerged in his mind!

His nose trembled slightly, and he swallowed hard and muttered to himself: "You mean..."

Zhang Zhengqing nodded vigorously.

"That's right!"

"We have reason to suspect that the level 7 two-dimensional creatures encountered by the human fleet are malicious civilizations."

"For a level 7 civilization, completely destroying a star should not be a difficult task."

Ren Feng stood up from his chair and paced back and forth in the office with a serious expression.

As the chairman of the parliament, the first thought that came to his mind was whether the human civilization of Proxima Centauri would also be in danger?

Everyone knows the principle of the loss of lips and teeth.

The human fleet, which is far more powerful than them, has disappeared in this vast universe. The human civilization of Proxima Centauri will not be able to go far!

Then, he suddenly realized a problem.

"Where is the long-distance communication device?"

"Have you contacted the human fleet?"

Ren Feng said excitedly: "Maybe, they..."

"No!" Zhang Zhengqing rejected Ren Feng's words without any hesitation.

"If the other party captures the human fleet, then we rashly send a message, which is tantamount to seeking our own death!"

The excitement in Ren Feng's eyes slowly dissipated.

"Yes, that's right..."

He sat back in his chair with some disappointment, looking at the timeline in the holographic projection blankly.

The atmosphere in the office became stiff.

For a long time.

"I think we should still try it."

Ren Feng said in a hoarse voice.

"I don't think a level 7 civilization would have such complicated thoughts about a level 2 civilization!"

"On the one hand, we are all human beings."

"On the other hand, the human fleet is our only channel for obtaining information at present."

"Whether it is for the survival of the race or for future development, we should give it a try."

Zhang Zhengqing sighed softly.

Then he lowered his eyes and nodded silently.

"I don't know much about this."

"But since you said so, I agree to give it a try."

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