Hong Fan's words made everyone stop playing.

The expressions on Andrew and Bruno's faces quickly became serious.

They can play and relax a little in Xuannv II or the planetary lander.

But when they need to face this completely unfamiliar planet, no one dares to relax their vigilance.

After all, no one knows what strange things will exist on this super-earth.

Whether it is biological or non-biological.

When you don't know the details of the other party, even a small speck of dust may cause a person to be doomed.

As the numbers in the holographic image continue to get smaller, the scenery outside has also changed slightly.

Some silver-white substances with a metallic luster gradually appeared in the yellow-brown rock wall.

Hong Fan, who was in the driver's seat, raised his eyebrows.

"These outside should be the iron ore detected by the detector."

"There is no oxygen in the atmosphere, but there are some benefits."

"At least, it saves us the smelting process."

Xia Wanyi, who was standing by, heard this and chuckled and added: "There may also be nickel ore."

"Don't forget our experience of mining in the asteroid belt."

Hong Fan was stunned, and a hint of nostalgia suddenly appeared in his eyes.


While speaking.

The speed of the planetary landing vehicle began to slow down gradually.

Lines of faint text appeared in front of everyone.

[About to arrive at the destination]

[Current outside wind speed: 18km/h]

[Please prepare to leave the cabin]

When the vehicle stopped, Hong Fan reached out to unbuckle the seat belt and picked up the helmet hanging on the side.



As the sound of the helmet buckle sounded, a sound of air flow sounded in his ears.

[Spacesuit internal circulation system activated]

[Current oxygen remaining: 99%]


Hong Fan glanced at the AR display on the helmet, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the spacesuit, he opened the team communication channel.

“Everyone, report your situation.”

Ten minutes later.

The hatches on the sides of the two planetary landing vehicles slowly opened.

One by one, the bloated crew members, with the help of exoskeleton armor, walked out of them with extremely brisk steps.

[Exoskeleton armor power output: 15%]

The faint Chinese characters appeared in front of everyone.

“Everyone.” Hong Fan’s voice came from the communication channel, “Hurry up and confirm the type of surface minerals first, and then conduct deep drilling work.”

As he said, he took the lead and walked to a rock wall with a silver-white glow.

After a simple test, he showed some joy in his eyes: "It is indeed a single element iron ore."

"I just don't know how much reserves there are."

"Captain Hong." Andrew's hesitant voice came from the communication channel, "Without oxygen, there should be no hematite, right?"

"Of course." Hong Fan responded without thinking.

"Then..." Andrew's voice became more and more strange, "You'd better come and take a look."

Hong Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "What?"

"Don't tell me that you found a hematite vein."

Andrew: "..."

"If there is no problem with the detection equipment..."

"This is indeed hematite."

"And..." Andrew's voice paused, "The amount of hematite seems to be quite a lot, even in the dust everywhere, there is a small amount of hematite."

Hong Fan: "???"

He raised his head suddenly and looked at the dust all over the sky.

The main color is still yellow.

But if you look closely, this thick yellow does contain some reddish brown.


Hong Fan took a breath, took two steps at a time, and ran to Andrew.

Andrew was squatting in a corner next to the rock wall, carefully observing the surface.

Seeing Hong Fan coming, Andrew hurriedly stood up: "Captain Hong, take a look."

"You can't see anything on the surface, but the deeper you dig, the heavier the reddish brown color will be."

Hong Fan didn't say anything, but quickly squatted down and checked a small pit dug by Andrew.

The small pit was not deep.

It was about 20cm deep.

But it can be clearly seen that under the yellow sand, there are more and more reddish-brown gravel.

He carefully took out a little reddish-brown substance from the small pit and put it into the detection instrument beside him.

Not long after, the test results appeared on his watch.

[Fe2O3, hematite]

Looking at the test results in front of him, he fell silent.

It was outrageous, but the test results were right in front of him.

Suddenly, Hong Fan seemed to remember something. He walked quickly to the tool pile nearby and picked up a high-strength alloy engineer shovel.

He randomly selected a place, controlled the exoskeleton armor, and shoveled it hard.

The power output value of the exoskeleton armor soared instantly.

The shovel also sank into the ground easily.


He pulled out the shovel with force, bringing out some of the sand under the ground.

It was reddish brown again.

Seeing Hong Fan's unusual movements, the team members also realized the problem and picked up the engineer shovels to follow suit.

One place, two places, three places...

Reddish brown, all reddish brown!

Hong Fan dropped the engineering shovel in his hand and took a deep breath of the air in his helmet.

Okay! As soon as the exploration work started, a problem was discovered!

Hematite is common.

Countless traces of hematite can be seen on the earth, on Mars, and even in the super moon overhead!

But on this planet, on the Dawn Star without oxygen, hematite is absolutely impossible to exist!

But now, so much hematite is in front of them.

In Hong Fan's view, this can only explain one problem.

Once upon a time, there was oxygen on this Dawn Star.

What about oxygen?

There is oxygen, water, suitable temperature, magnetic field...

This is simply the perfect place to give birth to life!

But the current Dawn Star is extremely desolate.

What happened in the meantime? !

Could there be civilization relics hidden somewhere on Dawn Star, or even... alien creatures? !

Questions appeared in his mind like a revolving lantern.

Hong Fan felt a chill on his back.

Without any hesitation, he raised his wrist and pressed a button on the watch.

A miniature holographic projection is projected from the watch.

Perhaps because of the strong wind and sand, the holographic projection was not very clear, and the picture was even slightly torn.

But everyone present did not pay attention to this inconsequential question. They all gathered next to Hong Fan and looked nervously at the miniature holographic image in front of them.

Hong Fan skillfully operated a few buttons and sent a help signal to the Earth above Dawn Star.

"Everyone, return to the planetary landing vehicle immediately!"

After issuing the help signal, Hong Fan issued the order in a deep voice.

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