"Dean Tian, ​​hello!"

Lu Yongchang quickly stood up and greeted the old man.

Tian Zhixuan nodded with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the blackboard behind the podium.

Although the first half was only the most basic knowledge of controllable nuclear fusion, the use of various diagrams and formulas still made Tian Zhixuan's eyes light up.

With such standard and appropriate formula deduction, if you are self-taught, this is simply a perfect scientific research seedling!

Especially when he saw the new material deduction steps, his eyes completely lit up!

Regardless of whether the result is correct or not, at least the deduction process is clean, refreshing, and full of unique beauty!

Don’t talk anymore, this student wants it!

Tian Zhixuan's eyes moved slightly, and he turned to look at Lu Yongchang standing aside with a smile.

"Lu...Lu Yongchang, right?"

Seeing Lu Yongchang nodding, Tian Zhixuan continued: "Are you interested in coming to study at our Materials College?"

"I will directly recommend you a place as a graduate student!"

Lu Yongchang was stunned: "...???"

This...is this a move to love talents?

"Hey, hey, hey! Old man Tian, ​​you can't do this as a human being!"

Guan Hualiang became anxious in an instant!

It's so good, why is it poaching? !

Tian Zhixuan obviously didn't take Guan Hualiang's words seriously, and continued to say with a smile: "Boss Lu, I think you are very knowledgeable about materials science. Are you self-taught?"

Lu Yongchang subconsciously glanced at Guan Hualiang beside him, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I taught myself everything."

Tian Zhixuan’s eyebrows suddenly raised!

Good guy! This is meeting a real genius!

He quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a calm tone: "It's pretty good that you can reach this level through self-study!"

"However... there are still some flaws. Let's do this. If you come to our School of Materials Science to study, I will guarantee you a place as an outstanding young student!"

Lu Yongchang looked at the old man in front of him angrily and funny.

If he hadn't been reborn, he would have been deceived!

Outstanding youth? In his last life, he was the chief scientist of the People's Federation, so the attraction of this young outstanding person to him is basically zero!

As for the flaws... Are you kidding? This is the best material that has been proven through countless practices!

But...as a sophomore undergraduate, Lu Yongchang naturally couldn't say that.

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes: "Dean Tian, ​​how about... you should take a look at the molecular formula of this material first?"

Tian Zhixuan was slightly startled.

This was somewhat beyond his expectation!

According to his usual experience, these young people will already be dizzy if he continues his carrot-and-stick operation!

Why... is this kid still thinking about this conclusion?

"Old Tian! This is someone from my physics department!"

Guan Hualiang's face turned slightly red and he reiterated.

Tian Zhixuan glanced at Guan Hualiang angrily: "Okay, okay, those in the Department of Physics and Materials are all students from Sandaokou University!"

"Professor Guan, as the dean of the School of Materials Science, I should promise some benefits to talents, don't you think so?"

Guan Hualiang's face froze instantly.

This is fatal!

Tian Zhixuan is the dean, but Guan Hualiang is not!


Just when the atmosphere started to become awkward, the door to the classroom was pushed open!

"Old Tian! What you said just now, are you trying to deceive everyone in my physics department?!"

A loud voice came from the classroom door.

This is the voice of Jiang Yongxing, dean of the School of Nuclear Physics!

Guan Hualiang's eyes showed a bit of joy!

On the other hand, Tian Zhixuan's face showed a bit of embarrassment and annoyance.

Jiang Yongxing strode into the classroom and immediately looked at the blackboard.

The moment he saw the writing on the blackboard, his eyes suddenly lit up!

No wonder this old guy Tian Zhixuan wants to rob people!

If he couldn't retain such a genius, he would probably be scolded in the spine by the professors in the department!

"Classmate Lu Yongchang, right? I am Jiang Yongxing, the dean of the School of Nuclear Physics. I don't care what Tian Zhixuan tells you. Whatever his Materials Department can give you, my Physics Department can give you!"

Lu Yongchang blinked his eyes a few times, with deep helplessness and doubt in his eyes.

This...why did the scene become like this?

What about the joint review by professors that we agreed on?

Why did it become a people-grabbing convention? !

At the last moment, Professor Guan Hualiang was the first to come to his senses, cough slightly and bring the topic back.

"Ahem! Dean Tian, ​​Dean Jiang, let's take a look at this conclusion first!"

A faint smile appeared on Jiang Yongxing's lips, and he nodded slowly: "Okay! Since Professor Guan believes in Student Lu so much, let's see if there are any loopholes in your deduction process."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be considered to be on the right track.

Dozens of professors sat down one after another, took out pens and paper and began to check what Lu Yongchang wrote on the blackboard.

Lu Yongchang, on the other hand, sat quietly on a chair nearby, waiting for these professors' questions.

"Student Lu, can you show me how to derive the formula in the third line on the left?"

A younger professor spoke first.

Lu Yongchang nodded, stood up, went to the left half of the blackboard, and found the third row of calculations.

"It's very simple, we just need to make a few simple transformations..."

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang picked up the paper and pen beside him, and with two swipes, the specific evolution of the formula appeared on it.

The doubts in the young professor's eyes disappeared instantly, he stood up and bowed gently to Lv Yongchang: "Thank you."

Jiang Yongxing saw this scene and raised his eyebrows slightly.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I realize that Lv Yongchang's math skills are probably better than most people present!

This further strengthened his determination to keep Lv Yongchang in the Physics Department!

Physics and mathematics have always been inseparable!

Especially in modern physics, without a little math skills, I'm afraid you can't even understand the questions!

As time goes by, the professors who ask questions are getting older and older, and the questions they ask begin to hit the nail on the head.

Lv Yongchang naturally won all the way and answered every question perfectly!

"Any more questions?"

Lv Yongchang took a sip of the mineral water bottle he brought before class, moistened his dry throat, and asked.

There was silence in the classroom.

Lv Yongchang looked at Tian Zhixuan and Jiang Yongxing, who had the right to speak.

But obviously, the two were still immersed in the deduction steps on the blackboard.

Tian Zhixuan's pupils shrank slightly, and his face was full of disbelief. As for Jiang Yongxing, his face was full of shock and excitement!

As for the other professors, the expressions on their faces were even more exciting.


"Yongchang, go back to the dormitory first, we still need to discuss it carefully."

Guan Hualiang realized the seriousness of the problem from the expressions of everyone, and immediately said to Lv Yongchang: "These few days... Don't run around, try to be active in school!"

Lv Yongchang nodded lightly, turned around, pushed open the door of the classroom and walked out.

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