Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 41 The light of fusion shines on the land of Xia

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, the hour hand of the wall clock pointed to the number 11.

Zhao Zijie turned on the TV in the living room early with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

He reached out and grabbed the remote control on the sofa and turned the TV to the Xiaguo News Channel.

Looking at the endless advertisements on TV, Zhao Zijie's eyes flashed with anxiety.

Why hasn't the controlled nuclear fusion ignition live broadcast started yet...

Zhao Zijie kept glancing at the wall clock in the living room.

It's 11 o'clock!

It was agreed that the fusion reactor would be started at 12 noon. There is only one hour left. Why hasn't the live broadcast started yet? !

Zhao Zijie subconsciously took out his mobile phone and opened the Penguin group.

"What's going on? Where is the live broadcast?"

"I don't know, did anyone see it?"

Seeing that everyone had the same reaction, Zhao Zijie's frown relaxed a little.

He moved his fingers lightly and typed a line of words on his mobile phone.

"Stop talking. I've been waiting since last night. If I don't start the live broadcast, I feel like I'm going to die!"

The next second, several replies appeared in front of him.

"Hahaha! Lao Zhao, you didn't really stay up all night, did you?"

"Don't say it, it's really possible! Lao Zhao is really such a person!"

Zhao Zijie smiled bitterly.

Just when he wanted to respond to those words again, a highlighted top message appeared in the Penguin group!

"Don't waste time in the group! Turn on the TV, the live broadcast has begun!"

The originally lively Penguin group became deserted in an instant.

Zhao Zijie quickly put down his mobile phone and looked at the TV in front of him.

The magnificent appearance of Pangu No. 1 Demonstration Heap appeared on the TV at this time.

Zhao Zijie showed some doubts in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Only show the exterior view... What's the point?"

As he said that, Zhao Zijie's face showed a trace of disappointment.

Although he could understand the approach of Xiaguo News in his heart, but... he could only see the unchanging exterior view. To be honest, it was impossible not to be disappointed.

Zhao Zijie reached out and grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

He sighed deeply, tapped the screen of his mobile phone listlessly, and sighed in the Penguin account.

"Let's go, it seems that there are only exterior scenes... What can we see here..."

"... Old Zhao, why don't you take another look? The TV screen has been switched."

When Zhao Zijie saw this line of text, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV again.

Sure enough!

The picture of the central control room appeared in front of Zhao Zijie!

I saw a young man in his twenties wearing a white coat standing solemnly on the command platform in the center.

This... must be the chief engineer of controlled nuclear fusion, Lv Yongchang, right?

But the next moment, a figure behind the command platform attracted Zhao Zijie's attention.

This is... the chairman of the parliament!

Because of the angle problem, the chairman of the parliament was standing in the corner of the picture at this time.

Zhao Zijie rubbed his eyes vigorously. After confirming again and again, he picked up his phone and sent a message in the penguin group with trembling hands.

"Everyone, look at the lower right corner of the TV! The chairman of the parliament is also here!"

Zhao Zijie's message obviously shocked all the lurking group members!

"Fuck! Really! I saw it!"

"Where is it? Why can't I find it?!"

"Hahaha, in daily interstellar life, if you don't need your eyes, you can donate them to those in need!"


Inside the Pangu No. 1 demonstration pile.

Lv Yongchang looked solemnly at the large screen in front of him that recorded various data.

The hour hand of the wall clock slowly pointed to the number 12.

He took a deep breath, and his solemn eyes slowly swept over the people around him.

Then, he spoke softly: "Everyone, I am honored to witness this moment with you."

"On Pangu No. 1, each of us has spent countless efforts."

"No matter success or failure, I believe that our names will always remain in human history!"

As he said, Lv Yongchang reached out and pressed the ignition button on the console in front of him.

A familiar buzzing sound followed!

In a very short time, the deuterium-tritium plasma was heated to hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!

Endless energy gushed out of the reactor of Pangu No. 1!

At this moment!

In the Pangu No. 1 demonstration reactor, the most powerful energy in the star system spontaneously emerged!

Looking at the crazy rising values ​​on the neutron dose detector, everyone's face showed excitement.

But no one cheered.

All this is just the beginning!

"The cooling system is working normally!"

"The fusion reaction intensity is normal!"

"The magnetohydrodynamic generator starts working!"

"The current power generation is 35% of the rated power!"

As the reports came one after another, Lv Yongchang did not dare to relax at all.

The next step is crucial!

"Prepare for grid connection!"

The electricity generated by the magnetohydrodynamic can only be truly successful if it is connected to the Xiaguo power grid!

A few minutes later, a researcher shouted excitedly: "Grid connection successful!"

"The current power generation is 200,000 megawatts."

A trace of excitement flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

At this point, it can be said that the Pangu No. 1 fusion reactor has been 90% successful.

What to do next...

"Continue to add fuel and increase the power to the maximum!"

Hearing Lv Yongchang's order, all the researchers looked stern for a moment.

This means that the Pangu No. 1 fusion reactor will enter full load!

In the next few minutes, every researcher stared at the big screen in the central control room, fearing that something unexpected would happen.




With the gradual addition of deuterium and tritium fuel, the fusion reaction in the reactor gradually became more intense!

Even in the control room, everyone could feel the slight tremor coming from their feet!

"Professor Lv! The current generator power is 400,000 megawatts!"

"There is nothing wrong with the reactor, and the generator set is working normally!"


A faint smile gradually appeared at the corner of Lv Yongchang's mouth.

There was a bit of trance in his eyes, and then he said in a deep voice: "Everyone."

"We... succeeded!"

The next second, a wave of applause sounded!

Every researcher stood up from his chair and looked at the young man on the podium with reverence!

They knew that the biggest contributor to Pangu No. 1 was this young man who was only 21 years old!

"We succeeded!"

Hearing the voice from the TV, Zhao Zijie's eyes suddenly turned red.

He didn't have time to think about it, grabbed his mobile phone, opened the penguin group, and typed a sentence excitedly.

"The light of fusion shines on the land of Xiaguo!"

The next moment, everyone in the penguin group consciously lined up.

Looking at the repetition on the screen, Zhao Zijie took a deep breath.


Xiaguo finally succeeded in walking at the forefront of the world one day!

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