Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 413 Planetary Climate Control


Laboratory No. 1.

After several days, the door of Lv Yongchang's office finally opened again.

Under the gaze of a group of scientific researchers, Lv Yongchang staggered out with a pair of heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"Shen, where is Academician Shen?"

Lv Yongchang looked around and asked softly.

"Here, here!"

A hurried sound of footsteps came from the side, and Shen Siwen ran to Lv Yongchang with an anxious look on his face: "Professor, you, you succeeded?"

Lv Yongchang naturally responded with a faint smile: "What do you think?"

The moment the voice fell, a holographic image slowly unfolded in front of the two.

Shen Siwen subconsciously held his breath.

In the holographic projection, there were dense and beautiful formulas and charts.

"What a pity."

Lv Yongchang suddenly shook his head, sighed softly, and said in a low voice.

Shen Siwen was startled and quickly turned back to ask, "What's wrong?"

"A chaotic system is still a chaotic system after all."

"Even if we have completed the preliminary modeling, we still cannot perfectly predict the final output results."

Hearing this, Shen Siwen frowned.

"How could this happen..."

If the final output results cannot be perfectly predicted, can this climate control system still play its original role?

Lv Yongchang glanced at Shen Siwen, who was full of worry, and hurriedly explained with a smile: "Maybe you misunderstood what I meant."

"Although this planetary climate chaos model cannot accurately predict the final output results, it can still be used in the ring planet climate control system."

"It's just that the process in the middle will be a little cumbersome."

"For example." Seeing the increasingly strong doubt in Shen Siwen's eyes, Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and spoke again.

"Suppose, we now use the climate control satellite to reduce the atmospheric temperature of the A1 plain."

While speaking, Lu Yongchang operated in the holographic projection.

The next moment, the real-time holographic image of Dawn Star appeared in front of everyone.

Among them, countless small shells filled with liquid nitrogen appeared over the A1 plain.

These shells rushed into the atmosphere quickly and then exploded.

The liquid nitrogen quickly vaporized and absorbed a lot of heat in the atmosphere.

"Through this model, we can get the following hundreds of possibilities."

"In theory, they are all possible, but we only need to look at the most likely ones."

"For example..."

"First, 61.7%, the storm in the A1 area will weaken, but it will cause the storm in the A2 area to strengthen, and the global storm formation time will be postponed by 37 hours."

"Second, 23.4%, the storm in the C5 area will strengthen twice and become the new storm center, and the global storm formation time will be postponed by 58 hours."

"Third, 10.9%,..."

Lu Yongchang shrugged: "The rest of them are too unlikely and are generally not considered."

Shen Siwen's eyes showed understanding.

He seemed to understand a little.

"Next, we will cool down the atmosphere in area A2, quickly heat up area C1, slowly and continuously heat up area E9, and drop a hydrogen bomb in area C8..."

A series of strange scenes appeared on the model of the Dawn Star in front of him.

A blue laser beam appeared above area C1!

Above area E9, the satellite deployed an ultra-long-distance microwave heating device and began to continuously heat this part of the atmosphere.

As for area C8, huge mushroom clouds appeared.

That was the scene of a giant hydrogen bomb exploding in the atmosphere of Dawn Star!

After completing a series of operations, Lv Yongchang pressed the OK button.

A few seconds later, the result came out.

"There is a 97.1% chance that the global storm on Dawn will end, but a super storm of about level 14 will form in the E3 region, with a wind speed of about 160km/h."

"Of course, if there is a small probability of an unexpected situation, we must also improve the plan in real time and make appropriate adjustments to the next operation."

Lv Yongchang pointed to the holographic projection in front of him with a slight smile on his face: "This is just a preliminary simulation result in the office. If you want to continue to improve the probability, further calculations are needed."

"Zero is already doing this part of the work."

"I guess it won't take much time for us to start precise control of the climate of Dawn."

For a long time.

Shen Siwen took his eyes back with difficulty.

"Professor, are you really..."

Lv Yongchang waved his hand calmly: "Let's talk about flattery later."

"How is the draft of the planetary climate control satellite network that I gave you?"

Shen Siwen quickly pointed to the holographic image in the distance: "Professor, it's done."

"You can start manufacturing at any time."


A week later.

The satellite network for circumplanetary climate control was finally completed.

The entire Aurora was completely wrapped in a large network of satellites.

Standing on the command platform of the command center, Lv Yongchang pressed the virtual button in the holographic projection with a serious face.

The first planetary climate control began.

Under Zero's control, tens of thousands of satellites unfolded their weapon bays and aimed the various devices inside at the reddish-brown planet below.

Lasers, plasma bombs, hydrogen bombs, liquid nitrogen cooling bombs...

These weapons poured down on Dawn Star like rain!

The storm clouds that originally covered more than 70% of Dawn Star quickly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The wind speed on the surface also began to decrease rapidly!

A few hours later.

The surface of Dawn Star returned to tranquility again.

Only one area gradually blew up a strong storm.

ps.Recommended to watch "Global Storm"

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