Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 415 Successful expression of visceral omentum genes

Lu Yongchang's proposal shocked Mao Zhengzhi.


Shocking. Shocking.

He had to admit that although it was a bit simple and crude, this was the easiest experimental method to eliminate various negative situations.

After all, the mouse's body is a whole.

The strengthening of a single organization can easily cause a series of chain reactions.

Like heart-strengthening hormones, the heart muscle is indeed greatly strengthened.

But the blood vessels were not strengthened accordingly.

The final result was that the aorta ruptured and the mouse died.

Fortunately, this is what happened in mice.

If in humans...

Mao Zhengzhi didn't even dare to think about that scene!

So, after thinking for a while, he nodded in agreement with Lu Yongchang's proposal.

With experience in preparing heart-strengthening hormones, the difficulty of preparing other types of hormones has suddenly dropped by a notch.

Therefore, Lu Yongchang continued the glorious tradition when he was on Earth.

After handing over various tasks, he once again set his sights on another genetic engineering project.

Magna Visceral Omentum Gene Implantation Project.

Unlike hormone projects, the technical content of this project has been greatly improved.

After all, they need to implant Magna's gene into an adult mouse and allow this gene to be perfectly expressed.

"Has the secondary compilation of the visceral omentum gene been completed?"

Lu Yongchang asked Mao Zhengzhi while walking towards another experimental platform.

"It was just finished."

Mao Zhengzhi responded quickly: "They are currently inspecting it. If nothing unexpected happens, the experiment can start immediately."

Lu Yongchang nodded and quickened his pace again.

Gene editing of individual adult mice is actually not difficult to achieve.

As early as the earth age, humans have initially mastered related technologies.

CRISPR/Cas gene editing system.

CRISPR, a repetitive sequence in the genome of prokaryotes.

Viruses can integrate their genes into bacteria and use bacteria to complete gene replication.

In the same way, in the face of virus invasion, bacteria have also evolved a system called CRISPR-Cas9.

This system can remove viral genes from the bacterial genome.

This is an immune system unique to bacteria.

Through research on the CRISPR-Cas9 system, humans have successfully mastered the CRISPR/Cas gene editing system.

Through this precise and cheap gene editing system, humans have initially achieved control over genes.

Over time, as of today, this technology has become very mature.

After completing a series of preparations, it can easily insert the target gene into the genome of the target organism.

For example, a guinea pig.

Another example is human beings.

Of course, as of now, human gene editing technology is still a restricted area of ​​science and technology.

In other words, they currently cannot use this technology on humans.

But this does not prevent the experiment from proceeding.

After all, the current experimental subjects are mice.

As for what to do after the experiment is successful, Lu Yongchang has already made preparations.


He needs to submit the proposal to the Academy of Sciences and the People's Assembly.

In order to ensure the safety of human civilization, this "forbidden" level of technology requires not only the permission of the Academy of Sciences, but also the consent of the Parliament.

Even, when necessary, a referendum for all mankind will be held to vote.

Of course, as the chief scientist, he is confident of gaining the support of the Academy of Sciences.


As for the parliament, it all depends on Hong Qiming’s ability.

"Professor, all preparations have been completed."

Mao Zhengzhi's voice interrupted Lu Yongchang's thoughts.

He shook his head, throwing away some of the worries in his mind.

The experiment hasn't been successful yet, so what's the use of worrying about it.

Under the gaze of everyone, tubes of silvery-white nanorobots were slowly injected into the bodies of experimental mice.

These hundreds of little white mice obviously didn't know what was going into their bodies.

After breaking free from the shackles of the robot hand, they ran to a corner of the glass cage and used food to relieve their panic.

Under Zero's control, these nanorobots began their "invasion behavior" as soon as they entered the blood vessels.

They find the epithelial tissue and connective tissue of the target organ and inject the Magna visceral omentum gene carried inside into each cell.

Under the action of the CRISPR/Cas gene editing system, these foreign genes were integrated into the genome of the mice without anyone noticing.

Next, is the process of waiting for the visceral omentum gene to take effect.

"Hopefully it will work out."

Mao Zhengzhi on the side stared at the white mouse in the glass cage and murmured to himself.

A few days later.

As soon as Lu Yongchang entered the door of the laboratory, he heard a burst of cheers.



Mao Zhengzhi excitedly ran to Lu Yongchang, reached out and held his hands tightly, shook them vigorously and said, "Professor, we succeeded!"

Lu Yongchang was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes: "Has the visceral omentum gene been successfully expressed?"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded repeatedly and reached out to open the holographic projector on the side.

"Just now, we made a small incision in the abdomen of a mouse and made simple observations with the help of an endoscope."

"This is what the endoscope sees."

As he finished speaking, a red and white image appeared in front of him.

The red ones are naturally the slowly squirming internal organs of the mice.

Judging from the shape, it should be its intestines.

Different from the normal smooth-looking intestine, the outer skin of this mouse's intestine is covered with light white meridian-like substances.

These meridian-like substances are connected to each other to form a complete omentum, which perfectly wraps the intestinal tissue of the mice.

This scene is exactly the same as the anatomy diagram of Magna's internal organs in the Proxima Centauri civilization information!

However, the meridian-like substances on the surface of Magna's internal organs are thicker and more obvious.

Considering the size of the mice, this slight difference is acceptable.

"How is the health of the white mouse?"

Lu Yongchang suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Compared with the successful expression of genes, he is more concerned about the physical condition of these mice.

If this gene causes abnormalities in the body of the mice, then this is obviously not a successful experiment.

"So far, no obvious abnormalities have been found!"

Mao Zhengzhi's face turned slightly red as he spoke word by word.

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