Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 420 Normal Survival Limit: 3.5g Equivalent Gravity

Mao Zhengzhi naturally nodded in agreement to Lv Yongchang's request.

According to the results of the first experiment, direct injection of high-concentration nutrient solution is undoubtedly the best choice.

Especially in the medical cabin.

Medical nanorobots can monitor the physical condition of each mouse in real time and accurately deliver nutrients to the target area to ensure that each organ has sufficient nutrient supply.

Although the cost is several times higher than before, it can undoubtedly ensure the survival rate of mice.

As for the cost control of this technology after leaving the laboratory... that is not within Lv Yongchang's consideration.


Two weeks later.

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly and stared at the more than ten holographic projections in front of him.

In the holographic projection, there are images of the cabins of small gravity cabins.

This is the second gravity cabin experiment.

Unlike the first gravity cabin experiment, the subjects of this experiment are a group of mice whose bodies have been fully strengthened.

Yes, as early as a week ago, the Magna body strengthening hormone experiment was successful.

The combination of the medical cabin and high-concentration nutrient solution perfectly meets the physical needs of these "energy-intensive" mice.

Of course, in order to allow these mice to stay safely in the medical cabin and receive reinforcement, Lv Yongchang directly gave them tranquilizers.


During a week of sleep, the bodies of these mice were fully strengthened.

After various inspections and tests, the comprehensive physical fitness of these enhanced mice was more than double that of normal mice.


these lucky ones were forced to accept the next experiment-Magna visceral omentum gene modification.

After the two modifications were completed, this batch of mice became the ideal experimental subjects in Lv Yongchang's mind.

"Let's start the second gravity cabin test." At that time, Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of smiles, "I believe they can definitely adapt to life in a high-gravity environment."


In Lv Yongchang's view, the results of the first gravity cabin experiment were not perfect.

On the one hand, the experimental subjects only completed the visceral omentum gene modification.

This led to a phenomenon.

In a high-gravity environment, the cause of death of many mice was not rupture of internal organs.

Although the time and condition of death of each mouse are different, the causes of death are similar.

First, in a high-gravity environment, the heart of the mouse is not able to supply enough blood, resulting in brain hypoxia.

Second, high gravity causes a large number of capillaries in the mouse to rupture, which eventually causes extensive bleeding.

Although there are other causes of death, these two conditions are the autopsy results of most dead mice.

On the other hand, in order to quickly measure the tolerance of the internal organs of the modified mice, Lv Yongchang accelerated the gravity increase speed of the gravity cabin.

The experimental data obtained in this way does not match the future living environment of humans.

In simple terms, the first experiment only obtained the maximum tolerance of the visceral omentum, but ignored its performance in a long-term high-gravity environment.

The latter is precisely the data that this experiment values ​​most.

Even normal humans can withstand an equivalent gravity of more than 5g in a short period of time.

If you lie flat and take various protective measures, ordinary people can withstand a gravity of more than 10g in a short period of time.

But if the time is extended...

All kinds of joints and even organs in the human body will be severely damaged by the huge gravity.

The final result is naturally death.

Because of the above two factors, Lv Yongchang ordered the second gravity chamber experiment.

The second experiment was larger in scale.

In order to make the experimental results more in line with the actual situation, all mice were divided into more than ten groups and placed in different small gravity chambers.

The equivalent gravity of the small gravity chamber is evenly distributed in the range of 2g to 5g.

The whole experiment lasted for a week.

Now, the second gravity chamber experiment has come to an end.

The mice in the holographic projection are about to "regain freedom".

Of course, the performance of mice in different gravity chambers is also very different.

In the gravity chamber with an equivalent gravity of 2g, the mice are in good spirits.

Running, jumping...

Just like living on Earth.

Such a scene is undoubtedly what Lv Yongchang wants to see most.

As the equivalent gravity increased, the mental state of the mice gradually deteriorated.

Even in the gravity chamber with an equivalent gravity of 5g, the mice lay motionless on the ground.

Only the slightly rising and falling chests proved that they were still alive.

"Prepare to stop the gravity chamber."

After observing for a while, Lu Yongchang gave an order: "After the gravity chamber stops, check the physical condition of each mouse immediately!"

Mao Zhengzhi on the side nodded quickly, and his expression became more solemn.

The fruits of the labor of the biological laboratory during this period are about to be tested!


The rotation speed of the gravity chamber slowly decreased.

The mice that were originally on the "ground" floated into the air involuntarily.

Perhaps because they were used to the gravity environment, they were particularly unfamiliar with the zero-gravity environment at first.

The mice living in the 2g gravity chamber were the first to "come back to their senses" and remembered their original lifestyle.

They grabbed the objects around them and tried their best to keep their bodies balanced.

Time passed by.

The mice that withstood the equivalent gravity of more than 4g still did not move at all.

Seeing this, Lu Yongchang frowned slightly.

"Let's take a look at the physical condition of these mice first."

As soon as the words fell, the big mechanical hand quickly grabbed them and grabbed them out of the gravity chamber.

To save time, they were thrown directly into the medical bay.

Silver-white nanorobots were injected into their bodies.

A new holographic projection quickly unfolded.

"The brain is severely damaged and both eyes are blind..."

Lu Yongchang looked at the data that appeared one by one in the holographic projection and murmured to himself: "It seems that there is still a problem with the blood supply to the heart."

On the side, Mao Zhengzhi was not idle either.

He and a group of scientific researchers quickly checked and counted the physical data of the remaining mice.

"Professor, look."

He stretched out his hand and dragged the holographic projection aside: "According to the current data, the internal organs of the mice that lived in a 3.6g equivalent gravity environment for a long time suffered some damage. Although it is not fatal, it is a real injury."

"If the testing time continues to be increased, the damage may become more severe."

"The equivalent gravity of 3.8g will cause slight deformation of their joints."

"Taken together, the survival limit of this batch of mice should be within the equivalent gravity of 3.5g."

Lu Yongchang glanced at the data dragged by Mao Zhengzhi and nodded slightly.

"3.5g is more than enough for Dawn Star."

"The next phase of the experiment will be left to you."

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