Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 422 Proxima III City Central Nursing Center


After a long time, Ren Feng slowly raised his head and said with a frustrated face.

"It's my problem."

"I was too eager for success."

Before Lu Yongchang had time to speak, Zhang Zhengqing beside Ren Feng had already raised his head and said repeatedly: "No, no, no, it's my problem."

"I am also responsible for the way this matter has developed."

Seeing the two people fighting for the blame in front of him, Lu Yongchang hurriedly coughed and interrupted their argument.


"As the chief of the Proxima Academy of Sciences and the chairman of the Proxima Federation, you two must be responsible for the failure of the reform."

"So, don't rush to take the blame, it's meaningless."

Lv Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the holographic projection in front of him: "The most urgent thing is to tell me what kind of event can reduce the population of Proxima human civilization to such a number!"

"Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

"Is it that the technology itself is flawed? Or... is it caused by war?"

Lv Yongchang's words stopped the two from "sharing the blame".

A trace of sadness flashed in Ren Feng's eyes.

That's right.

No matter how they share the blame, as the leaders of the parliament and the Academy of Sciences, both of them have an inescapable responsibility.


He took a deep breath and narrated in detail.

Zhang Zhengqing, who was standing aside, made a few supplementary remarks from time to time.


Earth calendar year 2340.

City No. 3 on the surface of Proxima.

Every corner of the city street is broadcasting a piece of news.

In the holographic screen, a festive announcer said in fluent standard Mandarin:

"Warm congratulations on the success of the reform of the social public care system of Proxima!"

"According to the latest statistics, after more than 30 years of hard work, the population of Proxima has finally exceeded 100 million."

"The 100 millionth Proxima human was born in the Central Nursing Center of City No. 5."

"To commemorate this historic moment, Councillor Ren Feng will personally name this lucky girl..."

It should be exciting indeed.

After the implementation of the social public care system, it took only 30 years for the population of Proxima to soar from about 3 million to 100 million.

It can be said that the problem that has troubled Proxima human civilization for hundreds of years has been solved at this moment!

However, this news did not attract too many people's attention.

The pedestrians on the street are still in a hurry, and few people stop for this.


There are always exceptions to everything.

Next to a holographic projection, a tall man stood there blankly, staring at the holographic projection in front of him with full concentration.

Judging from his appearance, the man is an adult.

But judging from his temperament, he is just like a young kid who has not experienced much of the world.

The man's name is Zhuang Wenxing, a "public foster person" born in an artificial womb.

Speaking of which, the name "public foster person" is actually a derogatory term relative to "natural person".

Unlike others, Zhuang Wenxing looked at the holographic projection in front of him with longing.

The camera switched, and a familiar picture appeared in the holographic projection.

Perhaps others did not know, but as a "public foster person", Zhuang Wenxing was naturally very clear. The picture was the city's central nurturing center.

That was where he was born and where he grew up.

However, unlike the girl in the news, he was born in the Central Nurturing Center of Proxima 3 City, and he was not the so-called 100 millionth Proxima human, and he did not enjoy the special treatment of being named by the chairman of the parliament.

Just a few hours ago, he passed a series of tests and successfully left the area where he was born and raised.


Although he had undergone a complete socialization training, Zhuang Wenxing, who had just walked out of the Central Nursing Center, still felt a little uncomfortable.

He frowned slightly.

He always felt that some pedestrians on the road had a strange attitude towards him.

Perhaps it was because he was still wearing the uniform of the Central Nursing Center?

He attributed the reason to his clothes.

He vaguely remembered that during the socialization training, the teacher once said that people rely on clothes, and Buddha relies on gold clothes. Clothing is a point that everyone must pay attention to in society.

He didn't understand it very well at the time.

But now,

After seeing the colorful world outside, he seems to have a slight understanding of this knowledge point.


"Isn't it just coming out of an artificial womb, a public-raised person without parents?"

"Is it necessary to make so many gimmicks?"

A slight curse came from the side.

Zhuang Wenxing subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

It was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

According to the socialization training course teacher, men dressed like this generally have a high social status, except for a few special cases.

Zhuang Wenxing frowned slightly, carefully recalling what the teacher said.

Carrying a briefcase, walking in a hurry, and wearing old leather shoes...

It seems that the man in front of him belongs to those special cases.

"What are you looking at?!"

The man in a suit turned his head sensitively, staring at Zhuang Wenxing with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Zhuang Wenxing subconsciously took two steps back.

This bad feeling that he had never felt before came again.


He opened his mouth and tried to explain.

"Heh." The man in the suit saw the clothes on Zhuang Wenxing, sneered, and said with great certainty, "A kid who just came out of the Central Nursery Center, right?"

Zhuang Wenxing frowned.

Little kid... this word doesn't seem so polite.

He took a deep breath, plucked up his courage and stepped forward: "Sir, your words are very rude, please..."

The man in the suit laughed strangely: "Ha! Another idiot has been taught in the Nursery Center!"

"I said at the time that these public foster children who have no fathers and no mothers can do nothing except doing the lowest trades!"

As he said this, he glanced at Zhuang Wenxing with a mocking look with a sense of superiority, raised his head and turned away.

Zhuang Wenxing wanted to step forward to stop the man who offended him, but the content of the last class emerged in his mind.

In my memory, the teacher in charge of the socialization training course said with a gentle face:

"After leaving the social care center, each of you will go through an adaptation period of several days or even dozens of days."

"During this adaptation period, try to be tolerant of others when encountering problems."

"Of course, you can report the unfair treatment you encountered to the Urban Management Center afterwards, and the Urban Management Center will help you."

Thinking about it now.

That look and expression should not belong to the category of gentleness.

Perhaps, it should be more of pity.

Zhuang Wenxing clenched his fists tightly and tried to swallow the depressed breath in his chest.

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