Three days later.

"Yongchang, have you read the latest issue of "Nature"?"

While Lu Yongchang was sitting in his office struggling with the meaning behind the sonoluminescence phenomenon, Fang Xu's voice came from the side.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Fang Xu: "Huh? I didn't look, what's wrong?"

Looking at Fang Xu's mysterious face, a trace of doubt flashed in Lu Yongchang's eyes.


In my memory, nothing major happened in the academic world during this period.

"Then you really should go and see it!" Fang Xu's eyes became more mysterious, "I have never seen such a fantastic thing in my life!"

A trace of uneasiness flashed in Lu Yongchang's heart. He frowned and asked softly: "Brother Xu, what is going on?"

Fang Xu smiled and shook his head: "You... are just too impatient!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. An astronomical laboratory in the United States published a paper in Nature. According to their observations, there have been many abnormal data on the sun in the past month."

"Based on these observational data, the laboratory speculated a conclusion."

"Hahahaha, Yongchang, you will never guess what their conclusion is!"

Just when Fang Xu was halfway through his words, Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly changed!

After hearing Fang Xu's question, Lu Yongchang murmured to himself: "The sun has entered its aging period..."

Fang Xu, who was about to say this absurd conclusion, looked slightly suffocated, and then looked at Lu Yongchang with a strange expression: "You... didn't you say you haven't read the latest issue of "Nature"?"

Lu Yongchang ignored Fang Xu's words.

At this time, he was already in a state of confusion.

How could it be so fast? !

I remember in my last life, when this paper appeared, it should have been two months later!

Could it be that...the changes in the sun are accelerating? !

The horrific scene of the helium flash appeared in front of him again.

"Yongchang? Yongchang, what's wrong with you?"

Perhaps because Lu Yongchang's face was too ugly, Fang Xu also panicked. While calling Lu Yongchang's name loudly, he turned to the researcher and shouted loudly: "Why are you standing there in a daze! Call the medical staff!" "

Lu Yongchang slowly waved his hand to stop the researcher's movements.

"I'm fine...there's no need to call the medical staff."

Fang Xu frowned tightly and whispered: "Is this okay? Do you know what your face looks like!"

Lu Yongchang swallowed slightly and said softly: "Brother Xu, I need an astronomical telescope."

Fang Xu: "Huh???"

Lu Yongchang suddenly reached out and grabbed Fang Xu's arm tightly: "Brother Xu, believe me! Don't worry about the reason, I need an astronomy laboratory that can analyze solar data!"

Seeing the extreme fear deep in Lu Yongchang's eyes, Fang Xu swallowed slightly.

Although he didn't know what happened, he nodded slightly and said solemnly: "Okay... I understand."

"And... show me the latest issue of Nature magazine!"

Lu Yongchang gritted his teeth and added softly.

When looking at the extremely familiar data in the magazine "Nature", the last trace of luck left in Lu Yongchang's heart was completely wiped out.

The change of the sun is really ahead of schedule!

This is unreasonable! ! !

Could it be that...the changes in the sun in the previous life were not a natural phenomenon? !

A horrifying thought suddenly emerged in Lu Yongchang's heart.

He quickly shook his head to get rid of the desperate thought in his mind.


There was a knock on the door.

Lu Yongchang did not raise his head, but just looked at the "Nature" magazine on his desk blankly: "Come in, the door is unlocked..."


There was a snap of a latch and the door opened.

"Yongchang, I applied to Minister Hong."

Fang Xu's voice came.

Hearing the news, Lu Yongchang's eyes lit up slightly. He raised his head and looked at Fang Xu standing at the door: "Have you contacted a reliable astronomy laboratory?!"

Fang Xu nodded slightly.

"Minister Hong took your words seriously and directly contacted the Xiaguo Observatory."

"It's up to you now, when are you going to leave?"

Lu Yongchang suddenly stood up from his chair and looked at Fang Xu with burning eyes: "Of course now!"

"The speed must be fast! I... we may not have time to waste..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with bitterness.

Seeing this, the confusion in Fang Xu's eyes became more intense, but he still nodded slightly: "I understand."

"There is a helicopter outside the laboratory now, you..."

Before Fang Xu finished speaking, Lu Yongchang grabbed the pen on his desk and walked out of the office door resolutely.

Two hours later.

An armed helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac in front of the Xiaguo Observatory.

Before the helicopter could stop, Lu Yongchang jumped out.

The roar of the propellers overhead brought a look of nostalgia to his eyes.

"Professor Lu, welcome!"

When the helicopter propeller slowly stopped, an old man with white temples came over to Lu Yongchang.

"You are..."

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with doubts.

"Hehe, I forgot to introduce myself." The old man's face was full of smiles, and he said happily: "I am the director of the Xiaguo Observatory, Ye Nangeng."

Lv Yongchang was slightly startled, and hurriedly saluted to the old man with a respectful face: "Old Ye, I am rude for not recognizing the great man!"

Ye Nangeng waved his hand with a smile and said nonchalantly: "Don't say that!"

"Compared with controlled nuclear fusion, there is nothing good to say about me as the director of the observatory!"

Suddenly, Ye Nangeng changed the subject.

"By the way, I heard from Hong Bu that you came here to study the data of the sun?"

Lv Yongchang nodded quickly: "That's right!"

"What's the reason?" Old Ye frowned, "Is it for the paper in Nature?"

Seeing the change in Lv Yongchang's expression, Ye Nangeng instantly knew that he guessed right.

As he led Lv Yongchang to the observatory, he frowned and said, "Professor Lv, I'm not saying that."

"This paper in Nature is full of water!"

"The sun is still in its middle-aged prime, this is an indisputable conclusion."

"When we saw this paper, we also observed the sun. Although some data are indeed a bit abnormal, this definitely does not mean that the sun has entered the aging period!"

Listening to Ye Nangeng's words, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with bitterness.

This was the case in the previous life.

Everyone thought that these tiny changes in the sun's data were just a coincidence.

And because of this, humans lost two full years of escape time!

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