Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 430 Promotion, Level 3 Civilization

Laboratory No. 1.

Lv Yongchang and a group of researchers stood in front of a huge holographic projection, quietly watching the constantly changing charts and data in it.

In the picture on the side.

Under Zero's control, several robots have entered the isolation room in an orderly manner and started the aftermath work - the shield generation unit destroyed by the electromagnetic cannon projectile needs to be cleaned up.

"Sort out the data and prepare to start the next research."

Lv Yongchang retracted his gaze, with a little excitement in his eyes, and gave the order.

According to the research plan, after the success of the single shield generation unit experiment, they need to study how to make multiple shield generation units work together.

Although there are ready-made algorithms on the warships of the Latour civilization, the structures of the warships of the two civilizations are completely different, and it is obviously inappropriate to copy and paste.

Faced with Lv Yongchang's order, Cao Liangcai naturally agreed repeatedly and turned around to start processing the various data generated during the experiment.

In the original plan, Lv Yongchang would definitely participate in such an important task as sorting out the experimental data!

But at the moment when the experiment was successful, he noticed something strange coming from the depths of his mind!

This familiar feeling...

The technology tree has been promoted!

Thinking of the new technologies of the third-level civilization, Lv Yongchang couldn't hold back.

So, he took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in the calmest tone possible: "I'm going to rest for a while. If there is any problem, let Ling call me."

Hearing this, Tao Yuda, who was busy processing data, was stunned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Professor Lu actually chose to rest at this time?

It's a rare thing.

Maybe it's because he was too tired during this period.

He looked at the heavy dark circles around Lv Yongchang's eyes and thought secretly in his heart.

The next moment, Tao Yuda retracted his thoughts, nodded, and responded softly.

"Don't worry, professor, it's just some basic data sorting work, Academician Cao and I can handle it."



The door of the office suddenly opened.

Lv Yongchang walked into the office in a hurry.

The moment he entered the office, Lv Yongchang could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart!

His face flushed slightly, and he gave an order in a hurried tone: "Zero, close the door!"

"No one is allowed to enter without permission."

As he spoke, he walked quickly towards his seat!

As time went by, the strange feeling in his mind became stronger and stronger!

Seeing the office door closed, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the chair with confidence.


The moment the sound of the electromagnetic adsorption device sounded, he couldn't wait to close his eyes.

With a slight movement of consciousness, he entered the fluorescent green space very skillfully.

Just like the promotion to the second-level civilization, the technology tree space at this time is undergoing a series of huge changes!

A bright white line extends from the top of the technology tree and rushes straight to the dim icon directly above!

At the same time, his perspective quickly moves up!


A strong vibration came from the depths of his mind!

Breakthrough! Breakthrough!!

The barrier between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization was easily broken!

[Magnetic Field Control: Primary Shield Technology]

As the bright white line spread, the originally dim cursor became extremely bright!

The original lush technology tree has disappeared, replaced by the familiar and complicated dim cursor!

At the bottom is the primary shield technology that is the symbol of the third-level civilization.

In the entire field of vision, it is the only one that still emits a soft and bright white light.

The original top technology has become the cornerstone technology today!

From bottom to top, the brightness of the cursor gradually dims, and the top, as before, is shrouded in a cloud of fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

A trace of regret flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind.

It's a pity that the necessary technology for the promotion to the fourth-level civilization cannot be seen.

I think it should be related to gravity.

Without time to think about it, he quickly "raised his head" and observed this new technology tree.

The dim thin line slowly extends upward from the bright cursor at the bottom.

[Magnetic Field Control: Plasma Shield]

Then, several more dim lines extended from the lower secondary technology tree, and several new dim cursors were developed in turn.

[Magnetic Field Control: Plasma Cannon]

[Type III Laser Weapon]

[Planetary Transformation Technology]


Lv Yongchang moved his sight upwards again.

The cursor was already extremely dim, and only a few words could be vaguely recognized.

[Material Technology…]



Lv Yongchang withdrew his gaze with reluctance.

Just the names alone, these technologies have already made him extremely excited.


You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to climb the technology tree step by step.

The consequence of being impatient is to return to the familiar ward again and face the familiar Dr. Wen.

Thinking of this scene that is very likely to happen, Lv Yongchang's consciousness shuddered.

He quickly focused his attention on the second brightest cursor.

[Magnetic Field Control: Plasma Shield]

What kind of technology is this?

Lu Yongchang looked at the cursor, which was more than half bright, with some doubt.

Could it be the upgraded technology of the magnetic field shield?

Then why didn't the Lator civilization master it?

But when he thought about the strange social structure and technological system of the Rathore civilization, he felt relieved.

Lu Yongchang stopped thinking wildly and focused his attention on the dim cursor.

The next second, a familiar feeling of dizziness hit.

After the dizziness disappeared, my originally "muddled" brain instantly became clear!

Every bit of the shield technology emerged in his mind one by one. Some problems that he had not noticed before were also discovered by Lu Yongchang at this moment!

After reviewing the knowledge already mastered, the speed of brain operation soared, and electrical signals were transmitted rapidly between neurons!

More than ten minutes later.

The sense of transparency brought about by "overclocking" slowly disappeared, replaced by a sense of chaos that was stronger than before.

Lu Yongchang, who was already familiar with this process, reached out and grabbed the packaging bag on the side. After opening the straw, he took a strong sip of the high-concentration nutrient solution in the packaging bag.

After a few minutes.


After ingesting the high-concentration nutrient solution, the chaos in the brain was reduced, but what followed was extremely intense tiredness.

"Zero, how long will it take Cao Liangcai and the others to complete the data compilation work?"

He steeled himself and asked.

The holographic projection unfolded quickly, and the picture showed a busy scene in the laboratory.

"At the current rate, it will take another three to five hours."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang glanced at the holographic image, and then closed his eyes again.

"Wait until they finish compiling the data before calling me."


The moment the words fell, the office lights automatically turned off, and the indoor temperature was automatically adjusted to the most comfortable range for the human body.

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