"Fortunately, we discovered this problem in time."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief: "This problem is not difficult to solve."

Before Lv Yongchang could speak, Tao Yuda on the side had a look of realization in his eyes.

"Professor, do you mean to make the magnetic field 'move'?"

"Yes." Lv Yongchang nodded with satisfaction and continued, "By adjusting the algorithm, we can make the magnetic field generated by the shield generation unit undergo specific changes."

"This change is mainly reflected in the direction of the magnetic field."

"In this way, the magnetic field that constructs the magnetic field shield will continue to change. Unless the enemy cracks our magnetic field shield algorithm, their weapons can only rely on brute force to break through."

"At the same time, we can synchronize this algorithm to the small shield generation device inside the electromagnetic cannon projectile."

"Just like the verification code, give the electromagnetic cannon projectile the function of 'one bullet, one code'."

"In this way, it will neither affect the shield strength nor the warship's counterattack capability."

He does not think that the so-called third-level or fourth-level civilization has the ability to crack the magnetic field shield generation algorithm encrypted by zero.

"Perhaps, in future interstellar wars, a large part of the energy will be spent on cracking the opponent's shield generation rules."

Lv Yongchang looked thoughtfully at the several [Golden Crow] battleships that were "returning home" in the holographic screen, and muttered to himself.


One month later.

In the No. 3 gravity cabin in the No. 279 home ship.

Hope, wearing exoskeleton armor, skillfully completed one test after another.


"Test completion rate 99.13%!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Hope, you have successfully passed the test!"

The unchanging electronic synthesized voice made Hope excited!

He asked hurriedly: "Then, can I go to Dawn Star?"

As a human from the Earth era, he naturally prefers to live on the surface of the planet compared to the starship.

Even if the gravity cabin inside the starship can simulate the gravity of the earth very well.

But that is not real gravity after all.

"Of course, Mr. Hope."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded again: "If you need to apply to go to Dawn Star City No. 1, you need to complete the signing of the following documents."

The moment the voice fell, a holographic projection quickly unfolded in front of him.

In the screen, there were electronic documents.

"Dawn Star Surface Residence Application Form"

"Dawn Star Surface Residence Risk Notice"


Looking at this densely packed document, Hope felt his eyes twitching wildly twice.

"Yes, is it necessary?"

He flipped through the risk notice and asked subconsciously.

"Of course."

"Dawn Star's gravity will cause lasting and huge damage to human internal organs."

"In order to alleviate this symptom, you need to repair your internal organs in the medical cabin for more than 5 hours a day..."

Hope interrupted Zero's words somewhat helplessly.

"Of course I know all this."

"It's just... it's a bit too uncomfortable to sleep in the medical cabin every night."

"Does the Academy of Sciences have any solution to this?"

"Currently, the Academy of Sciences' biological laboratory is conducting relevant research."

"Is there any progress?!" Hope's eyes lit up and he asked again.

"Sorry, you don't have enough permission to browse this information." Zero responded without any mercy.

The light in Hope's eyes gradually faded.

He shook his head with a wry smile and raised his hand to sign his name on the document in the holographic projection.


He took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the planet outside the porthole: "Zero, send me to Dawn Star."


The port gate of the home ship slowly opened.

A Xuannv No. 2 sailed out of it and flew straight towards Dawn Star.

Hope turned his head curiously and looked towards the porthole.

Through the porthole, he could see the nearby home ships No. 278 and No. 280.

Like the home ship No. 279, the port gates of these two home ships were also open.

He could even see that a Xuannv II also flew out of the port of the Home Ship No. 280.

Looking at the faint blue light at the tail of the Xuannv II, Hope's mood became much better.

There should be quite a few residents in the city of Dawn Star No. 1, right?

Maybe he can meet those old friends he hasn't seen for many years!

Thinking of this, Hope's eyes rose with anticipation.


As time passed, the yellow-brown surface outside the porthole gradually occupied the entire porthole.

But Hope's attention was not on this desolate planet.

He stared at the side of Dawn Star.

It was an extremely large facility-the planetary spaceport.

With the help of the telescope equipped on the Xuannv II, he could even clearly see the starship parked in the spaceport.

It was an extremely familiar and peculiarly shaped starship.

"Isn't this the [Golden Crow] equipped with shield technology?"

Hope muttered to himself: "Is this undergoing some kind of transformation again?"

The next moment.

The peculiarly shaped [Golden Crow] battleship emitted a faint blue flame from its tail and slowly sailed away from the spaceport.

Just as Hope was feeling sorry for not being able to see the [Golden Crow] battleship, his attention was attracted by some "small black dots" in front of him.

These densely packed black dots enveloped the entire Dawn Star.

"What is that..."

Hope whispered softly, reaching out to adjust the angle of the telescope.

The picture gradually became clear.

He subconsciously held his breath.

They are all satellites!

That is the satellite network that covers the entire Dawn Star!

"Dear passengers, the next stop is Dawn Star."

A somewhat stiff electronic synthesized voice sounded, and Hope knew that it was the voice of Yi.

"Before humans arrived, the surface of Dawn Star was filled with periodic global storms."

"The storms were extremely powerful."

"In order to alleviate this situation, under the leadership of Professor Lv Yongchang, the Academy of Sciences has mastered the technology of planetary climate control."

"The satellites you see are planetary climate control satellites."

"With the help of these satellites, the global storm is confined to the X area of ​​Dawn Star."

"Again, remind you that the X area is a high-risk area. No one is allowed to go to the area without permission, otherwise, the consequences will be at their own risk."


Hope stared at the satellite network that was getting closer and closer, and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

Is the Academy of Sciences so powerful now?

Controlling the planetary climate...

The next step should be to transform the environment of the entire planet, right?

Hope speculated in his heart.

Perhaps one day, this extremely desolate planet can also become like the Earth?

Thinking of this, Hope's heart was like a flame.

At this moment, his longing for the Academy of Sciences reached an unprecedented level!

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