Lu Yongchang quickly deduced it briefly in his mind.


He nodded calmly: "This is feasible."

"The transformation is not difficult."

"After passing the test, it can be used as one of the standing weapons of the human fleet."

"Professor." Zero's holographic image appeared aside, "There is news about you from the biology laboratory."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly became serious.

He pondered for a moment and said to Tao Yuda: "You will be responsible for this research project."

"I have to go to the biology lab."

"It is estimated that the human enhancement project has made a breakthrough."


The door to the biology shipboard laboratory suddenly opened, revealing the scene inside.

The first thing that catches the eye are five huge transparent cylindrical containers.

The cylindrical container is approximately two meters high and is large enough to accommodate an adult human being.

The container is filled with a light yellow solution.

As expected, it should be a highly concentrated nutrient solution.

It seems that the experiment has reached the final step.

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with joy and he stepped into the biology laboratory.

"Professor! This way!"

Thanks to Ling's reminder, Mao Zhengzhi immediately discovered Lu Yongchang who entered the laboratory.

He quickly put down the less important work in his hands and trotted towards Lu Yongchang.

"Ready to start human experiments?"

Lu Yongchang raised his chin and motioned to the five large jars next to him calmly: "Have all the animal experiments passed?"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded quickly and reached out to summon a holographic projection.

"Rat, monkey, chimpanzee..."

"For safety reasons, all possible experiments have been done."

"It works very well, and so far we haven't noticed any unusual reactions."

"Where are the genes?" Lu Yongchang asked quickly.

"The genetic genes of every experimental animal are not contaminated." Mao Zhengzhi said with joy, "That's why I decided to start human experiments."

"After all, the No. 2 and No. 3 cities on the surface of Dawn Star are under construction. Naturally, the sooner the human body enhancement project can be carried out, the better."

"Have you found the experimental subject?" Lu Yongchang asked softly as he walked towards the experimental table.


Mao Zhengzhi subconsciously lowered his voice: "They are all death row prisoners who have committed crimes against humanity."

"They were deprived of all the rights that humans have."

"During Ross 154, they were forced into hibernation in order to cope with experimental projects that may be needed in the future."

Lu Yongchang nodded to express his understanding.

He also heard about the crimes committed by this group of people.

It's nothing more than trying to send some inappropriate information to [Painting].

But they obviously forgot one thing.

All electronic equipment in the human fleet is under Zero's surveillance.


There was no surprise. They were arrested just as they were about to put their ideas into action.

"These capitulationists will not regret dying!"

Lu Yongchang narrowed his eyes in disgust: "Let's start the experiment."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded and gestured to the scientific researchers in the distance.

Looking at the experimental scene not far away, Lu Yongchang frowned.

"When the experiment is over and all tests are completed, give them peace of mind."

"Don't leave any consequences."

"Human civilization does not need this kind of scum."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded solemnly: "Don't worry."

"Guaranteed nothing will go wrong."

A few days later.


"Look." Mao Zhengzhi stood in front of a cylindrical container and unfolded the holographic image responsible for monitoring vital signs. "According to the inspection data sent back by the nanorobot, omentum has appeared on the surface of some of their internal organs."

"Not only that, but their muscle strength is also greatly enhanced."

"Conservative estimates suggest that at present, their physical fitness should be more than doubled."

Lu Yongchang carefully observed the data on the holographic projection and nodded silently.

According to the data, the success of the human enhancement experiment should be a matter of time.

But biological experiments are always full of surprises.

Therefore, until the last second, Lu Yongchang did not dare to let go of his high heart.

"How long will it take until the strengthening is completed?"

Mao Zhengzhi glanced at the experimental records.

"Just got my fourth dose of booster hormone this morning."

"If we look at experimental data from chimpanzees and monkeys, it will take about three days."

Three days flew by.

While waiting for the experimental results, good news came from Laboratory No. 1.

Tao Yuda successfully completed the modification of the drone and passed a series of tests.

Plasma missiles have also become one of the common weapons of the human fleet.

To commemorate it, Tao Yuda named it [ball lightning].

True to its name.

The modified drone, after releasing a large amount of plasma, does indeed look like ball lightning from the Earth's age.

However, it is larger, lasts longer, and is more powerful.

Moreover, under Zero's control, the flight trajectories of these large ball lightnings were even more bizarre.

The extremely high mobility means that it will be the main output weapon in the interstellar battlefield.


The resource consumption of war is even greater.

Whether it is [Ball Lightning] or [Battering Ram], they are all disposable consumables.

This means that once the human fleet encounters an interstellar war, Zero will face an extremely severe test of productivity.

Fortunately, the new generation of optical quantum computers of Academician Mo Zeyang have passed the preliminary test.

It is estimated that it will not take much time for the productivity level of human civilization to rise several levels again!

"Professor, an experimenter has woken up and has been sent to a separate gravity cabin."

Mao Zhengzhi's words interrupted Lu Yongchang's thoughts.

"Let's go and take a look."

Lu Yongchang's eyes lit up.

Finally waited!

He quickly untied the electromagnetic adsorption device on the seat and followed Mao Zhengzhi to the direction of the experimental table.

The huge holographic projection showed the scene inside the gravity cabin.

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